






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-12 21:15| 查看数: 1353| 评论数: 1|


  Prince Charles flirted with an exotic supermodel before asking her to perform a ‘private catwalk show’ for him, she has claimed. Mozambique-born Tasha de Vasconcelos alleges that the Prince propositioned her under the nose of Camilla Parker Bowles at an exclusive party. In an autobiography to be published this week, the 42-year-old model and actress claims to have shared a series ofamorous exchanges with Charles, now 62.   2011年,英国皇室新闻不断,威廉与凯特的大婚被媒体弄得纷纷扬扬,这不,又杀出一个程咬金,一名42岁莫桑比克籍超级模特Tasha de Vasconcelos向媒体爆料,62岁已经快要当爷爷的查尔斯王子在出席一场派对时不停向她“大放秋波”,不仅当众调情,而且还在老婆卡米拉的眼皮底下向模特发出邀请,要求她私底下举行一场“私人走秀”,而走秀对象却有所限制,仅仅是查尔斯本人!   In claims that seem far-fetched, and language reminiscent of a Mills and Boon novel, Miss de Vasconcelos claims: ‘During the evening, I saw his eyes glance over my necklace, which lit up my face, and to the more intimate attractions of the curves beneath my Versace dress. The Prince had become a man. “You are magnificent,” he dared to utter. “Would you ever consider a private catwalk show... just for me?”’

  在模特Tasha de Vasconcelos出版的自传中,她毫不吝啬地爆料查尔斯王子的“把妹细节”。她在书中说道:“在派对上,我感觉有一双眼睛一直在凝视我的光彩照人的项链,可能是我当时身穿的Versace 品牌的低胸裙子很性感的缘故,我感觉那目光一直在我胸前游离。”她继续说道:“这时候,查尔斯王子向我走来,颇有一个绅士风范地夸我很漂亮,但是他接下来的那句话着实让我大跌眼镜,查尔斯直接问我可否为他本人走一个私人走秀,仅仅为他自己。”我当时真的受宠若惊。


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