





经济不给力 美新人流行殡仪馆办婚礼

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-28 18:43| 查看数: 1177| 评论数: 0|


  Paulita and Tony Flores took their wedding vows in December in an elegant rotundawith marble floors amid glimmering chandeliersand a bubbling fountain.

  去年12月,宝莉塔和托尼 弗洛雷斯在一家殡仪馆举办了婚礼。雅致的圆形大厅里铺着大理石地面,枝形吊灯上泛着微光,喷泉汩汩作响。

  It didn't bother them that a room down the hall showcased caskets and urns. Or that the building was surrounded by a large cemetery with 100,000 gravestones on 60 acres. Or that on other days, the facility hosts something a lot more somber — funerals.



  The Flores' wedding at the Community Life Center at Washington Park East Cemetery here illustrates a growing trend.


  Across the USA, funeral homes are building and marketing such centers as not just a place to mourn the dead but as sites for events celebrating the living, including weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, holiday parties and proms.


  The lure? It is often less expensive; there is greater availability; and the settings — inside and outside — can be nothing short of wedding-picture perfect.



  Flanner &Buchanan Funeral Centers opened the $10 million Community Life Center in 2001, but it had a slow start. As recently as 2009, it hosted just 10 weddings. Then Carla Fletcher took over as special events coordinator in March. The center now holds a dozen events each month and has nearly every Friday, Saturday and Sunday booked this year, including 99 weddings, as well as bookings that stretch into 2012, she says.

  “弗兰纳和布坎南”殡葬中心在2001年投资1000万美元建设了社区活动中心,但最初它并不受欢迎。直到2009年,这里仅举办过10场婚礼。此后,卡拉 弗莱彻在3月出任特别活动协调员。她表示,目前该中心每个月都要举办12场活动,今年所有的周五到周日都被预订一空,包括99场婚礼。有些预订一直排到了2012年。

  "The place wasn't being utilized because people had tunnel vision," says Fletcher, who also often plays the part of wedding planner for the couples. "They thought since it was a funeral home, they (couldn't) sell it. But I don't see a funeral home; I see an events center."



  The idea of getting married in a funeral home wasn't much of a hurdle to overcome, says Paulita Flores, 21.

  21岁的宝莉塔 弗洛雷斯说:“在殡仪馆举行婚礼没那么想不通。”

  "At first, when I pulled up and saw it was a funeral home, it did concern me," she admitted. "But when we walked in and saw everything, it was overwhelming. I fell in love and thought it was the perfect place. It was breathtaking, so it (the funeral home aspect) didn't cross my mind again."


  In a 2010 association survey, almost 10% of the 627 funeral home owners who responded said they owned or offered a community or family center in addition to traditional funeral facilities.



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