





英国女子发帖自杀 网友无情见死不救

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-10 22:37| 查看数: 1529| 评论数: 4|

  Charity worker Simone Back, 42 and suffering depression, died of an overdose on Christmas day after she left a suicide note on Facebook which was responded by her Facebook friends' ruthlessness.

  现年42岁深陷抑郁的西蒙娜 巴克于圣诞节当日在社交网站“脸谱”上留下自杀贴却招致网友的无情回应,终因服药过度自杀身亡。



  Back posted her final status update at 10:53pm on Christmas Day: "Took all my pills be dead soon so bye bye every one." The first friend responded: "She does it all the time, takes all of her pills," adding: "She's not a kid anymore." At 11pm, one of Back's friends wrote in response: "She ODs all the time and she lies."


  On January 5, Back's mother Jennifer Langridge, 60, demanded to know why none of her daughter's 1,082 Facebook friends tried to save her. "Nobody told me anything about it until the following day. I am disabled so can't get up the stairs to Simone's flat so I called the police straight away. It is upsetting to think nobody did anything for my daughter."

  本月5日,巴克的母亲珍妮弗 兰格里奇要求弄清楚,为何她女儿的1082名“脸谱”交友网网友无一人试图救她。“直到第二天我才知道这件事,在这之前,没有人告诉我任何消息。我行动不便,无法亲自爬楼前往西蒙娜的公寓,所以我马上给警察打了电话。一想到没有任何人为我女儿做任何事,我就感到难过。”

  One of Back's friends, Samantha Owen, said: "Everyone just carried on arguing with each other on Facebook like it wasn't happening. Some of those people lived within walking distance of Simone. If one person just left their computer and went to her house her life could have been saved."

  巴克的朋友萨曼莎 欧文说道:“人们一直在‘脸谱’上回帖讨论这件事,好像什么都没发生似的。而其中一些人就住在西蒙娜附近。如果有一个人能够离开电脑去她的公寓看看,西蒙娜可能就不会离开我们。”

  After the discovery of Back's body on Boxing Day, Langridge posted a message on her daughter's page that reads: "My daughter Simone passed away today so please leave her alone now."



snowsea 发表于 2011-1-16 17:02:56
my god .sorry to know it
一青窈 发表于 2011-1-16 18:02:45
mengruyuan 发表于 2011-1-16 19:45:31
上官飞飞 发表于 2011-1-18 21:34:49
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