





英老农巧遇蛋中蛋 或因母鸡受惊所致

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-23 22:39| 查看数: 1151| 评论数: 1|

  Finding a double yolk at breakfast is considered lucky - but one pensioner was amazed when he cracked open an egg only to find a complete miniature one inside.   就算是“双黄蛋”对你已经不足为奇,但这样的“蛋中蛋”肯定会让你倍感惊奇。   Retired farmer John Fellows, 68, had been making scrambled eggs when he cracked open the large outer shell of the ordinary chicken egg.But when he put it aside to clean up, he spotted the a smaller egg the size of a marble inside.   68岁的约翰-菲罗斯是英国的一位退休农民,这天清晨他准备煎蛋做早餐,但当他敲开一枚体积要比普通鸡蛋更大鸡蛋后,他惊讶的发现,蛋壳内居然还有一枚小鸡蛋。



  Mr Fellows said it was the first egg within an egg he had ever seen and that he would be keeping the mini-egg for posterity.   菲罗斯称这是他第一次遇到蛋中藏蛋的情况,并且准备将这枚迷你蛋就给子孙。   Experts say the rare phenomenon is just a quirk of nature and can occur if the chicken receives a shock during egg production.   农业专家们也表示,这样罕见的情况实则是大自然的一种变异,如果母鸡在生蛋时受到惊吓,就可能产下异常的鸡蛋。   Mr Fellows, a grandfather-of-four from Weymouth, Dorset, said: 'It was just amazing.'I've worked in farming for 20-odd years, including some work with poultry, but I've never seen anything like it before.'   约翰-菲罗斯说:“我在农场工作已经20多年了,也饲养过家禽,不但遇到这样的事情还是头一遭。”   Robert Newbery, chief poultry adviser for the National Farmers Union, said the double shell was 'a peculiarity of Mother Nature' and was safe to eat.   英国全国农民工会的首席家禽顾问罗伯特.纽贝里说,这样的鸡蛋品质安全,可以放心的吃。   He said: 'I've heard about this before but it's very unusual.   他说:“尽管我之前曾经听说过,但这样的情况还是非常不寻常。”   'The egg sits in the bird and hangs around and another shell forms around an egg that's on its way out. It's one of those things that can happen.



  Douglas Russell, of the Natural History Museum, said the 'ovum in ovo' has attracted scholarly attention for hundreds of years.   He said: 'Several theories have been proposed.'The most likely suggests that the normal rhythmic muscular action, or peristalsis, that moves a developing egg down the oviduct malfunctions in some way.'



你在那里 发表于 2011-2-23 23:26:57
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