





《英语听力教程-VC首发》(Listen This Way)[mp3][压缩包]

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2008-12-13 12:59| 查看数: 5687| 评论数: 0|

[url=英语听力教程.Listen.This.Way.第二版.CD1.mp3.iso (325.82 MB)]英语听力教程.Listen.This.Way.第二版.CD1.mp3.iso[/url]325.8MB
[url=英语听力教程.Listen.This.Way.第二版.CD2.mp3.iso (298.17 MB)]英语听力教程.Listen.This.Way.第二版.CD2.[mp3].iso[/url]298.2MB
[url=英语听力教程.Listen.This.Way.第二版.CD3.mp3.iso (310.43 MB)]英语听力教程.Listen.This.Way.第二版.CD3.mp3.iso[/url] 310.4MB
[url=磁带版下载前必读.txt (258 Bytes)]磁带版下载前必读.txt[/url] 258B


中文名: 英语听力教程-VC首发

英文名: Listen This Way

资源格式: 压缩包

版本: [mp3]

发行时间: 2008年

地区: 大陆

对白语言: 英语


128 Kbps mp3 VC 首发


《英语听力教程》(ListenThisWay)主要适用于高等院校英语专业一、二年级学生,同时适合师专、教育学院、广播电视大学、成人高校英语专业学生。  全套教材共分6册,每册配有教师用书和6盒录音带。前面册以单项技能训练为主,配有一定量的综合训练,题材接近生活、工作实际,由近及远,涉及的面较宽;后两册以综合技能训练为主,同时针对中国学生在英语听力学习中的难点、重点进行反复训练,题材以反映社会、科技领域的新发展为主。教师用书的内容包括教学提示、练习答案和全部录音带内容的材料。



1 Can I Take a Message? (I)

Part I Getting ready

Part II Giving and receiving phone calls

Part III I'd like to speak to ...

Part IV More about the topic: A Birthday Present

Part V Memory test: Two Girls Talking on the Phone

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

2 Can I Take a Message?

Part I Getting ready

Part II Giving and receiving phone calls

Part III Oh, there's a phone.

Part IV More about the topic: Videophones Get the Call

Part V Memory test: How to Make an International Direct Dialling

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

3 Clear or Cloudy?

Part I Getting ready

Part II A weather report

Part III At a bus stop

Part IV More about the topic: Effects of Climate Change

Part V Memory test: Weather Forecast

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

4 Can Time Move Backward?

Part I Getting ready

Part II Local time

Part III Ladies and gentlemen

Part IV More about the topic: Day-light-saving Time

Part V Memory test: Radio Announcement

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

5 Flying In and Out

Part I Getting ready

Part II Airport announcements

Part HI A trip to the States

Part IV More about tile topic: In-flight Service

Part V Memory Test: Airline Information

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

6 By Bus or by Train?

Part I Getting ready

Part II At the railway station

Part III Why are we waiting here?

Part IV More about the topic: Grand Central Terminal

Part V Memory test: Bus Information

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

7 This Way or That Way?

Part I Getting ready

Part II Giving directions

Part III Route 66

Part IV More about the topic: Automobiles in the USA

Part V Memory test: Reading Maps

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

8 Cash or Cheque?

Part I Getting ready

Part II Using a bank account

Part III Making phone calls to chase late payments

Part IV More about the topic: Origins of Money

Part V Memory test: Judy's Weekly Spending

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

9 Toward Better Health

Part I Getting ready

Part II Heart attack

Part III Smoking kills

Part IV More about the topic: Walking Toward Better Health

Part V Memory test: Sleeping Problem

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

10 Are You Fit and Healthy?

Part I Getting ready

Part II Stress and catching colds

Part III "So you wanna keep fit, huh?"

Part IV More about the topic: Are You Fit and Healthy?

Part V Memory test: How Much Exercise Is Enough Exercise?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

11 The Interviewer's Eye

Part I Getting ready

Part II A good interview

Part III The interviewer's eye

Part IV More about the topic: Finding the Right Job

Part V Memory test: Job Opening

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

12 Review

Activity 1 Short conversations

Activity 2 Numbers

Activity 3 Announcements

Activity 4 Prices

Activity 5 Telephone messages

Activity 6 Addresses

Activity 7 Spot dictation



1 Under the Same Roof

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ Changing roles

Part Ⅲ Family life then and now

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's Day

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and Sisters

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

2 Smacking or Reasoninq?

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ Radio phone-in

Part Ⅲ Family discipline

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Adoption

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Freedom or Discipline?

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

3 A Sweet Sweet Home

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ The dream house

Part Ⅲ Flat hunting

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Changes in the American Family

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Looking for an Apartment

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

4 Going to School (1)

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ The teacher I remember best

Part Ⅲ Teachers and pupils

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Computers and University Life

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Children of a Decade

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

5 Goino to School (Ⅱ)

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ School report

Part Ⅲ Visiting Britain

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Personal Aims and Values

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Study Habits

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

6 Earning and Spending Money Wisely

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ Mail order

Part Ⅲ A claim for expenses

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: How Do Children Spend Their Money?

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Radio Advertisements

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

7 Choice Versus Chance

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ Summer jobs

Part Ⅲ Jobs: my idea of hell, my idea of heaven

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Occupational Outlook

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Who'll Get the Job?

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

8 Eating the Right Things

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ Health food

Part Ⅲ Fast food survey

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Organic Foods

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Dental Health

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

9 About Yourself

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ The digestive system and diarrhea

Part Ⅲ Immunity

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: The Circulatory System

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Hair 82

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

10 Safety First

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ Kiss of life

Part Ⅲ Climbing 89

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Street Food Safety

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Safety Near School

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

11 Sportsmanship__and Championship

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

Part Ⅱ Yoga exercises

Part Ⅲ Match of the day

Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Sportsmanship

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Which Sport?

Part Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unit

12 Review

Activity 1 Children's jokes

Activity 2 Do you believe it?

Activity 3 Hope you don't mind my asking

Activity 4 Market survey

Activity 5 You and your community

Activity 6 Help your doctor to help you

Activity 7 Men and women


1 Is the Earth Being Squeezed Dry?

Part I Getting ready

Part II The Earth at risk (I)

Part III The Earth at risk (II)

Part IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warming

Part V Do you know ...?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

2 Let Birds Fly

Part I Getting ready

Part II Christmas bird counts

Part III Dolphin captivity

Part IV More about the topic: Birds -- a Source of Wealth

Part V Do you know ...?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

3 EI Nino? La Nina?

Part I Getting ready

Part II EI Nino

Part IlI Lick observatory

Part IV More about the topic: The National Climatic Data Center

Part V Do you know ...?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

4 Reports on Disasters & Accidents

Part I Getting ready

Part II Hurricanes & tornadoes

Part III Earthquakes

Part IV More about the topic: Earthquake Tips

Part V Do you know ...?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

5 People&Places(I)

Part I Getting ready

Part II Canada

Part III Traveling Around Australia

Part IV More about the topic:The Story of Denv6r

Part V Do you know…?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

6 People&Places(11)

Part I Getting ready

Part II New Zealanders

Part III What do you think of Britain?

Part IV More about the topic:Native Peoples of Alaska

Part V Do youknow…?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

7 Aspects of Education(I)

Part I Getting ready

Part II Are you a good language learner?

Part III Foreign accents

Part IV More about the topic:How to Enlarge Your Vocabulary?

Part V Do you know…?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

8 Aspects of Ed ucation(II)

Part I Getting ready

Part II Home schooling

Part III UK or US education?

Part IV More about the topic:Co—educational or Segregated Schools?

Part V Do you know…?

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

9 A Kaleidoscope of Culture

10 A Glimpse of the Age

11 Enjoy Artistic Beauty

12 Review








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