





Lady Gaga新歌被指抄袭麦当娜名作

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-13 20:02| 查看数: 1181| 评论数: 0|

  流行小天后Lady Gaga即将在今年发行她备受期待的新唱片,周五,专辑中的首支同名主打歌曲《Born This Way》正式与广大歌迷见面,深知行销之道的唱片公司更是选择了在社交网站FACEBOOK上发布新单曲这样创新的做法,有超过250,000名粉丝在第一时间听到了Lady Gaga动感十足的新作品,而这些粉丝又将歌曲转发分享给了自己的好友,如此一来,《Born This Way》便伴随着一传十十传百的“蛛网”效应在这个世界上最大的社交网站上传播开来。

  抢先听到歌曲的粉丝兴奋不已,不多也有一些质疑声随之传来,有不少“耳朵尖”的歌迷大呼:《Born This Way》越听越像正牌流行天后麦当娜的名作《Express Yourself》,有粉丝在微博上写道:“两首歌曲在主题上近乎相同,听着Gaga的歌总是不由自足的会想到娜姐在1989年的单曲。”不过这也不是Lady Gaga第一次被用来和娜姐作比较了。“喷火胸罩”被指是步娜姐“锥形文胸”的后尘,Gaga去年的《Alejandro》的音乐录影带就被指带有娜姐《Like a Prayer》和《Vogue》的影子,连打造了已故天王迈克尔·杰克逊的传奇音乐人Quincy Jones 也将Gaga称作“小麦当娜”。

  Lady Gaga's new single "Born This Way" has been out for less than a day, and it's already garnering fantastic praise, explosive criticism and scathing comparisons to Madonna.

  Twitter critics say that the song bears an all too striking resemblance to Madonna's 1989 hit "Express Yourself" -- and the two song titles were major trending topics on Twitter Friday. Wrote one Twitter user: "Is it just me or does #bornthisway remind you of an 80s @Madonna song? i liked it the first time, when it was called #expressyourself."

  It wouldn't be the first time Gaga's been compared to Madonna: Gaga has repeatedly channeled Madonna's provocative looks--including her trademark cone bras and underwear-as-outerwear. Gaga paid homage to the Material Girl in her video for "Alejandro," channeling both "Like a Prayer" and "Vogue" videos. And legendary music producer Quincy Jones even told UsMagazine.com that he thinks Gaga is "Madonna Jr."


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