






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2009-1-6 16:47| 查看数: 1767| 评论数: 1|

Over-40 Finds a Muse

New York designer Elie Tahari invited retail buyers to his showroom this past week to unveil his latest sartorial confection: a $598 purple-floral sheath that he has named 'the Michelle dress,' after Michelle Obama.

The 44-year-old future first lady's immediate influence on fashion 'has nothing to do with fashion trends,' says Mr. Tahari, who plans to put the dress in ads this spring and in stores in June. 'Her style is all about the woman being noticed, not just the dress.'

After years of unsuccessful attempts to satisfy middle-aged women -- a high-spending but difficult-to-please demographic -- the U.S. apparel industry is rejoicing that it has finally found its muse. In design studios along Seventh Avenue and in retail strategy sessions at stores from Talbots to Saks Fifth Avenue, designers and executives are holding up Mrs. Obama as their Baby Boomer pinup girl.

After the election, Talbots Inc. quickly added images of Mrs. Obama to the image book, videos and storyboards it circulates internally to sales and design employees. 'We scrambled to put her in our brand book that we give sales associates that speaks to who the customer is and who we should always be designing for and talking about,' says Michael Smaldone, chief creative officer, who joined the 550-store chain a year ago to update the brand.

Some styles have already begun to change at Ellen Tracy, a label that is overhauling its look after seeing sales slide in recent years. Some items now fit closer to the body, the way Mrs. Obama tends to wear her clothes. The internal book the company is using to relaunch the Ellen Tracy brand has four pages of images of Mrs. Obama on the campaign trail, wearing sheath dresses and casual sportswear. Mark Mendelson, Ellen Tracy president, says the company is even considering running some of those images in advertising.

Designers at Liz Claiborne Inc. have struggled for years to revamp the label for middle-aged women. Now, Mrs. Obama's name is being bandied about as the role model for the company's new flagship collection, which hits stores next month. 'Michelle Obama is the incarnation of what we have been thinking,' says Isaac Mizrahi, Liz Claiborne's designer.

Middle-aged women have long been elusive targets for the U.S. apparel industry. In recent years, fashion marketers aiming to appeal to women over 40 -- from Gap Inc.'s Forth & Towne, Janeville and Liz Claiborne Inc.'s Sigrid Olsen -- have all gone out of business trying to deliver figure-flattering, stylish clothes that appeal to this customer. AnnTaylor Stores Corp. spent a year trying to create a new brand for the demographic, only to shelve the project last year.

One factor that makes mature women tough to please is that, as a group, they wear a wide range of sizes. They lean toward colorful, trendy styles, but they don't want to look like teenyboppers. They also want clothes that flatter their aging bodies -- dresses that cover their arms, pants that are slimming and comfortable. And they don't have time to graze malls as younger women do and so want sales associates to help navigate the clutter of clothes they often find in stores.

As sales of women's clothes have plunged in the recession, middle-aged women have become a tempting target because of their tendency to spend more than younger women on clothes. Women over 35 spent an estimated $53.2 billion of the $109 billion in women's apparel purchases for the 12 months ended in September, according to market researcher NPD Group. By comparison, women from the ages of 18 to 34 spent only $37.3 billion (girls from 13 to 17 spent the rest).

Many fashion companies steer away from being too closely associated with Baby Boomers -- for fear of typecasting their brands as old. Now Mrs. Obama is proving that it's OK, even chic, to be 40-something. J. Crew wasted no time connecting the dots when it ran the headline 'Shop J. Crew for the Michelle Obama Look' on its Web site soon after Mrs. Obama's late-October appearance on 'The Tonight Show' with Jay Leno, where she wore a yellow sweater, shell and skirt, all from J. Crew. 'If Michelle Obama can put together three pieces that we didn't show together, that's the validation that gives other women confidence that they can do the same,' says Jenna Lyons, creative director at the specialty retailer.

Apparel makers appreciate that Mrs. Obama -- unlike many Hollywood celebrities on the fashion industry radar screen -- has realistic proportions. And she dresses in accessible mall brands, like J. Crew and White House Black Market, as well as in higher-priced designer labels like Maria Pinto and Thakoon. 'One thing I love about her is that she isn't a stick figure and not a plus size,' says Mr. Mizrahi. 'She has a body pride I love.'

Jumping on the Obama bandwagon was an obvious move, once Seventh Avenue companies saw how American women rushed to buy her outfits. 'With Michelle Obama, there's an interest in her ability to move clothes,' says Leslie Jane Seymour, editor of More magazine, which targets middle-aged readers and put Mrs. Obama on its October cover. 'She represents the post-feminist generation -- a woman who can wear a sheath dress and show her arms -- and women are responding to her ability to be feminine, sexy and still powerful.'

At Saks Fifth Avenue, where the average customer age is 45, chief women's merchant Joseph Boitano says Mrs. Obama exemplifies the kind of style many middle-aged women aspire to achieve. After listening to customers in focus groups, Saks has begun retraining sales associates to target older women by helping them cross-shop brands throughout the store, he says. Unlike label-obsessed 20-somethings, Mr. Boitano adds, middle-aged women are 'more focused on products, such as a jacket with great detail that has shape, instead of a particular brand.'

Talbots, meanwhile, highlighted two trademark Michelle Obama looks -- pearls and shift dresses -- at fashion seminars at its stores, called 'hostess events,' this past Thursday. 'We really blew this event out once Michelle came into focus,' Mr. Smaldone says.

The connection isn't lost on Talbots customers, who have been bombarding the company with suggestions. One Virginia customer sent an email asking, 'Don't you think Michelle Obama would look so elegant in your cardinal red duchesse satin gown? Why don't you think about designing a matching red satin velvet opera coat exclusively for her?' Right after the election, the company sent Mrs. Obama a packet of catalogs and videos, hoping she will select a few styles and inspire millions of other women to do the same.


chrislau2001 发表于 2009-1-6 16:48:41

周,纽约时装设计师艾利•塔哈瑞(Elie Tahari)邀请服装商的采购人员前往他的工作室,参观他最新推出的高档女装:一件以米歇尔•奥巴马(Michelle Obama)命名的紫色印花连身裙,售价598美元。

Elie Tahari



多年来,美国服装行业一直无法满足中年女性的着装要求。中年女性素来不吝花钱打扮自己,但是却很难取悦。而今,大家高兴地发现缪斯女神终于出现了。从第七大道(Seventh Avenue)的时装设计工作室,到Talbots和Saks Fifth Avenue这些百货商店的零售战略会议,设计师和公司管理人士都寄望于奥巴马夫人,将她定位成婴儿潮一代(Baby Boomer)的偶像。

美国大选结束后,Talbots Inc.很快将奥巴马夫人的形象加入供公司销售和设计人员内部传阅的画册、视频以及广告图板。刚刚于一年前加入Talbots负责品牌重塑工作的首席创意官迈克尔•斯马尔多内(Michael Smaldone)表示,我们忙不迭地将她的形象纳入我们的品牌手册,目的是要让销售人员明确谁才是我们的顾客,谁才是我们设计的目标人群,谁才是我们每天谈论的物件。

Ellen Tracy品牌已经出现了一些风格上的转变。近年来,由于销售一直下滑,因此设计师正在全面革新该品牌的风格。一些时装的设计更加贴身,而这正是奥巴马夫人着装的风格。旨在重新推出Ellen Tracy品牌的内部手册有整整四页都是奥巴马夫人的图片,显示她在大选期间身着剪裁合身的连身裙和休闲运动装。Ellen Tracy的总裁马克•孟德尔森(Mark Mendelson)表示,该公司甚至考虑在广告中运用其中的一些图片。

Liz Claiborne Inc.的设计师多年来也在试图重塑品牌,以便更加迎合中年女性的口味。现在,公司正考虑把奥巴马夫人作为定于下月上市的最高端系列的原型。Liz Claiborne的设计师以撒•麦兹拉西(Isaac Mizrahi)表示,米歇尔•奥巴马正是我们设计理念的化身。

对于美国时装行业而言,中年女性历来都是一个难以琢磨的群体。近年来,Gap Inc. 旗下的Forth & Towne、Janeville以及Liz Claiborne Inc所属.的Sigrid Olsen等时装行销商,都曾把目标锁定在40岁以上的中年女性。它们试图为这一类别的客户提供能掩饰身材不足的时装,但是它们的努力均以失败告终。AnnTaylor Stores Corp.更是花费一年的时间,试图创立一个专门针对中年女性的新品牌,结果也在去年放弃了这个计划。


由于经济萧条使女装销售大幅下滑,中年女性已经成为一个很有吸引力的目标市场,因为比起年轻女性而言,这些人通常在服装方面更出手大方。根据市场研究机构NPD Group的资料,截至9月份的12个月,美国女装零售额为1,090亿美元,其中35岁以上女性的服装支出估计为532亿美元。相比之下,18至34岁女性的服装支出仅为373亿美元(余下部分为13至17岁少女的花费)。

Associated Press


许多时装公司都在刻意避免将自己的品牌与婴儿潮一代过多地联系在一起,因为它们担心这样会给人留下老气的印象。但如今,奥巴马夫人证明40多岁没什么不好,甚至可以是时尚雅致的代名词。10月底,奥巴马夫人身着J. Crew的三件单品 -- 一件黄色毛衫、一件无袖套头衫和一条半身裙出现在Jay Leno的"The Tonight Show"节目上。J. Crew旋即在其网站上打出醒目的标题:"选择J. Crew,打造米歇尔•奥巴马式的风格" 。该公司的创意总监Jenna Lyons表示,如果米歇尔•奥巴马能够选择三件单品呈现出我们未曾展示的搭配,那么其他女性也该有信心尝试相同的事情。

成衣制造商很喜欢奥巴马夫人平常人的身材比例,这与频繁受到时装行业关注的好莱坞明星截然不同。此外,奥巴马夫人既会选择普通人买得起的商场品牌,如J. Crew和White House Black Market,也会选择Maria Pinto和Thakoon这样的昂贵设计师品牌。麦兹拉西表示,我很喜欢她的一点是,她既不骨瘦如柴,也不需穿加大码。她有着骄人的身材,这是我所欣赏的。

一旦设计师目睹美国女性追随奥巴马夫人的着装风格,搭上这班顺风车就是他们不二的选择了。More杂志的编辑莱斯利•简•西摩(Leslie Jane Seymour)表示,大家对于米歇尔•奥巴马搭配服装的能力很有兴趣。她说,她是后女权主义一代的代表,是可以穿着贴身连身裙、露出胳膊的女性。事实上,很多女性都在积极回应她那种特有的着装风格 -- 既干练有力却又不失女人味和性感。More杂志的读者以中年女性为主,其10月刊的封面人物即是米歇尔•奥巴马。

在顾客平均年龄为45岁的Saks Fifth Avenue,女装部负责人约瑟夫•波艾塔诺(Joseph Boitano)表示,奥巴马夫人展示了很多中年女性期望实现的风格。在听取了各方顾客代表的意见后,Saks已经开始重新培训销售人员,以便她们更好地帮助中年女性交叉选购店内的各种品牌。他说,与热衷名牌的20多岁年轻女性不同,中年女性'更加关注产品本身,比如说一件外套的裁剪等细节,而不是某个特定的品牌。'

与此同时,Talbots在其店内举行题为"hostess events"的时装讨论会,突出展示了米歇尔•奥巴马的两样标志性风格 -- 珍珠配饰和宽松直身连身裙。斯马尔多内先生说,米歇尔刚刚成为大众关注的焦点,我们就顺势举办了这次活动。

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