






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-11-16 15:55| 查看数: 2028| 评论数: 1|

Yahoo-Sponsored Chinese Human Rights Museum Opens in Washington

On Wednesday, the Laogai Museum will open on M Street in Washington, D.C. Run by expatriate Chinese dissident Harry Wu, the museum documents forced labor camps called laogai through photographs, government papers and prisoner uniforms. Wu spent 19 years working in 12 different camps and was released in 1979 after Mao Zedong's death. His Laogai Research Foundation estimates that since the early 1950s, some 40 to 50 million people have been imprisoned in the laogai, many of them prisoners of conscience. The Chinese government has since abandoned the term laogai and called the facilities just 'prisons.'

The museum is backed by a noteworthy benefactor: Internet giant Yahoo Inc. Following its public apology last year for aiding in the arrest of Chinese journalist Shi Tao, Yahoo set up a human rights fund to 'provide humanitarian and legal support to political dissidents who have been imprisoned for expressing their views online.' The museum is one of the fund's first public projects. Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang is scheduled to cut the ribbon and speak at the museum's opening.

Beyond adjusting its own behavior ″ as with the recent Global Network Initiative ″ how much of a public role can Yahoo take in highlighting and improving human rights in China? Yahoo owns 40% of Chinese Internet giant Alibaba, and Yang himself sits on the company's board. The more Yahoo takes a public stand on China's human rights issues, the more tricky it could become for the company to do business there.

Some rights groups say Yahoo is still not doing enough. In a letter dated Nov. 6, Amnesty International USA called on Yang to 'use the full scope of your influence in engaging both U.S. and Chinese authorities' to secure the release of journalist Shi. Yahoo didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-11-16 15:55:40

Associated Press


劳改博物馆”(Laogai Museum )定于周三在美国首都华盛顿揭幕。该馆由流亡海外的中国异见人士吴弘达(Harry Wu)主持,馆中收集展出了与劳改营有关的照片、公文和监狱制服。吴弘达曾在中国12家劳改营度过19年时间,直到毛泽东去世后,于1979年获释。据吴弘达的劳改基金会(Laogai Research Foundation)估计,自上世纪五十年代初以来,中国大约有4,000-5,000万人被投入劳改营,其中很多人属于政治犯。中国政府后来停止使用“劳改”一词,将它也统称为“监狱”。

这家博物馆有一位引人注目的赞助人:互联网巨头雅虎公司(Yahoo)。在去年为其对中国政府逮捕中国记者师涛提供协助的行为作公开道歉之后,该公司成立了一个**基金,向那些“因为在网上表达自己的观点而遭受牢狱之灾的不同政见者提供人道和法律援助”。劳改博物馆是该基金参与的第一个公共项目。根据计划,雅虎首席执行长杨致远(Jerry Yang)将为博物馆开幕式剪彩并发表致词。

在修正自身行为的举动之外(雅虎最近还与其他网络巨头联合推出了Global Network Initiative行动计划),雅虎在促进人们关注并改善中国**状况方面能承担多大的公共角色?雅虎目前拥有中国网络巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba) 40%的股份,杨致远本人还是阿里巴巴董事会成员。雅虎在中国**问题上越是承担突出的公共角色,阿里巴巴在中国的经营可能就会变得越棘手。

一些权益团体表示,雅虎做的还不够。国际特赦组织(Amnesty International)美国分部在日期标注为11月6日的信件中呼吁杨致远“充分运用其在与美、中两国政府打交道方面的影响力”达成师涛的获释。杨致远没有立刻回复记者的采访要求。
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