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What is foreign accent syndrome(口音综合症)?

A man from Yorkshire claims(v.声称) to have started speaking in a broad(adj.明显的)Irish(adj.爱尔兰的) accent after waking up from a brain operation(n.手术). Why?

He's never even visited Ireland, but when Chris Gregory came round from brain surgery(n.手术室) he reportedly started speaking like a native(n.当地人).Mr Gregory had spent three days on a life-support machine(n.呼吸机) after surgery. When he came round he sang a stirring(adj.激动人心的) rendition(n.表演) of Danny Boy from his hospital bed, much to the surprise of staff and his family.

His strange behaviour(n.行为) is thought to be the result of a very rare condition called Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS)(n.外地口音综合症). People who have it start speaking in an entirely different(adj.完全不同的) accent. In some cases they speak fluently in a language they hardly know.

Doctors believe it is triggered following a stroke or head injury, when tiny areas of the brain linked with language, pitch and speech patterns are damaged.

The result is often a drawing out(拖长) or clipping(缩短) of the vowels(元音) that mimic the accent of a particular country, even though the sufferer may have had limited exposure to that accent.

"This syndromen.综合病症) results in a very particular constellation of changesn.一系列的变化) to the way a person speaks," says Professor Sophie Scott, from the Institute of Cognitive Neurosciencen.神经系统科学) at University College London.

"They do not actually develop a whole newn.完全新的) accent, it is the listener who attaches a particular label to what they are hearing. In the UK people are most likely to say someone with Foreign Accent Syndrome sounds French or German, while in the US people are mostly likely to be told they sound British."

There has been an estimatedadj.估计的) 50 recorded cases since the syndrome was first indentified in the 1940s. A slight increase in cases has occurred in recent years, but this is probably because researchers are now looking out for them, says Prof Scott.

One of the first reported cases was in 1941 when a young Norwegianadj.挪威的) woman developed a German accent after being hit by bomb shrapneln.流散弹) during a World War II air raid. She was shunnedv.避开的) by friends and neighbours who thought she was a German spyn.间谍).

"It can be a very distressing(adj.悲伤的) experience for people," says Prof Scott.

"We tend to take our voices for granted but people don't like it when they don't sound like themselves. Society can be very judgemental when it comes to accents."

In 2006 Linda Walker, 60, woke from a stroke to find that her Geordie accent had been transformed into a Jamaicanadj. 牙买加的) one. At the time she said she was devastatedadj.被毁的).

"I've lost my identity(n.身份), because I never talked like this before," she said.

"I'm a very different person and it's strange and I don't like it."

The condition can be permanentn.永久的) or last for a few hours. Some people get help to try learn how to speak in their usual accent again, but it can be a difficult processn.过程).

"Foreign Accent Syndrome changes the melodyn.旋律、音调) of your speech, the rhythmsn.节奏) and specific sounds," says Prof Scott. "Changing that back to what it once was is not easy."


外地口音综合症揭秘 约克郡的一名男子声称从一次脑手术中醒来之后开始用明显的爱尔兰口音说话。为什么呢?















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