





[原创]Share feeling,to be friend

发布者: abc | 发布时间: 2005-10-19 03:29| 查看数: 44754| 评论数: 115|


abc 发表于 2006-3-13 08:17:34
<FONT size=4>This may help those who will go study aboard</FONT>
“<B>Culture shock</B>” describes the impact of moving from a familiar culture to one which is unfamiliar.<br><br>It includes the shock of a new environment, meeting lots of new people and learning the ways of a different country. It also includes the shock of being separated from the important people in your life, maybe family, friends, colleagues, teachers: people you would normally talk to at times of uncertainty, people who give you support and guidance. When familiar sights, sounds, smells or tastes are no longer there you can miss them very much.<br><br>The following are some of the elements that contribute to culture shock:<br><br>Climate<br>Food<br>Language<br>dress<br>social roles<br>'Rules' of behavior<br>value<br><br><B>a general model of culture shock</B><br><br>1. The “honeymoon” stage;<br>2. The “distress” stage;<br>3. “Re-integration” stage;<br>4. “Autonomy” stage;<br>5. “Independence” stage.<br><br><B>HOW TO HELP YOURSELF</B> <br>
&#8226; Simply understanding that this is a normal experience may in itself be helpful.<br>&#8226; Keep in touch with home. </BLOCKQUOTE>
<FONT color=#ee1111 size=4>Read more</FONT><br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-13 8:24:30编辑过]

abc 发表于 2006-3-15 02:59:41
<STRONG>VOA 美 语 咖 啡 屋 (American Cafe)</STRONG>
This is a American english studying series offered by VOA. Each is small conversation between a chinese and native English speakers recorded in real time.
American Cafe #52<br><br>Jason, A Cafe Visit<br><br>J: Hello, I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe!<br><br>Y: 大家好!我是杨晨,欢迎到美语咖啡屋!我们今天要来到了街对面的那架咖啡馆。 我们今天要采访Jason他是这架咖啡馆的一个雇员。我们先谈谈咖啡文化对美国人来说意味是什 么。 <br><br>J: Now we're here with Jason who works at a cafe. And we're to talk to him about what he sees in the Cafe culture in American.<br><br>Jason: My name is Jason and we are in Rockville, Maryland, which is a suburb of Washington, D.C. - the nation's capital actually. <br><br>Jody: So, Jason, what do you see people doing when they come into this cafe?<br><br>Jason: There are all sorts of things. We have people that just come in get a cup of coffee and go. We have people that, that linger and talk. Some that read and do crossword puzzles, read books. It's really a wide, wide ... portrait of the community. It's all different kinds of people really. But it gives people vibrancy, friendship, and community. It's a local outreach. It's many many different things to many people. <br><br>Y: 就是,我觉得很多人来咖啡馆不仅是来喝咖啡。有的是来跟人聊天儿,还有的人坐在那儿看书,看报纸。其实他们 是绝对要享受咖啡馆的气氛。<br><br>J: The atmosphere is so important. It's just a great place to hang out. Jason explains that he's only worked here two months after leaving a high-stress consulting job. Let's hear about the reason why he chose to work at a cafe over a high paying, high stress job. <br><br>Y: 对,他原来在一家咨询公司工作。工资很高,但是他也说工作是 "high stress" - 就是压力非常大。那么我们就听听在咖啡馆工作有什么享受。 <br><br>Jason: You know, I've actually only worked here about two and a half months. And for about 15 years I worked in a very high stress consulting environment. And decided to make a change to specifically come into a cafe atmosphere. You know, while I don't make as much money as I once did, my quality of life and happiness level have certainly increased exponentially. <br><br>Y: 我得问问Jason是不是有的人常常到这个咖啡馆来,叫他们是 "regular customer." <br><br>J: "Regulars" are people who come everyday or sometimes many times a day. Again, here's Jason. <br><br>Jason: Oh, ab...absolutely! One of the joys of working here is getting to know people. And we have people that come in daily and sometimes multiple times a day. So, it's very fun. It's more than a place to come and get a drink and a muffin. It really is community-oriented in many ways and...and person-oriented. It's more personable than a normal commerce situation.
<a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=156" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#f70909>Read more and program download</FONT></A><br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-15 3:01:02编辑过]

abc 发表于 2006-3-18 12:40:13
<STRONG>美国之音voa美国习惯用语</STRONG> <FONT color=#22229c size=4>第一讲 </FONT>
<STRONG>give me a hand<br>foot the bill<br>blow out<br>lock, stock and barrel<br>hook, line and sinker<br></STRONG>每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。而学习外语的人经常在理解这些习惯用语时会感到很困难。这是因为你不可 能从组成某个习惯用语的字面上来懂得它的意思。 <br>比如,美国人经常说:“Give me a hand.” 按照字面来理解, “give me hand”就是“给我一只手。”可是,它的意思却是“帮我一下忙。” <br><br>另外一个例子是: “Foot the bill.” <br><br>“Foot”的意思是 “一只脚”,而“bill”在这儿的解释是“账单”。“Foot the bill.”并不是把帐单踩在脚底下,而是付账的意思。 <br><br>另外,有的时候,一个词汇有好几种解释。就拿下面一句话来作例子吧: <br><br>例句-1:“We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charlie’s birthday because our car had a blow-out.” <br><br>这句话里第一个blow-out是指规模很大的聚会,第二个blow-out是指汽车的轮胎炸了。整个句子的意思是:“由于我们车胎炸了,所以我们晚了两个小时才到达查理举行生 日宴会的地方。” <br><br>还有一些习惯用语从字典上的意思来看是相同的,但是它们使用的场合却不同。 <br><br>下面两个习惯用语就是很好的例子。 <br><br>一个是“Lock, stock and barrel”,另外一个是:“Hook, line and sinker”。 <br>Lock, stock and barrel和Hook, line and sinker都是全部的意思,可是用法却不同。 <br><br>我们先来举一个Lock, stock and barrel的例子: <br><br>例句-2:“Mr. Rockefeller bought the whole oil company lock, stock and barrel.” <br>这句话的意思是:“洛克菲勒先生把整个石油公司买了下来”。换句话说,也就是他买了这个石油公司的大楼丶油 井和其他属于这个公司的资产。 <br><br>Hook, line and sinker虽然也和lock, stock and barrel一样是全部的意思,可是它还带有受骗的意思。例如: <br><br>例句-3:“I warned Sally not to believe that man's stories about how rich he was, but she swallowed them hook, line and sinker. After she married him, she found out that he owed everyone in his office money.” <br>他说:“我告诉沙利不要相信那个男人说的他多么有钱之类的话。可是沙利却一点都没有怀疑他。等到结婚才发现 这个人几乎向每个同事都借了钱。”
<FONT color=#f70909>Read More</FONT><br><br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-18 12:42:08编辑过]

abc 发表于 2006-3-24 13:03:22
We will start to do role-play using Friends'script soon.
I think it is good practice for those who seldom speak English.
abc 发表于 2006-3-26 12:21:56
<DIV><B>101 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate</B><BR><BR>We will use Friends as Role play script, welcome to join us.<BR><BR>Reference is available, All Friends 10 seanons MP3 file and script in word format. Since they are too huge to be attached. We will distribute to every participator.<BR><BR>Here attached the first episode script.<BR><BR>We hope this way can help more and more Chinese people to speak English.</DIV><!-- / message --><!-- attachments --> 18odMU9n.zip (18.44 KB, 下载次数: 0) <BR>
abc 发表于 2006-3-26 22:04:18
I have uploaded <STRONG>Da Vinci Code</STRONG> English version in Wwenglish since the file size is bigger than the limit here.
<a href="http://bbs.wwenglish.org/dispbbs.asp?boardID=1&amp;ID=190364&amp;page=1" target="_blank" >http://bbs.wwenglish.org/dispbbs.asp?boardID=1&amp;ID=190364&amp;page=1</A>
<STRONG>Da Vinci Code</STRONG> is in New York Times and Amazon bestselling books, stayed at No.1 position for several weeks.
The same name Movie leading by Tom hanks will be released in May.
abc 发表于 2006-3-31 00:15:07
Friends script and MP3 file have been uploaded to Wwenglish.
<a href="http://bbs.wwenglish.org/dispbbs.asp?boardID=1&amp;ID=190797&amp;page=1" target="_blank" >http://bbs.wwenglish.org/dispbbs.asp?boardID=1&amp;ID=190797&amp;page=1</A>
update by day.
abc 发表于 2006-4-1 20:35:37
<p><BR><STRONG>I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.<BR>我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。<BR><BR>No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won't make you cry.<BR>没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。<BR><BR>The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.<BR>失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。<BR><BR>Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.<BR>纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。<BR><BR>To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.<BR>对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。<BR><BR>Don't waste your time on a man/woman,who isn't willing to waste their time on you.<BR>不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。<BR><BR>Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.<BR>爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。<BR><BR>Don't try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.<BR>不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。<BR>Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful.<BR>在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激 。<BR><BR>Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened.<BR>不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。<BR><BR>Life is a pure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.<BR>-------Sir Thomas Browne<BR>“生命是束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。”<BR>--------托马斯。布朗爵士</STRONG>
abc 发表于 2006-4-20 11:47:59
<FONT face=Verdana><STRONG>VOA美国之音英语教学节目</STRONG></FONT>
<B>流行美语(Popular American):</B>流行美语短小精悍,生动活泼,幽默轻松。每次五分钟。节目通过两个大学生的对话来教授美国年轻人常用的俚语,有的在字典上还查不到。
<BR><B>美语咖啡屋(American Cafe):</B>美语咖啡屋接替原来在这段时间播出的美语信箱节目。美语咖啡屋这个节目生动活泼,以对话形式介绍美国各方面的文化和风俗,并给听众们提供很多机会听到真正美国人的讲话。
<BR><B>习惯用语(Words &amp; Idioms):</B>美国习惯用语专门介绍美国人常用的习惯用语,它们的出典并以富有生活情趣的实例来说明用法。每次节目十分钟,每周播出一个新的节目。
<BR><B>慢速英语Special English</B> continues to communicate with people who are not fluent in English. Over the years, its role has expanded. It helps people learn American English while they learn about American life and stay informed about world news and developments in science. It provides listeners with information they cannot find elsewhere.
abc 发表于 2006-4-20 11:48:38
<FONT face=Verdana>「美国习惯用语」第一讲 <BR>give me a hand<BR>foot the bill<BR>blow out<BR>lock, stock and barrel<BR>hook, line and sinker </FONT>
每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。而学习外语的人经常在理解这些习惯用语时会感到很困难。这是因为你不可 能从组成某个习惯用语的字面上来懂得它的意思。 <BR>比如,美国人经常说:“Give me a hand.” 按照字面来理解, “give me hand”就是“给我一只手。”可是,它的意思却是“帮我一下忙。”
另外一个例子是: “Foot the bill.”
“Foot”的意思是 “一只脚”,而“bill”在这儿的解释是“账单”。“Foot the bill.”并不是把帐单踩在脚底下,而是付账的意思。
例句-1:“We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charlie’s birthday because our car had a blow-out.”
这句话里第一个blow-out是指规模很大的聚会,第二个blow-out是指汽车的轮胎炸了。整个句子的意思是:“由于我们车胎炸了,所以我们晚了两个小时才到达查理举行生 日宴会的地方。”
一个是“Lock, stock and barrel”,另外一个是:“Hook, line and sinker”。 <BR>Lock, stock and barrel和Hook, line and sinker都是全部的意思,可是用法却不同。
我们先来举一个Lock, stock and barrel的例子:
例句-2:“Mr. Rockefeller bought the whole oil company lock, stock and barrel.” <BR>这句话的意思是:“洛克菲勒先生把整个石油公司买了下来”。换句话说,也就是他买了这个石油公司的大楼丶油 井和其他属于这个公司的资产。
Hook, line and sinker虽然也和lock, stock and barrel一样是全部的意思,可是它还带有受骗的意思。例如:
例句-3:“I warned Sally not to believe that man's stories about how rich he was, but she swallowed them hook, line and sinker. After she married him, she found out that he owed everyone in his office money.” <BR>他说:“我告诉沙利不要相信那个男人说的他多么有钱之类的话。可是沙利却一点都没有怀疑他。等到结婚才发现 这个人几乎向每个同事都借了钱。”
<BR><a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=160" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000000><B>第一讲原录音 (下载</B>)</FONT></A>
abc 发表于 2006-4-20 11:49:02
<STRONG><FONT face=Verdana>美国之音voa流行美语 </FONT></STRONG>
Lesson One 第一课
<BR>今天我们开始播送[流行美语]。在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael 和李华的对话,他们俩都是纽约大学的学生。 Michael 是美国人,但是他听得懂中文。他和李华在这个新学期 里不约而同地都选了摄影课。现在是清早7:50,俩人在课堂门口碰到了。请注意他们讲话中用的两个常用语: bummed 和 chill。
M: Hey, Li Hua, what are you doing here? You taking this class too?
L: 对,我选了摄影课。可是这节课那么早,我最讨厌起大早。
M: Yeah, I'm really bummed that I have to get up so early! I'm also bummed out that Dr. Johnson is teaching this class. I've heard she's really tough.
L: 嗨,Michael, 什么是 bummed? 我记得Bum 不是指无家可归的人吗?
M: Yeah, that is true. But here I used bummed and bummed out. They both mean to be unhappy or upset.
L: 噢,你看,就这一个字就把我弄糊涂了。原来是 bummed, 或者是 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,感到烦恼。嗨,Michael, 你刚才说什么来着?
M: I'm really bummed that I have to get up so early! I'm also bummed out that Professor Johnson is teaching this class.
L: 现在我清楚了,你是说要那么早起床实在叫你不高兴, Johnson博士教这门课也让你不高兴,因为她很严格。 嗨,要是女同学拒绝你的邀请,那你就会更难受, 对不对?
M: Ha ha. Very funny. But you are right, if I got turned down for a date I'd be bummed. I'm also bummed that summer vacation is over.
L: 嘿,我可了解你,要是遭到女同学的拒绝,你肯定会垂头丧气的。 你连暑假结束也会感到烦恼。不过,这个单词很有用。我希望学期结束时,我不会因为分数不好而感 到 bummed out。
M: Me too. Hey, I got an idea. Let's go to the student center and relax after class.
L: 我当然知道 Johnson 博士有多严格。好吧,下了课我们去学生中心休息一下。
M: Glad class is over! I'm ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven't had a chance to chill out these last few days, getting ready for school and all.
L: 什么? 你说上完课很高兴,但是为什么一上午你会发冷呢?
M: Oh, no! Chill or chill out here means to relax. Chill,
L: 噢,chill 或者chill out 在这里是指休息。刚才你还说开学前没有机会 chill out, 到底是什么意思?
M: I said: "I haven't had a chance to chill out these last few days getting ready for school."
L: 原来你是说:过去几天为了准备开学而没有机会休息。
M: You normally go someplace calm and peaceful where you can relax. I like to chill out at the cafe with a book sometimes. And I know that you like to chill at the museum.
L: 打棒球不能说是 chill out。不错,要到比较安静的地方才能休息。 每个人还不一样,你喜欢坐在咖啡馆里看书,你知道我喜欢到博物馆去。能不能说到酒吧间去 chill out?
M: Sure, but we usually only say that if the bar is quiet and not too crowded.
L: 对,要是酒吧间人不多,也不闹,那就能这样说。这个单词太好了。谢谢你教我。我想今晚我到我的 朋友家去 chill out。
M: Sounds great! Ah, look at the time. I need to go meet my friend at the bookstore. Sorry that I have to go, I'm really bummed to have to leave you!
L: 得了,你要去书店跟朋友一起买书,你就走吧,别说什么跟我分手很难受这种话。走吧,下回我们到别的地方去玩 。
M: Cool. Have fun chilling tonight at your friends'. See you later!
L: 我今晚在朋友家肯定会玩得很高兴, Bye!
Michael和李华在对话里用了两个常用语,一个是:bummed 或者是 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,烦恼;另一个是:chill 或者是 chill out, 意思是休息,放松,或者玩。
<BR><a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=254" target="_blank" ><B><FONT color=#000000>语音下载</FONT></B></A>
abc 发表于 2006-4-20 11:49:25
<FONT face=Verdana><STRONG>VOA 美 语 咖 啡 屋 (American Cafe) <BR>Lesson one</STRONG> </FONT>
Jason, A Cafe Visit
J: Hello, I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe!
Y: 大家好!我是杨晨,欢迎到美语咖啡屋!我们今天要来到了街对面的那架咖啡馆。 我们今天要采访Jason他是这架咖啡馆的一个雇员。我们先谈谈咖啡文化对美国人来说意味是什 么。
J: Now we're here with Jason who works at a cafe. And we're to talk to him about what he sees in the Cafe culture in American.
实录1: Jason: My name is Jason and we are in Rockville, Maryland, which is a suburb of Washington, D.C. - the nation's capital actually.
Jody: So, Jason, what do you see people doing when they come into this cafe?
实录2: Jason: There are all sorts of things. We have people that just come in get a cup of coffee and go. We have people that, that linger and talk. Some that read and do crossword puzzles, read books. It's really a wide, wide ... portrait of the community. It's all different kinds of people really. But it gives people vibrancy, friendship, and community. It's a local outreach. It's many many different things to many people.
Y: 就是,我觉得很多人来咖啡馆不仅是来喝咖啡。有的是来跟人聊天儿,还有的人坐在那儿看书,看报纸。其实他们 是绝对要享受咖啡馆的气氛。
J: The atmosphere is so important. It's just a great place to hang out. Jason explains that he's only worked here two months after leaving a high-stress consulting job. Let's hear about the reason why he chose to work at a cafe over a high paying, high stress job.
Y: 对,他原来在一家咨询公司工作。工资很高,但是他也说工作是 "high stress" - 就是压力非常大。那么我们就听听在咖啡馆工作有什么享受。
实录3: Jason: You know, I've actually only worked here about two and a half months. And for about 15 years I worked in a very high stress consulting environment. And decided to make a change to specifically come into a cafe atmosphere. You know, while I don't make as much money as I once did, my quality of life and happiness level have certainly increased exponentially.
Y: 我得问问Jason是不是有的人常常到这个咖啡馆来,叫他们是 "regular customer."
J: "Regulars" are people who come everyday or sometimes many times a day. Again, here's Jason.
实录4: Jason: Oh, ab...absolutely! One of the joys of working here is getting to know people. And we have people that come in daily and sometimes multiple times a day. So, it's very fun. It's more than a place to come and get a drink and a muffin. It really is community-oriented in many ways and...and person-oriented. It's more personable than a normal commerce situation.
Y: 我想一定有很多人,特别是在周围工作的人,他们常到这个咖啡馆来。一个是方便,再一个这里给他们一种亲切的 感觉。那么这些顾客我们叫他们是regulars。
J: It's a great feeling to become a regular at a place, especially a coffee shop, because the people who work there know your name and they know what you like. And it's easy to become friends.
Y: 对他刚才说有的人一天来好几次。我想这些人一天来好几次,那他们的目的恐怕不光是为了一杯咖啡,可能是想来 跟Jason聊聊天儿。
J: And community which is something Jason also talked about - having a place to go where people know your name. That's a great feeling. Now, let's here again from Jason
实录5: Jason: I think it's very important because there's something about a hot cup of coffee, or even a cold one, but especially a hot coffee or hot tea that ... that brings people to just slow down maybe for a few minutes during the day and sit down without guilt and be able to just relax and read the paper or talk to a friend or even a stranger.
Y: 到一个咖啡馆有一种让人轻松的气氛就是Jason刚才谈一谈到- "slow you down." 那到咖啡馆坐一会儿喝一杯自己喜欢的咖啡是一件很惬意的事。
J: Cafes are just a great place to start your day, to come in the middle of your day or to end your day. You can hang out with friends, relax, read a book ... they're just great places.
Y: 没错,这个咖啡馆你可以早上来,你可以午休的时候来,也可以在下午下了班以后回家之前在来,任何时间来都会 让你放松。你喝一杯又香又浓咖啡和你的朋友在咖啡馆聊天儿,看一本书,读一读报纸,非常的享受 。
J: If you have a cafe, you have community and you a place where you can slow down.
Y: 对,生活是很紧张的。那么这个咖啡馆是一个让你放松的地方。
J: Well, that's it for American Cafe. Thank you so much for visiting our American Cafe.
Y: 谢谢大家收听我们的美语咖啡屋。希望我们有一天能在咖啡馆碰见你!
J: Hope to see you next time at American Cafe.
<BR><a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=156" target="_blank" ><B><FONT color=#000000>语音下载</FONT></B></A>
abc 发表于 2006-4-20 11:49:44
<FONT face=Verdana><STRONG>美国之音VOA慢速英语MP3 <BR>适合初级听力练习</STRONG> </FONT>
<a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=256" target="_blank" ><B><FONT color=#dc143c>2006-4-18下载</FONT></B></A>
abc 发表于 2006-4-20 11:53:15
<STRONG>Recently We do an online debite on"<FONT color=#ee1111>Net love real or not</FONT>"</STRONG>
<a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=182" target="_blank" >http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=182</A>
<STRONG>Debite on "<FONT color=#e61a1a>living together before marriage</FONT>"</STRONG>
<a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=236" target="_blank" >http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=236</A>
Welcome all old friends to join; English only.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-20 11:54:26编辑过]

abc 发表于 2006-4-21 11:47:39
Pickup address:
<a href="http://pickup.mofile.com/1461431473933071" target="_blank" >http://pickup.mofile.com/1461431473933071</A><BR>
游戏 发表于 2006-4-26 21:59:08
I agree with you.
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