





[原创] Bikes

发布者: lazybones | 发布时间: 2005-10-19 12:05| 查看数: 5914| 评论数: 4|

<FONT face="Times New Roman">Twenty years ago while bicycle was still a luxury in countryside, perhaps it had been the most convenient and popular vehicle in large cities. In the morning housewives went shopping by bicycles and carried the vegetables back from markets. In rush hours commuters went to business and backed home by bicycles. On weekends the family went outing and did exercise by bicycles. Bicycles on roads were just like schools of fishes in a sea. They were so close to us and covered most people’s life.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">They consume no fuel and produce no exhaust; they need not a garage or a large parking lot; they can travel across narrow lanes; they provide exercise and recreation for townspeople. They have so many merits as a traditional means of transport.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">The past decades have seen a great change. The tranquil towns of yore are flourishing cities, with bustle and bustle commercial centers, crowded roads and shuttling cars. Bikes, useful as they are, are often involved in traffic accidents, especially in the mixed traffic where bikes go along with pedestrians and motor vehicles. Careless riders are a danger to themselves as well as to others. It is necessary to separate different traffic from each other.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">The cities sprawling, the distance people travel every day can no longer be easily measured by a bike. Meanwhile an increasing number of cars are beginning to occupy the roads. More and more people give up riding, willingly or reluctantly, and pack themselves into buses or please themselves with private cars. </FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">In many ancient cities, bikes with cultural and conventional ornaments, designed into rickshaws, are presenting us a new scene. Maybe when human race were crossing the threshold of next century, bikes could be only seen in museums or fitness centers.</FONT><br><br><br><br>


Cactus 发表于 2005-10-19 20:00:43
Dear Lazybone,
  Here are my suggested version of your article as following:
Twenty years ago (while)[when] bicycle was still a luxury in countryside, (perhaps) [delecte this word] it (had been)[might have been] the most convenient and popular vehicle in large cities. In the morning housewives went shopping by (bicycles)[bicycle] and carried the vegetables back from markets. In rush hours commuters went to <BR>(business)[work] and (backed)[returned] home by (bicycles)[bike]. On weekends the family went (outing)[out] and did (exercise)[exercies] by (bicycles)[bicycle]. Bicycles on roads were just like schools of fishes in a sea. They were so close to us and (covered)[related to] most people’s life.
(They) [Bicycles] consume no fuel and produce no exhaust; they (need not)[don't need] a garage or a large parking lot; they can travel across narrow lanes; they provide exercise and recreation for townspeople. They have so many merits as a traditional means of transport.
The past decades have seen a great change. The tranquil towns of yore are flourishing cities [now], with bustle and bustle commercial centers, crowded roads and shuttling cars. Bikes, useful as they are, are often involved in traffic accidents, especially in the mixed traffic where bikes go along with pedestrians and motor vehicles. Careless riders are (a danger)[dangerous] to themselves as well as to others. It is necessary to separate different traffic from each other.
The cities sprawling, the distance people travel every day can no longer be easily measured by a bike. Meanwhile an increasing number of cars are beginning to occupy the roads. More and more people give up riding, willingly or reluctantly, and pack themselves into buses or please themselves with private cars.
In many ancient cities, bikes with cultural and conventional ornaments, designed into rickshaws, are presenting us a new scene. (Maybe when) [Suppose] human race were crossing the threshold of next century, bikes could be only seen in museums or fitness centers.
lazybones 发表于 2005-10-20 09:38:53
Dear Cactus:
        Still several problems to make sure.
        1 One of my weaknesses which you could see from my compositions is that I do not know how to distinguish what is single from what is prural. Could you give me some support?        
        2 back rome &lt;&gt; return home ? difference or reason for misuse?
        3 go to business &lt;&gt; go to work ? difference or reason for misuse?
        4 You could cover whatever you want to cover.  (想说什么就说什么。)
        5 How to say "外出郊游" ?      
       <IMG src="https://www.enfamily.cn/Skins/Default/emot/em07.gif" border=0> You are so kind and caring a girl. Are you also so considerate in your daily life? I mean outside the forum.
                                          Yours sincerely,

Cactus 发表于 2005-10-20 16:43:23
<FONT size=3>Dear lazybone,</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Your posts have aroused one of my friends' compliments already, as he said you must be a good English speaker. For the plural and single form, I cannot say I'm an expert in it, but I just know that the transportation tool in the phrase "by sth.(usually a vehicle)" usually goes in a single form as a set phrase. Actually, I'm not good at grammar, though I used to be English major. </FONT>
<FONT size=3>For your last sentence, I was thinking for a long time, I know you must want to use the subjunctive mood, but I don't think you use it correctly, and I'm actually not quite sure whether I've made the correct change by using the word "suppose".</FONT>
<FONT size=3>As for some other expressions, personally, I think maybe "go to work" sounds better than "go to business", and back cannot be used as a verb itself meaning "return".  In my opinion, "外出旅游" can be translated as "going outside for a trip".</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Thanks for your compliment that I'm considerate, and I'm trying hard to be such an understanding gal as you said in reality.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>By the way, may I suggest you something?Would you mind enlarging your font next time, for I've been fixing my eyes on the computer screen for hours everyday, and I really feel exhausted to read small characters, and I wish you could understand me and thus supporting me. I will certainly appreciate that.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Sincerely yours,</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Cactus</FONT>

slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-20 23:27:18
Just two things to add:
1) If you want to use "outing", you can say "go on an outing" or "take an  outing". "go outing" is typical Chinese English, which can be seen on many  Chinese websites.
2) For "You could cover whatever you want to cover.  (想说什么就说什么。)"  I  think you should use "can" here.
Here are some examples:<br>You could cover whatever you want to cover. - You could do it if you wanted (It  is talking about possibility here. You probably didn't or won't do it.)<br>You can cover whatever you want to cover. - You are allowed to do it.<br>I couldn't do that. (I am not able to do it.)<br>I can't do that. (I shouldn't or am not allowed to do it. or I am not able to do it.)<br>I could do it. (I could do it if I wanted, but actually I probably didn't or won't do it.)<br>I can do it (I may do it and will probably do it. or, I am able to do it, or I am allowed to do it.)
It's just the most common usage of could and can. They can be  exchangeable in some cases. There should be more meanings of could and can. It's hard for us and may take considerable amount of reading to understand all of their usage.<br><br><br><br><br>

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