






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-11 18:20| 查看数: 1089| 评论数: 0|

  近日,有“影坛坏小子”之称的柯林-法瑞尔正式对外宣布,将与导演伦-怀斯曼合作,将九十年代的经典动作恐怖片《全面回忆》二度搬上大荧幕。制作人向外界透露,新近当红的英国性格男星汤姆-哈迪也将参与该片的拍摄。   《全面回忆》改编自作家飞利浦-K-迪克的短片小说《We Can Remember It for You Wholesale》,原版由刚卸任的加州州长阿诺-施瓦辛格和莎朗-斯通主演。讲述了一个发生在2084年的未来故事,男主人公一直备受噩梦的困扰,在火星上找回记忆之后才恍然大悟,原来自己是一个火星人。电影由保罗-范霍文执导,与1990年上映,获得了很好的反响,成为了施瓦希格的代表作之一。   据悉,在新版的电影将融入更多新鲜的元素,但不会跟风拍成3D影片,制片人Neal Moritz透露,影片将激励营造出一个逼真但又未来感十足的世界。《全面回忆》将于今年三月在加拿大开机。


  Last October we found out that the gestating remake of 90's sci-fi favorite Total Recall, with Len Wiseman attached to direct, had three contenders for the lead. They included: Colin Farrell, Tom Hardy and Michael Fassbender. Now word from Collider, who spoke with producer Neal Moritz while he was promoting Green Hornet, confirms Colin Farrell for the new adaptation of Philip K. Dick's short story We Can Remember It for You Wholesale. In addition, the producer revealed the film would not go the 3D route and the adaptation would be much more loyal to Dick's classic short story. Find out a few more details on the project below.   As if we expected any less, Moritz said this will be a big scale movie, and is definitely being considered a tentpole release. As far as staying more true to PKD's original story (get it on Amazon), the producer says, "it's closer to the book, the big difference is we don't go to space. Instead of it being a spaceship that takes us to another planet, there's something that takes us from one side of the planet to another that's really interesting." Huh? This new take on the story apparently includes a "great twist" - let's hope they don't twist too much. Moritz also opened up about the world Wiseman is creating for the adaptation:   "I think the world that Len Wiseman is creating is incredible. It's a real world, a real future world, where the cities have just gotten so overcrowded that the cities are just built up, up, up, up. It's just everything I see on the movie, every pre-vis I see on the movie, every conceptual drawing on this movie that I see just makes me more and more excited. We're playing it like a real world, but there's all these technological advancements to the real world, and it's just really, it's cool. It's an awesome movie. I'm dying—as a fan of movies, more than anything, it's a movie that I'm just dying to see."

  It's always good to hear a big-time producer like Moritz get so giddy about a project like this, but then again he doesn't really have the best track record with quality. On my end, count me cautiously optimistic that a great sci-fi film like Total Recall can be remade into a comparable or even greater action flick. While Farrell wasn't my top choice, it seems like the actor has been taking on a lot more higher profile projects as of late, which is pretty damn cool to see because he's not bad in those roles. Also, it sounds like we know the reason why Robert Pattinson ended up replacing him on David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis.


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