





Somewhere out there

发布者: ch- | 发布时间: 2008-12-8 14:44| 查看数: 1962| 评论数: 4|

Somewhere out there

Now we are so far apart, and it has been months since the last time we were together. I thought that my missing to you would become less and less as the time passed by. But now I realize I was totally wrong because I can't explain how come both this great distance and long time apart has even made my love for you grow.

As the sun rose and set day by day, the control I had just vanished slowly. At the time I said farewell to NY and flew back to Beijing, my heart became shattered because I knew it was the time for us to separate, maybe forever.

The last night finally came, and we were together. I would rather die than be away from you becauseI still loved you so much. How tiny we human beings are! How hopeless I was! Being aware of these cruel facts that I could never change, being aware of the coming departure that I could not avoid, I knelt in front of you and kissed you devotedly with eyes closed, down my face running the tears.Suddenly, I felt something cold falling on my shoulders and breasts. No sooner did I realize that was your tears than mine rolled down my cheeks more crazily, totally out of control. Forever shall we remember that touching moment; forever shall we keep all these memories in mind: painful departure, bitter tears, sweet passion, and sincere devotion.

At the next noon came our last dinner. I could hardly eat anything. My heart was totally broken. Several times I hid myself outside the dinning room lest my tears were noticed. During these days with you, I was never alone because you always kept me company. Together we attended classes, together we went swimming, together we had dinner, together we surfed the Internet, together we had a walk after supper, together we went shopping, together we chatted via telephone till midnight or even the next morning, together we watched the dog show, together we enjoyed the exotic sceneries... it was just yesterday that you dressed me, trimmed my fingernails and toenails, cleaned my earholes. Now we were about to part. The time of reunion was actually of no bound. After this noon, I had to go on my life journey alone, and you would go back to the place you belonged to. Life continues. It seems that nothing has been changed, but, in fact, I am no longer myself...


ch- 发表于 2008-12-8 14:46:58
How could I hold back my tears when we parted?In the hall, at parting, after I had just gone a few paces from the door, you called me, in a whisper gently, to have all my eyes about me.At the moment, we had so much to say, to utter again and again, but time was up and farewell came.

Dashing away my tears, I tried to look at you for the last time. You were standing there, at the hotel door, among all the others. But your image was so dim, just an outline. In haste I got in the car and turned backward to look for you. You'd already disappeared from my eyesight. Giving up all the dignity and disguise, I burst out crying in the car, regardless of their curiosity and consolation. Those tears still remain in my heart, reminding me every day that I’m not near you any more.

I don't think anyone can understand the burden I carry in my heart day by day. If only I could be once again with you! How hopelessly I am in love with you, devoted to being with you! May God reunite us in the future and lead me to you once again.

My true love, I hope you feel the same way, because it would be so much worse if I were lost in this feeling alone, without you to share it / and to share the imagination of us being together again. Now let me keep my fingers crossed, for our happiness, for our future, for you and me.
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-8 14:52:38
aha, i am the first
leec1120 发表于 2008-12-8 15:28:19
i have a lot of words to say, to utter. but...

however god bless u
ch- 发表于 2008-12-8 15:42:34
原帖由 leec1120 于 2008-12-8 15:28 发表

i have a lot of words to say, to utter. but...

however god bless u

My sam has gone in the wind.

I am alone but not lonely. I've found myself once again.

Life is blessed since I am still healthy, still have time to smile.
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