





Lady Gaga瘦身诀窍揭秘:喝酒减肥

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-23 19:38| 查看数: 1175| 评论数: 0|



  在小天后Lady Gaga看来,减肥节食其实是件很轻松的事,同时还充满乐趣,原来她的瘦身独门绝招便是酒精,准确的说是威士忌。这位女歌手从来不掩饰其无酒不欢的本性,同时更声称,酒精不但能使人保持兴奋,同时还可以保持完美体形,不过唯一的条件便是哪怕宿醉难耐,可必须天天到健身房报到。   日前,Lady Gaga在接受一家电台采访时大谈其“酒精减肥法”,她说:“我靠喝酒减肥,我的过着我想要的极富创意的生活。就算是在工作的时候,我也爱喝些威士忌。不过日常的运动健身是绝对不可少的,就算是喝得伶仃大醉,我也不会偷懒。两种方法交替进行,并且能让你一直保持着新鲜感。不过不得承认的时,我的确狂练瑜伽。”   Lady Gaga has a special way of keeping in shape: whiskey! She's a big fan of the alcoholic beverage because she thinks it helps her creativity but still maintains her toned figure, because she hits the gym even if she's suffering from the after-effects of too much alcohol.   She told Sirius XM radio: "I am on the drunk diet. I live my life as I want to, creatively. I like to drink whiskey and stuff while I am working. But the deal is I've got to work out every day, and I work out hung over if I am hung over. And it's about the cross-training and keeping yourself inspired. I have to say, I do a ton of yoga."   Gaga has previously caused controversy with her extreme dieting methods.   The 24-year-old singer’s former tour manager, David Ciemny, claimed last year she would binge on junk food such as cakes and sweets, then not eat for weeks to fit into her costumes -- once losing 20 pounds between fittings for one of her outfits.   Describing her condition, David said: "When I say she was sick, I mean physically and mentally."

  Talent scout Wendy Starland added: "The pressure on her to lose weight was very high."


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