





阿里巴巴下调收费 吸引客户抵御危机

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-11-14 10:08| 查看数: 1403| 评论数: 1|

Alibaba.com Drops Fees To Lure Customers

ALIBABA.COM Ltd. is betting that sharp cuts in its fees will let the online trading platform maintain its rapid growth despite a worsening storm for China's low-cost manufacturers.

Alibaba.com, whose Web site provides listings for small-to-midsize manufacturers that want to sell overseas, has positioned itself since its launch in 1999 at the nexus of China's export juggernaut. That's been an enviable location in recent years, as sales of Chinese goods have ballooned. On Tuesday, the company reported a 49% increase in third-quarter net profit to 308.6 million yuan ($45.2 million) from the year-earlier period. Revenue rose 37% to 780.2 million yuan.

But the global economic slowdown has caused widening ripples in China's export sector, where job losses are mounting as some companies are pushed out of business. China's customs administration Tuesday said exports in October grew 19.2% from a year earlier. Exports increased nearly 25% for all of 2007.

Alibaba.com, the Hong Kong-listed unit of Alibaba Group, in which Yahoo Inc. holds a 39% stake, gets most of its revenue from membership fees it charges companies to list on its site. Earlier this year, the company saw signs of trouble when the growth in 'Gold Supplier' members, those who subscribe to its main product with a fee of 50,000 yuan annually, slowed unexpectedly.

Now, Alibaba.com is adopting a new pricing model to keep drawing new members. Last week, it launched a starter package for Gold Suppliers, which offers fewer services for a 60% discount. David Wei, Alibaba.com's chief executive, says the program is aimed at increasing the Web site's paying customers even at the risk of squeezing its profit margins.

'We believe if we can increase our customers, we will increase our revenue later and the process will take care of itself,' Mr. Wei said in an interview. Initial signs are positive: in the first week under the new pricing, total sales were higher than what the company usually gets in a month.

Alibaba.com also remains committed to expanding overseas, Mr. Wei said. He wants to attract more clients in markets including India and Japan, because 'more suppliers outside China will look for [buyers in] new markets like China.' About 4% of its 400,000 suppliers are from outside China today. To that end, the company announced Tuesday a new joint venture with Japan's Softbank Corp.

To ease the worries of hesitant or picky buyers, Alibaba.com recently announced stricter quality-screening policies, including the addition of VeriSign Inc. as a partner in checking the authenticity of suppliers. It also has imposed bans on members who repeatedly violate intellectual property rights.

Mr. Wei says Alibaba.com's target customers -- businesses with 50 to 500 employees -- are able to adapt to market conditions more easily than larger enterprises. Still, some exporters have seen orders fall by as much as half, and some companies are closing shop. Meanwhile, members looking to cut costs are already downgrading to the new, cheaper package, which could cannibalize Alibaba.com's pricier service offerings.

Analysts seem to like the new pricing model. In a recent report, Citigroup said it expects Alibaba.com to see earnings decline in 2009, but that starting in 2010 the company should 'benefit from a more sustainable model, delivering faster growth and higher margins.'

Mr. Wei says Alibaba.com has no plans to slow its expansion, despite the economic slump. He estimates the company will invest 6% to 7% of its revenue on research and development, as in previous years, and will expand its work force by about the same 30% to 40% that it expects to grow this year.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-11-14 10:27:13

里巴巴网络有限公司(Alibaba.com Ltd., 简称:阿里巴巴)希望大幅下调费用会让其网上交易平台抵住中国低成本制造商遭遇的日渐严重的风暴影响,保持快速增长。


Associated Press



阿里巴巴的收入大部分来自向网站上列出的公司收取的会员费。阿里巴巴是阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)在香港上市的子公司,雅虎公司(Yahoo! Inc.)持有其39%的股份。今年早些时候,阿里巴巴年费5万元的“金牌供应商”会员数量的增长出人意料地减缓,当时阿里巴巴就看到了出现困境的苗头。

现在,阿里巴巴正采用新的定价模式,以不断吸引新会员。上周,该公司发布了一个“金牌供应商”的初级版,价格为原先的6折,提供的服务较少。阿里巴巴首席执行长卫哲(David Wei)说,这项计划旨在增加网站付费会员的数量,虽然利润空间有遭到挤压的风险。


卫哲说,阿里巴巴依然坚持向海外扩张。他想在印度和日本等市场吸引更多客户,因为中国之外会有更多供应商在中国这样的新兴市场寻找买家。目前阿里巴巴共有40万家供应商,其中约4%来自国外。为了达到这个目标,阿里巴巴周二宣布与日本软库(Softbank Corp.)成立一家新的合资企业。

为了减轻客户的犹疑或十分挑剔的买家的担忧,阿里巴巴最近宣布了更为严格的质量甄选政策,包括新增网络安全公司VeriSign Inc.为合作伙伴,对供应商进行认证。同时阿里巴巴还对一再侵犯知识产权的会员实行封杀。



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