






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-11-20 18:22| 查看数: 1635| 评论数: 1|

Bill Clinton In Talks To Smooth Wife's Path To Cabinet

Former President Bill Clinton has offered to submit future charitable and business activities to strict ethics reviews if his wife, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, were nominated as secretary of state, according to Democrats familiar with the deliberations. He has also agreed for the first time to disclose many of the previous donors to his efforts.

Mrs. Clinton is on a short list of names for secretary of state. A small team of aides to President-elect Barack Obama and the Clintons has been negotiating for the past two days in Washington, say people involved in the talks. The goal is to try to overcome concerns that the former president's global business and philanthropic activities could appear to pose conflicts of interest between the Obama administration's foreign policy and the private financial interests of the family of the country's top diplomat.

Under the emerging agreement, Mr. Clinton would disclose the identities of all new donors to his charitable foundation. He would also make public 'major' past contributors -- a term that has yet to be defined. The cloak of secrecy over the former president's foreign financial ties stirred widespread criticism when his wife was running for president.

Mr. Clinton would also seek clearance from two separate entities -- the White House counsel and the State Department's ethics chief -- on all donations to his charitable foundation, the William J. Clinton Foundation, which includes his presidential library and the Clinton Global Initiative. He would follow the same procedure before agreeing to any paid speeches, according to people close to the talks. Additionally, Mr. Clinton would step away from his foundation's daily operations -- all significant concessions for his wife, one person added.

'Bill Clinton will not be the obstacle to whether Hillary gets this job or not,' said one Democrat familiar with the situation. Another person added: 'He's willing to be as transparent as the Obama world wants.'

Mr. Clinton wouldn't return any money already collected from foreign political and business leaders, even if it has stirred controversy, according to one person close to the talks, largely because those funds have been spent on programs such as campaigns to alleviate AIDS and hunger.

Even with these discussions, it's unclear whether Mrs. Clinton will wind up as Mr. Obama's secretary of state. People involved in the vetting process say others being discussed include Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who both publicly sided with Mr. Obama over Mrs. Clinton during their bitter primary campaign fight.

At the same time, Sen. Clinton's aides say she hasn't decided to take the secretary of state job even if the vetting hurdles were cleared.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-11-20 18:23:07

EPA/Justin Lane




民主党知情人士透露,美国前总统比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)表示倘若妻子、纽约州参议员希拉里(Hillary)获国务卿提名,他将让自己的慈善及商业事务接受严格的伦理审查。克林顿还首次同意公开之前多位捐献人的身份。

下一任国务卿的候选人只有为数不多的几个,希拉里即是其中之一。据相关人士表示,过去两天中,一个由当选总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)的助手组成的团队正在华盛顿和克林顿夫妇探讨这一问题。其目标旨在平复可能存在的担忧情绪,人们担心这位前总统遍及全球的商业及慈善活动可能会在奥巴马的外交政策和国务卿家庭经济利益之间发生冲突。


这位前总统还同意,捐献给克林顿基金会(William J. Clinton Foundation)所有慈善款项都需要得到来自白宫顾问和美国国务院首席伦理官这两大独立机构的批准。该基金会旗下包括了克林顿图书馆以及克林顿全球倡议项目(Clinton Global Initiative)。知情人士称,克林顿还同意在接受任何有偿演讲的邀请之前都遵循这一流程。一位知情者还说,克林顿同意不再涉足该基金的日常管理事务,这都是他为希拉里做出的重大让步。



但即便双方进行了接洽,希拉里能否出任国务卿仍是个未知数。参与该职位遴选过程的知情者表示,其他候选人还包括马萨诸塞州参议员约翰•克里(John Kerry)和新墨西哥州州长比尔•理查森(Bill Richardson)。在希拉里与奥巴马苦争党内总统候选人提名时,这两位都曾公开表示了对奥巴马的支持。

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