






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2011-2-11 20:35| 查看数: 1423| 评论数: 0|

少女偶像影星“赫敏”爱玛·沃森即将出演自告别《哈利·波特》系列之后的首部电影——《The Perks of Being a Wallflower/壁花少年》。近日,爱玛终于通过社交网站FACEBOOK正式对外宣布了这一消息,她写道:“我要告诉大家,传闻是真的,我即将在《壁花少年》中的Sam这个角色”,而与爱玛对戏的演员将是同为90后的少年男星罗根·勒曼。电影故事主要讲述了15岁的男主人公Charlie常常将自己的生活写成信,然后寄给一些素不相识的人,而爱玛饰演的Sam便是其中一人。信得内容还包括了Charlie好友的自杀以及他与人交往中所碰到的评价。该剧本被业界普遍评价为是青春题材电影中的佳作。   除了《壁花少年》之外,“赫敏”或还将遭遇《暮光》之中的筋肉“浪人”。据电影媒体的消息从,爱玛·沃森将加盟由泰勒·洛特纳主演的奇幻动作片《印卡塞隆》。该片是一部关于“越狱”的未来科幻动作影片。泰勒-洛特纳所饰演的角色是一个年轻的终身监禁的犯人,而Incarceron便是他被囚禁的监狱,这里是一个自给自足的“小社会”,同时还是一个时间停留在十七世纪的由电脑所操控的世界。男主角结识监狱长的女儿,他们发现了一把神秘的钥匙,并得知曾经有一个人越狱成功,于是他俩开始策划如何“逃出生天”。

  It's been nine months since Variety first announced that Emma Watson might be starring in the upcoming adaptation of Stephen Chbosky's "The Perks of Being a Wallflower," and now Watson's first post-"Harry Potter" leading role has been confirmed. Both she and Logan Lerman will headline the adaptation that Summit Entertainment recently picked up.   Watson confirmed the casting on her Facebook page, saying, "Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that the rumours are true - I'm going to be playing Sam in 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' opposite Logan Lerman. Love Em xx."   Chbosky will both write and direct the film, with John Malkovich executive-producing it. "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" follows 15-year-old wallflower Charlie (Lerman) who writes a series of letters to an unknown person about his life, including his love for a girl named Sam (Watson), the suicide of his best friend and his struggle to find a group of friends in which he belongs. It is considered to be one of the best interpretations of adolescence in the 1990s out there.

  "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" isn't the only film on Watson's slate. She's filmed a small but important role in the upcoming Michelle Williams-starring film "My Week With Marilyn" and is also a top contender to star opposite Taylor Lautner in the adaptation of the young-adult novel "Incarceron." There's also the last "Harry Potter" film, "Deathly Hallows: Part 2," which is scheduled to hit theaters July 15.


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