






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-1-14 20:30| 查看数: 1144| 评论数: 0|

Every Saturday, if I am in Paris, I go to the street market that runs down the Avenue du Président Wilson in the smart 16th arrondissement. Even when it rains, it is a hugely enjoyable experience. The vegetables, the cheeses, the live langoustines are some of the very best you can find in the French capital, with prices to match.

There are always tourists taking snapshots of the well-garnished stalls, where Parisian bourgeois matrons queue-barge each other to be served. One of my favourite fruit and vegetable stalls is run by an extremely lively Chinese woman assisted by her hen-pecked husband and sons. The other Saturday, I was buying some spring onions, ginger and hot red peppers and I told her I had just returned from Chongqing.

Now, I don’t think everybody knows exactly where Chongqing is, or that it is one of the world’s biggest urban districts with a staggering 32 million inhabitants. But my stall keeper’s face lit up and she squeaked that Chongqing was one of her husband’s favourite Chinese cities because he simply loves its local culinary speciality – the hotpot, or huo guo.

Chongqing is one of the most disconcerting cities I have visited. The flight from Paris, with a change in Hong Kong, took around 20 hours. You are immediately struck by the frenetic construction in this metropolis on the banks of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers in the south-western province of Sichuan. There seems no end to the tall skyscrapers sprouting everywhere.

The city’s development has been spurred by the Chinese authorities’ “Go West” policy (intended to encourage investment in inland communities) and today many call Chongqing, an industrial centre with numerous automotive plants, “the Chicago of China.” Sadly, many historic buildings have disappeared and it is only recently that the city’s leaders have woken up to the need to make Chongqing a little more environmentally friendly.

That said, the locals can justifiably boast that when it comes to food Chongqing is hot stuff – literally speaking, for some say that the hot pot was invented in the city and even those who challenge this acknowledge that the Chongqing huo guo is by far the most addictive. It seems the locals cannot live without it, not least the husband of my Parisian exotic vegetable supplier at the Président Wilson Saturday market.

One of the high points of my trip was a hot pot dinner in the Hongyadong reconstructed stilted house complex by the river, which has recreated, Walt Disney-style, a bit of the old Chongqing atmosphere for foreign visitors.

There, around a big round table, each diner has his or her own pot of broth heated by some contraption under the table. The pot is in fact split in two; on one side the real hot stuff, or extremely spicy hong tang red soup, and on the other the much milder (so to speak) yuan wei concoction. All sorts of ingredients – some traditional and others positively strange – were diligently placed on the spinning table for each guest to dip and cook in either his super spicy or not so spicy broth.

There was beef, shrimp, cod fish rolls, lotus and other vegetables, and transparent vermicelli noodles. More unusual specialities included pig kidneys, brains, eyeballs, duck bowels and cow stomach. You can’t help being squeamish at first, but once you start dipping into your soup you experience all sorts of different, exciting tastes before your lips go numb – just like at the dentist.

每到周六,我若呆在巴黎,就会去逛位于时尚16区(16th arrondissement)、沿维尔松总统大街(Avenue du Président Wilson)一字排开的街头市场。即使下雨天去那儿,也定会让人不虚此行。在整个法国首都,当属这儿的蔬菜、奶酪以及活海螯虾(Langoustines)的质量最棒,价格嘛,自然也是“不甘落后”。




这座城市的加速发展发仞于中国政府的“西部大开发”战略(“Go West” policy,旨在鼓励投资内陆地区)。如今,许多人把重庆这个拥有众多汽车生产厂家的工业制造中心称为“中国的芝加哥”(the Chicago of China)。可惜的是,许多历史建筑已经消亡,直到最近,该市的主政者才幡然醒悟:必须让重庆的环境更加优美。


我重庆之行的“压轴戏”是在江边吊脚楼“洪崖洞” (Hongyadong stilted house complex)上享受的火锅宴。精心改建的吊脚楼糅合了沃尔特?迪士尼(Walt Disney)的风格,为外国游客重现一点过去老重庆的生活情趣。

围在一张大圆桌边,每位食客有一个由放在桌下的特殊装置加热的汤锅。事实上,汤锅被分隔成了两部分:一半是真正的麻辣汤料,也叫超辣红汤(extremely spicy hong tang red soup);另一半则要温和得多,可谓原味清汤。所有的配菜——有些是传统菜,有些则很怪异——都被精心搁放在桌子的旋转平台上,每位食客既可以在超辣汤里、也可以在不太辣的汤锅里随意煮烫。



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