





春装变亮 型男更靓

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2009-2-9 08:57| 查看数: 1245| 评论数: 2|

Men's Clothes, Now In Technicolor...

Spring wardrobe memo to men: Think pink. And orange, lilac and cobalt blue, while you're at it.

As stores start filling up with spring fashions, the blacks, grays, navys and beiges that have long reigned in menswear -- even in spring -- are giving way to a rainbow of Crayola colors.

'It's one of the key trends for us,' says Tommy Fazio, men's fashion director at Bergdorf Goodman, who says the high-end store has stocked up on bright sweaters, shirts and sport coats. Color is flowing into traditional labels like Kiton, designer lines like Bottega Veneta and even Bergdorf's private-label collection. Color is 'cheery, happy and new,' he says. 'It's a good time' for color, he adds, alluding in part to the current economic blues.

This spring, even labels that have long favored muted shades -- including Theory, Perry Ellis, Bamford & Sons, Tony Melillo and Band of Outsiders -- have added brighter colors. Spurr, which typically sells sleek black clothes and dark denim, now includes lilac sweaters and turquoise jeans in its lineup.

For spring, Macy's will stock its private-label polos in 24 colors at all of its stores. In the past, it offered the full collection only at big-city stores, with other stores carrying just 12 to 16 shades. Displays will encourage men to layer different shades of blue from head to toe -- for instance, a sky-blue shirt with a royal blue sweater and navy pants, topped off by a cobalt blue anorak -- and salespeople are being trained to reinforce the message. Layering blues offers a fresher, 'more contemporary edge than just putting blue and white or blue and tan together,' says Stephen Cardino, a men's fashion director at the Macy's East division.

The new emphasis on color comes at a time when consumers are reluctant to spend on anything but essentials. Some fashion experts say that designers should take heed of the sober mood and focus on conservative styles and basics.

The counterargument is that color will put men in the mood to open their wallets, since it will look fresh and different. Purple took off in a surprisingly big way in menswear last year, emboldening some designers to get more aggressive about color.

Retailers are 'out of options to try to get the customer to shop, so they have to be bold,' says Mike Kraus, a retail specialist at consultant AllBusiness.com, who believes color will play well among men this spring.

Of course, many of the clothes hitting stores now were in the works long before global financial markets melted down in the fall. But in hard times, men respond best to clothes 'they don't already have,' says Mark-Evan Blackman, chairman of the menswear design department at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.

He adds, however, that 'I don't think in bad times men are going to buy the most outrageous, colorful items.'

Indeed, some of the bolder head-to-toe uses of color seen last year on the spring 2009 menswear runways could be a tough sell. Jil Sander, for instance, showed a suit in 'sunflower' yellow, along with a blue and white jacket with red half sleeves, worn with red slacks. And Calvin Klein's show included suits in highlighter yellow and fluorescent red.

In the view of Calvin Klein Men's creative director Italo Zucchelli, men 'are willing to have some fun with color.'

But Dean Ayer, a 45-year-old independent software developer, in New Haven, Conn., says that he would be more likely to buy a colorful casual item, such as a polo shirt, than a colorful spread-collar dress shirt. And forget about a bright sport coat, he says. 'A sport coat is a larger investment than a shirt,' he notes, adding that it's easier to tone down a bright shirt with a dark jacket than vice versa.

Bright colors are not for everyone. Bold shades look best on 'high contrast' men with light skin and dark hair or those with dark brown skin, says Alan Flusser, author of 'Dressing the Man.' Men with pale skin and hair should opt for softer shades.

Men should avoid head-to-toe color, says Robin Walker, a Chicago-based image consultant and host of BlogTalkRadio's 'Tailored Edges,' a style advice show for men. Instead, she suggests balancing any color with a neutral like gray. 'You want to give the eye a place to rest,' she says. To achieve a balance, she notes, the neutral needs to complement the color, rather than contrast with it. 'Yellow and black is harsh, but yellow and charcoal is delightful,' she says.

She also recommends limiting bright colors to the upper body, close to the face. 'If you wear it on your lower half,' she says, 'that's exactly where people are going to look first.'


chrislau2001 发表于 2009-2-9 08:58:08

Dan LeccaBottega Veneta Men Spring 09 Milan 06/22/08






高档百货商场波道夫·古德曼(Bergdorf Goodman)男士时尚总监汤米·法奇奥(Tommy Fazio)说,这是我们的一个重要趋势。他介绍说,他们已经备下了色彩鲜亮的毛线衫、衬衫和短外套。亮色风正吹进了Kiton这样的传统品牌,渗进了宝缇嘉(Bottega Veneta)等设计师产品,甚至影响到了波道夫的自有品牌系列。法奇奥说,亮色是欢快、喜悦和新颍的。他又接着说,如今是明亮色的“大好时光”,似乎部分影射了当前经济的蓝调。

在这个春季,即便是那些长期锺爱柔和色调的品牌──希尔瑞(Theory)、派瑞·艾力斯(Perry Ellis)、Bamford & Sons、Tony Melillo以及Band of Outsiders──都加入了更加明亮的色彩。以往销售雅致黑衣和深色仔裤的Spurr品牌,如今产品线也新添了淡紫色毛线衫和青绿色牛仔裤。

今年春季,梅西百货(Macy's)将在旗下所有商店出售24个色彩的自有品牌马球衫。该商店以往只在大城市商店提供全色彩产品,其他商店只有12-16种色彩服装可供选择。时装展示鼓励男士们从头到脚穿着不同深浅的蓝色──例如天蓝的衬衫配上品蓝的毛线衫和藏青色裤子,外面再披一件金属蓝的带帽夹克。销售员正在接受培训以强化这一信息。梅西百货美东男装时尚总监斯蒂文·卡尔蒂诺(Stephen Cardino)说,较之蓝白或是蓝棕两色搭配,渐变蓝色能带来更为清新、更为现代的感受。





咨询公司AllBusiness.com的零售业专家麦克·克劳斯(Mike Kraus)表示,零售商在吸引顾客购物方面已是无计可施,因此不得不采取大胆举动。他认为,今年春天亮色彩会在男装中大受欢迎。

当然,现在上市的许多服装早在去年秋天全球金融市场崩溃之前就已经设计完成了。但纽约FIT流行设计学院(Fashion Institute of Technology)的男装设计系主任马克-伊文·布莱克曼(Mark-Evan Blackman)说,经济不景气的时候,男士会更为青睐他们目前所没有的服装。


Dan Lecca


实际上,去年在2009年春季男装发布会上出现的一些大胆出位的全身亮色服装可能会无人问津。举例来说,吉尔·桑达(Jil Sander)曾展示过一套向日葵黄色的服装,以及带有红色半截袖的蓝白两色夹克,搭配红色裤子。卡尔文·克莱恩(Calvin Klein)也展出过更为明亮的黄色和荧光红的服装。

在卡尔文·克莱恩的男装创意总监伊塔洛·祖切里(Italo Zucchelli)看来,男士们现在愿意在色彩方面花俏一把。

但康涅狄格州45岁的独立软件开发商迪恩·艾耶(Dean Ayer)说,象马球衫这样随意的服装,他可能会愿意买一件颜色鲜艳的,但对正装衬衫他就不太愿尝试色彩了,更不用提短外套了。他说,短外套可是比衬衫更贵的投资,亮色衬衫搭配黑外套可要比黑衬衫搭配亮外套容易。



明亮的色彩也不适合每个人。《男士着装》(Dressing the Man)一书的作者阿兰·弗鲁瑟(Alan Flusser)表示,鲜明色调最适合拥有白皮肤、黑头发的“高对比”男士,或是那些拥有深褐色皮肤的人。皮肤头发颜色都比较淡的男士应该选择柔和色调。

芝加哥形像顾问罗宾·沃克尔(Robin Walker)表示,男士应该避免一身单色,可以使用灰色这样的中色来平衡色调。她还在BlogTalkRadio电台主持着《Tailored Edges》节目,提出男士风格方面的建议。沃克尔说,你要给眼睛一个歇息的地方。为了平衡起见,需要使用中色来补充色调,而不能加深对比。黄黑两色搭配很刺眼,但黄色和炭灰色的碰撞就令人愉快。

leec1120 发表于 2009-2-9 11:21:59
that's really fashionable
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