






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-1-14 20:59| 查看数: 1411| 评论数: 1|

[导读]一首民歌,被冠以“神曲(divine comedy)”的称号,红遍网络,传唱度之高令人大跌眼镜。惊诧之余,人们顿悟——原来高雅艺术也可以平易近人。下面就让我们一起走近“神曲”《忐忑》一探究竟。

If the Internet introduced Gong Linna’s Uneasy, the so-called “Divine Comedy”, to millions of Internet users late last year, then Hunan TV made it a hit.


Gong’s performance of Uneasy on New Year’s Eve thrilled countless viewers. Apparently thousands of viewers sang along to the song.


When you see a “sing-along” like this, however, you can’t help wondering: how can this happen?


This isn’t a song like other popular ones on the Internet, such as Love Trading; and it’s not as friendly and easy to listen to as The Legend. And the lyrics don’t make any sense–they consist of *syllables used in Peking Opera.


So, how could it become such a *sensation?


If you saw the original video of Gong singing Uneasy at a New Year concert in Beijing last year, you might find something more impressive than the song itself: Gong gave a dramatic performance, in which her facial expressions and body movements were so *exaggerated that it makes you laugh.


“People find it amusing, even funny actually,” said Liu Xiaoyun, a folk music professor at Nanjing University of the Arts. “That’s why it’s unforgettable.”


Soon online videos *imitating, or *parodying the song were everywhere.


Not only net-worms, celebrities have shown interest too. After Faye Wong posted on her micro blog that she wanted to sing the song, millions of fans expected that she’d give a surprise performance of it at her comeback concerts.


If you’re familiar with this kind of folk music, you should have heard names like Dadawa, Liu Sola, and more recently, Sa Dingding.


Simply put, their music is a little hard to listen to, but they all have international reputations for their music making.


Gong’s Uneasy seems to be more *accessible. “To ordinary listeners, the song can be called ‘alternative’, due to its special musical format,” Liu said. “But it’s also easy to follow. If you listen to it several times, you’ll find yourself singing along. That’s the magic of the song.”


Apparently, Gong didn’t expect the song to become a hit. “They call my song ‘Divine Comedy’, and they call me the ‘Godmother’. I’m *flattered,” Gong told Nanfang Daily. “But people imitating, even making fun of Uneasy, and me singing it, are two different things.”


Gong is certainly a serious artist. This time she might have shown that “*arty music can also be popular”. And for that, she should get credit.



elaine_chiang 发表于 2011-1-15 17:45:50
i dont like the song...
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