






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-9 22:12| 查看数: 968| 评论数: 0|

  The perfect woman should have Taylor Swift's hair, Natalie Portman's nose and the body of curvy star Penelope Cruz, according to a survey by Hollywood plastic surgeons.



  Hollywood's most sought after body parts


  She should also have Scarlett Johansson's lips, the cheeks of January Jones and the jaw line of Halle Berry.


  Add in the perfect complexionof Amy Adams and the mixture of body parts equals the ultimate woman.

  再加上艾米 亚当斯的完美肤色,一个极品女人就这么诞生了。

  The combination of features of the Hollywood stars makes up what people seeking plastic surgery believe would be the perfect look. The most sought after body parts of the rich and famous were revealed by two Hollywood plastic surgeons.


  Dr Richard Fleming and Dr Toby Mayer carried out a survey among their patients to build up the picture of what the perfect woman would look like.


  The doctors said the trend for plump, lusciouslips as sportedby Angelina Jolie were no longer popular. Instead the pair said women preferred the lips of actress Scarlett Johansson.


  In the category of the most sought after body shape, former supermodel Gisele Bundchen and Jennifer Aniston were in the top three.


  But Penelope Cruz, who has just given birth to her first son, was voted as having the top body. The Spanish born star is known for her voluptuousfigure.

  佩内洛普 克鲁兹尽管刚刚产下了她的第一个儿子,但仍然被认为拥有最完美的身体。这位西班牙出生的明星以其丰满性感的身材而闻名。

  Natalie Portman, who received an Oscar nomination for her portrayal of a ballet dancer driven over the edge in "Black Swan", has the nose most cosmetic surgery patients want. Emma Stone and Nicole Kidman were also named as having the perfect nose.

  凭借在电影《黑天鹅》中的表演而获得奥斯卡奖提名的娜塔莉波特曼拥有整容者们最向往的鼻子。娜塔莉在《黑天鹅》中扮演一位精神分裂的芭蕾舞者。艾玛 斯通和妮可基德曼也被认为拥有最完美的鼻子。

  The Beverly Hills surgeons also compiled a list of the most desirable male features.


  Mad Men star Jon Hamm has the most desired jaw line, while others liked Jude Law's nose and George Clooney's hair. Mark Wahlberg, who showed off his toned physique in "The Fighter", was said to have the most sought after body.


  Dr Fleming and his partner produce a list every year based on a survey carried out among their current and former patients.


  "There are common features you find year to year," said Dr Fleming. "But these names are more a commentary about pop culture – whose face is in your face this year."



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