






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-18 19:03| 查看数: 1162| 评论数: 1|



  网友戏称,白宫附近的麦佛森广场站(McPherson Square)可以卖给麦当劳,以后就可以叫做巨无霸-麦佛森广场站(Big-MacPherson Square)。



  McDonald's could sponsor McPherson Square near the White House, one Metro rider suggested. It could become Big-MacPherson Square.

  Bosses at Washington's cash-strapped public transportation service are mulling selling "naming rights" for Metro stations as a way of filling a budget gap, a spokesman said Friday.

  "We're looking at a possible $72 million shortfall in our budget for the upcoming year, and so we're looking for creative ways to try to close that deficit," Metro spokesman Steven Taubenkibel told AFP.

  "One idea would be station naming rights," where corporate entities buy the right to have their brand associated with one of Metro's 86 stations.

  Facebook and Twitter erupted with suggestions when the announcement was made.

  McDonald's could sponsor McPherson Square near the White House, one Metro rider suggested. It could become Big-MacPherson Square.

  Wheaton, in the Maryland suburbs, could become Wii-Wheaton if it were sponsored by the popular interactive video game. Cream of Wheaton, a play on the name of a hot breakfast cereal, has also been suggested.

  The suggestions may have been tongue-in-cheekbut the idea is not far-fetched.

  Dubai sold 10-year naming rights to 21 out of 23 stations in its Metro system for 1.8 billion dirham ($490 million). Most of the rights were sold before the system became operational in 2009.

  Philadelphia has sold telecoms giant AT&T the rights to a station for $3 million, and Barclays can append its name to a station in Brooklyn, New York after buying the naming rights reportedly for $4 million for 20 years.

  In Washington, Metro thinks selling station naming rights will help to raise around two million dollars.

  But talk about selling naming rights to Metro stations in the US capital is still in the very early stages, Taubenkibel said.


easyman 发表于 2013-7-24 19:23:51

this must be learn form china.
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