






发布者: franky | 发布时间: 2006-3-3 19:33| 查看数: 6599| 评论数: 5|

I had had a luxurious Benze and a beauty called English to choose from. I chose the former. But now I regretted a lot after losing her.
There is nothing more painful than that.
If you want to pick up English now, don't hesitate any more!
If God give me another chance, I will tell her in three words: I love you!
If a limit is put on my time of love for English, I just wish for 100 days.
  After his western odyssey, Zhou Benchi strolled back with loads of English learning books. A pair of lovers saw him and commented:
  Lady: How poor his English is!/那个人英语好差啊!
  Man: I hear he is an English illiterate!/我也听说了,他好像一个英语文盲啊!
  Zhou Benchi is sulky. Those folks keep gossiping about my poor English and about my inability to go abroad. They are just like swarms of flies hanging around. Oh, to be exact, swarms of bees flying around you, even into your ears. Oh. Help. Help!
  But in a split second, Zhou Benchi falls in love with English, because he decides to study English with "Wulitou" (casual) method. Although he has taken many "Wulitou" actions in his life, he thinks this one is ideal.
  So he starts his English learning from practicing spoken English. He chats with MM online in simple oral English. He shows off his idiomatic English phrases to MM from Chinese Odyssey, an English learning course book. He becomes more and more eager to practise and he practises again and again. Finally he learnt his English well. Now nobody can say his English is poor. So, you know how he could learn English well all by himself.
周奔驰:What a long sleepless night. I thought I was the only one sleepless. So are you Cuihua Girl!/长夜漫漫无心睡眠,我以为只有我睡不着觉,原来翠花姑娘你也睡不着啊!
翠花:Really?! Why are you, Smart Brother, sleepless?/是啊!不知道帅哥你为什么睡不着啊?
周奔驰:Just for you! Be frank, OK?/就是因为翠花姑娘你啊。别再上酸菜了,何必呢--?何苦呢--?
翠花:We Northeasterners are living Leifengs. We do what we like. May I know what you do?/俺们东北人都是活雷锋嘛。做一行爱一行。你是干啥的?
周奔驰:I……After traveling around the world, I haven't got anything to do yet. I know my whole life would be like this: endless parties,cruises and polo games…/俺……自从环球周游之后,俺就闲着没事干,"我知道自己一辈子都要这么过下去了,整天是没完没了的舞会和聚餐,游艇和马球赛……"
  翠花:Don't show off. Don't you know that talking about one's wealth has no place online. /你夸耀"中产"干什么?你知不知道网上一说钱,就一点性格都没有了?
周奔驰:I'm just kidding. That line is cited from Titanic. In fact, my present situation is that after years of hard work I have little food to eat and have only a shabby room to live in. And I have never slept well. That has been my life for these past ten years, just like Ms. Matilde in THE LOST NECKLACE in our middle school English textbook./开个玩笑。刚才那句话摘自《泰坦尼克》的电影对白。实际上,我目前的状况是:"多年的劳累,食不果腹,只有寒舍一间,得不到片刻休息,那就是我十年来的生活",就像中学英语课文《失去的项链》里的玛蒂尔德。
翠花:You just copy from here and there and never create. Are you a copy machine?/唉,东摘摘西抄抄,你不做原创,你想做复印机啊?
周奔驰:I was all wrong. I didn't know that you Cuihua Girl like me in my true self!/真失败!原来翠花姑娘喜欢真实一面的我!
翠花:What do you do on earth?/你到底是干啥的?
周奔驰:Actually I am here just to have fun with girls. To be exact, to chat with a girl called English so as to practise my English./其实俺到英语聊天室,就是为了泡妞,错啦,是为了泡English这个妞,是为了学英语耶。
翠花:Ha, Ha, Ha…Good boy. How are you getting on with your English?/哈哈哈,孺子可教。你的英语现在是什么程度呀?
周奔驰:I graduated from a vocational school and haven't studied English for 8 years. At most my English level is that of a senior high school student. No! Not even senior high school. Tell me, can I still learn English well?/俺是专科毕业,扔下八年了,现在只是相当于高中水平的英语,不,高中生都赶不上了,你说,俺能学好英语吗?
翠花:Let me tell you a story that happened around me. After hearing this, I'm sure you will decide to turn over a new page in your life./让俺给你讲个身边的故事,你听了一定会洗心革面、重新做人的。
周奔驰:You are really extraordinary!/I服了YOU!
The story related by Cui hua
I served sour dishes to guests in the Northeasterners' Sour Dish Restaurant every day. When I saw foreigners come and have dinners, I listened attentively just like a little rabbit with long ears. After a long time like this, even if I am as slow as you, I learned my English. I'm just like the great scientist Einstein's driver, who always drove Einstein to make speeches. After just half a year, he could pretend to be Einstein to make speeches, and let true Einstein take a good rest.
"To learn English is to have fun". That is my secret of learning English.
I have a co-worker named Paoding. He is a butcher and his work is to dissect cattle every day. If you watch him kill the cattle, you will find that all his actions: the touching, shouldering, stepping and kneeling, are of rhythm and melody, just like the dancing steps of Sanglin of the Yin and Tang dynasties, and also like the melody of Xianchi & Jingshou for the Di and Yao Emperors.
Brother Paodingtold me that he is keen on the Way. He can coordinate his heart and action when he uses his knife. A whole ox is dissected adeptly with his swift hands as if to the company of Beethoven's Symphony of Fate, so quick that the ox might not know that it has been killed. Then Paoding would stand straight with his knife in one hand and look around in satisfaction.
I'm not sure if you can achieve a fraction of this skill when you date with a girl. Just like dissecting an ox, Paoding smoothly graduated from high school, taught himself English, passed College English Band 4, achieved good results in TOEFL and GRE tests. He never behaved like you. You regard English as dinosaur and always knit your eyebrow when learning it.
Do you want to play English? If you do, use English smartly. If you don't use English with fun, how could I know you want to play English. Although you are looking at me earnestly, do you still want to tell me that you prefer to play English. Do you really want to play? Yes? Then, you play cool with English at once. Don't you really want to play? Is it true that what you really want to play is English?
  Hearing Miss Cuihua’s words, Zhou Benchi felt he benefited a lot as if he had read English books for ten years. Zhou began his self-reflection: During my western odyssey I traveled a lot of places and gathered a lot of treasure including several Benz cars. But the regretful thing is that I lost the love of Miss Jinjing, Miss Zixia, and so on and so forth because of my poor English. Even Miss Cuihua whom I chatted online looked down upon me.
  After that reflection Zhou Benchi was determined to push himself really hard to learn English well. He wanted his English to be as hot as Zhou Renfa’s and as cool as Xie Tingfeng’s.
  However, having dropped his English learning for years and, with his perseverance as poor as his English, whenever Zhou Benchi gets a popular English learning book, he can’t help but feeling“her”and so can’t“she”. And so they promise each other that they will never separate. But the happiness is always short. After just a few minutes, he would cast that book away. In the end he would always sigh and bear endless regrets.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-3 19:34:39编辑过]


samin 发表于 2006-3-6 16:58:10
Is this artcile very popular in the internet?
yucc 发表于 2006-3-8 20:04:18
mengxxx911 发表于 2006-3-26 05:34:39
快乐呵呵 发表于 2006-3-27 09:35:57
i don't like he,i think he is to do something is verypuff!
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-1-17 16:00:06
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