






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-12-26 16:05| 查看数: 1468| 评论数: 2|

Ten Predictions For 2009

There is only one activity more thankless than predicting the future - and that's publicly sharing your predictions.

But Christmas is the season for sharing, so here's my list of predictions for 2009. Caveat lector, of course, so much of this is bound to be wrong.

But I'd be willing to bet my Harvard MBA that at least three of them are correct. Okay, maybe two of them.

Prediction #1: GM will file for bankruptcy by the end of April

Will the TARP money tide GM over until 2010 Not a chance. Bondholders and the UAW will fight. Rick Wagoner will get the sack. And the 'car czar' will get fed up. In the end, Congress will balk at forking over the $50 billion GM really needs.

Prediction #2: Bernie Madoff will plead insanity at his trial, but lose anyway.

In this age of excuses, why shouldn't Madoff try and get off He'll surround himself with the finest lawyers money can buy - and they'll concoct a doozy of an insanity plea. But it won't matter. The verdict? Guilty as charged.

Prediction #3: Goldman Sachs will buy E*Trade and make a big push in internet banking.

CEO Lloyd Blankfein makes a big show of defending the old Wall Street business model. But he knows the gig is up. Expect Goldman to acquire E*Trade by June. How else will Goldman get the platform for internet banking and retail brokerage that it needs Of course there's Charles Schwab, but at $18 billion, that's almost half the value of mighty Goldman.

Prediction #4: Wall Street will shrink another 25%

Wall Street will discover to its horror that it indeed was 'different this time.' By April, there will be more job cuts. By late autumn, yet another round. In all, a quarter of the jobs on Wall Street will go in '09. Come year end, bonuses will be even skimpier than 2008 and Harvard MBAs will pour into consulting - or dare I say it, government.

Prediction #5: Apple will get a new CEO

No shocker here. Eventually Jobs and the Apple board will tire of the ceaseless questioning and distraction. Jobs will stay as chairman, an Apple insider will be named CEO - and the company will do just fine, thank you.

Prediction #6: Bloomberg will buy the New York Times

Another tired rumor that finally comes right. It's not the fear of losing the dividend that will panic the Sulzbergers. It's the fear of losing it all. Finally, the family will revolt against CEO Arthur Jr.

In a bidding war, Bloomberg will win out to give him influence in Gotham beyond his third mayoral term.

Prediction #7: Oil will trade at around $30 a barrel for most of 2009

OPEC's not happy with $30-a-barrel oil. But it will be even more unhappy if Obama goes ahead with all his nutty anti-fossil fuel schemes. So OPEC will keep oil prices low until America is lulled into again thinking that $1.50 gas will last forever. That should take about a year. Oil will close 2009 back at $50 a barrel.

Prediction #8: The worst-performing global market in 2009 will be the contemporary art market

It will be a race to the bottom for the frothiest luxury markets like Hampton beach homes and downtown NYC condos. But the contemporary art market will be the stand-out loser. It will nearly evaporate as many art investors of the last couple of years realize they've been Madoff-ed. Don't expect to see the sale of too many Damien Hirst formaldehyde cows or sheep next year.

Prediction #9: The S&P 500 will close 2009 at 1200, up 30%

In this weekend's Barron's, 11 of 12 'savvy' Wall Street strategists targeted the S&P to close 2009 between 975 and 1100. The consensus is nearly always wrong. By late summer, third-quarter earnings will turn up, investor greed will replace resignation and a late year rally will take the S&P to 1200.

Prediction #10: President Obama will have the single most successful inaugural year in Presidential history

There's nothing like somebody else's failure to make you look good. By early 2010, with the economy on the mend, the country will be measuring Obama for a spot on Mount Rushmore.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-12-26 16:06:06




问题资产救助计划(TARP)的资金会让通用汽车苟延残喘到2010年吗?门都没有。债券持有人和全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)将争来争去。瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)会被炒鱿鱼。而还未到任的政府行业管理者“汽车沙皇”将对这一切感到厌倦。最终,国会不会提供通用汽车真正需要的500亿美元。

预言2:伯纳德·马多夫(Bernie Madoff)将在审判中称自己疯了(而不能为自己的行为负责),但以失败告终。


预言3:高盛(Goldman Sachs)将收购亿创理财(E*Trade),大举进军网上银行业。

高盛首席执行长劳埃德·布兰克费恩(Lloyd Blankfein)大张旗鼓地捍卫华尔街的传统业务模式。但他清楚这种表演应该谢幕了。预计高盛将在6月份之前收购亿创理财。高盛还能怎样获得它所需要的其它网上银行和零售经纪业务?当然,它还可以收购嘉信理财(Charles Schwab),不过,嘉信理财180亿美元的市值已经是高盛价值的一半左右了。




没什么大惊小怪的。最终,乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和苹果董事会将对无休止的质疑和困惑感到厌倦。乔布斯将继续担任董事长,苹果的一位内部人士将被任命为首席执行长──拜你所赐,苹果的表现还是会不错。

预言6:彭博资讯的创始人布隆伯格(Bloomberg)将收购纽约时报公司(New York Times)。

另一个让人耳朵磨出老茧的传言最终也将变成现实。苏兹伯格家族(Sulzbergers)现在害怕的不是失去股息,而是失去整个公司了。最终,苏兹伯格家族将会迁怒于首席执行长小亚瑟·苏兹伯格(Arthur Jr.)。





泡沫最大的奢侈品市场将竞相寻找底部,如长岛汉普顿海滩的房屋和纽约市中心的公寓。但当代艺术品市场将是其中最大的输家。当过去几年投资艺术品的许多人认识到他们陷入了另一场庞式骗局,艺术品市场也会基本上消失。别指望明年能卖出太多达明安·赫斯特(Damien Hirst)泡在甲醛里的死牛、死羊。




韩国 发表于 2009-1-2 12:03:40
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