





[原创]Who can change the destiny?

发布者: Cactus | 发布时间: 2005-10-19 12:02| 查看数: 11428| 评论数: 7|

<FONT size=3>Who can change the destiny?</FONT>
<BR><FONT size=3>“Love is not about romance, for it’s more about commitment. Neither of us is to blame in the final break-up, for we both have tried our best to keep the love survive, and I have already done all the crazy things I could do…But bygones are after all bygones. Sometimes, we still need to confess that it’s all about destiny…”<BR>                          -------Words from the Hero</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>At first, both of them firmly believed that we were born with such strong personalities that they would overcome all the difficulties or obstacles to be together, but eventually, they still had to give up after coming to America…</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>Once he was young, and he was quite satisfied with his well-paid job after graduation. Nevertheless, he still felt sort of incomplete in his life until he met her. At that time, she was still a college student, coming and going in his sight as a beautiful butterfly, in the area where he lived nearly every day. Moreover, she got a friend that he knew as well. Like all the other romance in the world, they fell for each other. He told himself that she was exactly the missing part in his life, and she was born to make him complete as a being.</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>He had never thought about going abroad before he got to know her. However, she had been planning for it all the time. She took GRE and got the visa to study in America. He started to make the decision to follow her. Despite the rejection from his beloved parents and friends, he quitted his admirable job in China, and got through the harsh procedure for going to America. After he finished all his application for an American university, she had already been studying there for a year.</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>On his journey to the continent of liberty, he kept thinking about how excited she could be after noting seeing each other for a “century”. However, to his great astonishment, the first words she said to him was that “Hey, you look different!” She went on: “I’m independent now, and I don’t need you so much!” He was too shocked to reply in the next a few minutes, and he started to know that it’s not him become different, but her.</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>They lived together as if a real couple. Sometimes, they quarreled or even fought, for they were both too young to compromise a little bit. Moreover, life in America was so stressed with so many different problems. He gradually realized that there would be no way out in this new country if he went on study with his previous major as electronics. As a result, he chose to be transferred to another university in another city to study Computing, a relatively more promising major.</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>She didn’t go with him. As what she declared earlier, she has been forced to be a totally independent being in this country. She could live without him, though she loved him as much as he did. They began to live as two separated beings, each with their own pursuit and individual life.</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>She soon graduated and got her master degree. She tried to move to his city for job-hunting. It’s much harder for a couple to rent a house rather than for a single person, so she chose to live in her friend’s house, which took him nearly 3 hours to drive.</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>She was such a considerate, introvert and outstanding girl in his eyes as always, but unfortunately, his parents didn’t like her. He had been trying hard, really very hard to make her accepted by his parents, but all his endeavors went to fruitless. He was told that they would never accept her. He was such a traditional Chinese that he attaches so much importance to his beloved parents, so before they went to register for the marriage, he suddenly found the excuse that he really wanted to have the wedding in America. </FONT>
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<FONT size=3>She didn’t say anything special; but she might have already made her decision at that time. Once they were just one step to marriage, after that, she chose to part. She wrote him an E-mail saying that he was not the one in her life, though she still loved him. After that, she vanished all of a sudden from his sight.</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>He was still in love with her, as crazy as he used to. Therefore, he tried to figure out her location by detecting the IP address. He didn’t hesitate to drive from his city to the city where she was located. He drove for 20 hours without a rest on the highways; for he just got one idea in his mind that he wanted her back. After one hour’s rest for refueling, he kept driving, on and on and on until he got to her city after two days.</FONT>
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<FONT size=3>He looked for her everywhere in that city, but still failed to get her. He was hopeless and drove back to his own city. On the way back, he kept thinking that since he loved her so much, and could not do anything even crazier, he had to let her go, and would never try to get her and disturb her.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Look at this unusual love story. It’s the destiny that had brought her in his life; it’s the destiny that had brought both of them to that entirely new country; it’s destiny that had made both of them change so dramatically, and it’s also the destiny that made them to break up eventually. Who can change the destiny?</FONT>
<FONT size=3>                             Cactus wrote in 2005. 8.17.   after hearing the story of a friend<BR>                   <BR></FONT>


小邪虎 发表于 2005-10-19 16:54:57
deep thinking......
Tony 发表于 2005-10-19 19:25:58
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=5>What is life look like, and what is love? What is the relationship between life and love? Two presons both love each other, and they are able to pay for their comfortable life. But they part eventually. Like this case, U can see so many common people live a more happy life than those outstanding! Is it true as the Bible says there is god’s will or destiny staying with us all our lives? Who can tell the answer? </FONT>
Tony 发表于 2005-10-20 10:54:00
< 0pt? 0cm><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=5>What does life look like, and what is love? What is the relationship between life and love? Two presons both love each other, and they are able to pay for their comfortable life. But they part eventually. Like this case, U can see so many common people live a more happy life than those outstanding! Is it true as the Bible says there is god’s will or destiny staying with us all our lives? Who can tell the answer? </FONT>
libu 发表于 2005-11-15 15:37:49
i  think  the  great  men  can  change  the destiny!
such  as  ,MAOzedong,Hilter!
ANNY 发表于 2005-11-21 12:32:07
when you know yourself well,the destiny is clearing in front of you .
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-21 12:33:06编辑过]

cc 发表于 2005-11-27 00:05:50
<STRONG>in my opinion, one's destiny is in fact created and changed by oneself!</STRONG>  "so before they went to register for the marriage, he suddenly found the excuse that he really wanted to have the wedding in America." <STRONG>it is his little sudden decision lead their love to an end. many girls care so much about her man 's attitude towards her and his parents.i think it is the man 's hasitate that make the girl to make up her decision to breakup finally. </STRONG>
<STRONG>so you see, the man 's destiny is changed by his own decision! but maybe he didn't realize that such a decision would change the life of him at that time.</STRONG>
<STRONG>we are making decision all the time and we are changing our lives all the time!</STRONG>
NoNine 发表于 2005-12-3 11:29:46
what a profound question
i think the most important thing is hold your everyday life
that is the only way to hold your future
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