





How to make a good deal?

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2009-2-1 15:57| 查看数: 4520| 评论数: 14|

Happy 牛 year, everybody! Welcome back to office. Hope you all had a wonderful Chinese New Year.

We know everybody is born with different talent. Some are good at singing; some are good at cooking. Sometimes it's very hard for a person to learn a skill who isn't good at. Say "bargain". How many of you are good at bargainning?

From my experience, when I decide to buy something, first I will check on internet about the quality, price and after service. Many web sites provide such kind of information. And they're very helpful. Another way is to ask people around you for their comments. But usually it doesn't work well since not many people know about it in details. Then with preparation ready, I go buy it.

One of the bargain skills is oral skill, which is my weakness. I don't like talking back and forth with others for cutting down the prices. I know it's very important for making a good deal and many people are enjoying doing that. I just don't know what to say and how to talk the others into changing their minds. Hehe... I'm not a business person.

Well, I believe you may have more interesting stories to share with us. So say something about this topic.

Wish everybody a prosperous 牛 year!!!


参与人数 2鲜花 +30 收起 理由
小猫女子 + 20 我很赞同
CalmSky + 10 good work.



leec1120 发表于 2009-2-1 16:23:10
of course i would ask the seller if the price could be lower, but not more than two times. i wouldn't like to spend too much on cutting price when i am shopping. when the price sounds reasonable or i could afford it, i will pay without any hesitation. if i couldn't accept it,i will leave
芥末膏 发表于 2009-2-2 09:53:06
Some people are really good at bargainning. They can pretend to be not interested in the purchase very much. And turn to other vendors to give pressure to the sellers in order to get the good prices. I think they're like actors and actresses. Hehe...
xijie2008 发表于 2009-2-2 11:09:29
CalmSky 发表于 2009-2-2 15:04:27
I am tired of bargaining though I wanna save money all the time.
芥末膏 发表于 2009-2-3 13:25:22
I guess comparing to women, most men don't like bargainning.
CalmSky 发表于 2009-2-3 13:36:41
I agree with you.

in fact, though I am not a man, I feel shy to bargain most of time.
zf87 发表于 2009-2-3 20:58:59
en, baigainers act "like actors and actresses", and a bit of psychology helps a lot.

or think it in another way, you are not eager to buy it meaning it worths less to you.
shunitang 发表于 2009-2-4 10:06:23
I am not good at barginning at all,not fall into such kind of person who are talkative and eloquent,their words can make people trust them fully.I am not a shopping goer,so if necessay,I only go to the supermarkets to shop with the marked items,sometimes,you can buy some items withdiscounts.I dont like to buy things from the street vendors,I am not good at selecting and barginning and am afraid to be cheated.
CalmSky 发表于 2009-2-4 10:57:52
angel, now I get to know why I like you so much because we are same kind of person, cheers~~
芥末膏 发表于 2009-2-5 13:33:50
The other day, I went to "大中" electrical equipment market. I found one DVD machine was very nice. I can read computer downloaded files like AVI, RMVB, RM and so on. The price tag on says 698RMB. I said to the sales clerk: OK, I'll take this.

Then he asked me a question: Do you buy it for yourself or for your company? I replied it's for me. Then he wanted to give me that DVD machine with 650RMB without receipt. And he asked me to pay cash to him instead of going to the cashier counter.

Initially, the reduced price tempted me a lot. I was going to make the purchase decision, but on my second thought, no receipt means I can't claim for guarantee and warranty if the machine has problems. I may lose more buy taking this little advantage.

Finally, I paid full cost to get that DVD. What's more? I found out that 698RMB includes two years guarantee/warranty from the DVD manufacturer, and three years guarantee/warranty from 大中. I would lose more than I thought if I took that clerk's suggestion.

This is not a "bargain case", but it does show we need to be very smart when we deal with those salesmen and vendors. Again, when things gets too cheap to be true, there must be trap waiting for you.


参与人数 2鲜花 +40 收起 理由
shunitang + 20 good
CalmSky + 20 good work.


shunitang 发表于 2009-2-5 13:46:07
angel, now I get to know why I like you so much because we are same kind of person, cheers~~

CalmSky 发表于 2009-2-4 10:57


hehe,I am too honest and just genuine words I speak,

so dont know how to flatter or cheat..even..
leec1120 发表于 2009-2-5 13:51:01
50 RMB or so you paid more than the sales clerk told you to, you then got 3 years guarantee.


how about 100 or 150 yuan you would pay more than the clerk told you to,you then got 3 years' guarantee ?
shunitang 发表于 2009-2-5 13:51:10
For the electrical machines and appliances,I always go to Guomei or Suning..

the guarantee and after sevice,in my eyes,will be better.

yeah,to buy things,we should be smart and have strategy...
小猫女子 发表于 2009-2-12 11:13:29
First ,i think it is very good topic and thanks to LZ .

actually,i am as same as sunny.i am not good at bargaining either.so sometimes i don't like buy something with myself and always like buy it with my elder sister or my good friends.if i want tobargaing to one thing that is i very like it .i alway pretended i don't like this and in such case the shopper will think youcould't buy it and you could cutting down good price that you think it is ok.

i think it is a very good method and you can try it next shopping
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