





B宝透露生日计划 想念祖母起司蛋糕

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-25 19:43| 查看数: 1376| 评论数: 0|

  当下红得发紫的流行歌手贾斯汀·比伯即将在3月1日应在自己17岁的生日,相信粉丝们都会很想知道小正太究竟会以怎样的方式来庆生,最近,这位少女偶像在接受《娱乐周刊》的采访时透露了自己的生日计划,他说:“希望我的祖母到时候能过来这边,这样我就可以和家人一块儿庆祝了。我的的祖母做的起司蛋糕棒极了,她在我13岁的生日时做了一个樱桃起司蛋糕,美味极了。”   不过B宝也表示,因为时间有限,所以不会开盛大的生日派对,比伯说道:“我只有4天的时间可以休息,之后就要复工开世界巡回演唱会了,所以我得让自个儿放轻松养养神。”   另外,对于自己的新发型,比伯也希望粉丝们不要过度敏感,他说:“换发型是一个突发的念头,我想粉丝们还是会喜欢新发型的,因为真正重要的不是别的,而是音乐。”



  What is Justin Bieber, arguably the world's most sought-after teen idol, going to do for his 17th birthday?   Chill with his grandparents, of course.   "Hopefully my grandparents will be out here and I'll be able to spend time, a little bit, with them," the singer tells Entertainment Tonight in an interview airing Thursday. "My grandma makes the best cheesecake – cherry cheesecake. She made that for my 13th birthday."   Bieber insists there will be "no birthday bash," especially because of the short window of time he has before he gets back to work.   "I only have, like, four days, so I'm just going to relax, because I start my world tour starting on [March 4] – so just going to mentally prepare and just relax," says Bieber, whose birthday is March 1.   The star also warns fans not to read too much into his recent haircut.

  "I just woke up and said, 'I don't want this anymore,' so I just cut it," he explained of the decision to shear his famous locks. "You know, the fans really liked it, but they'll like me no matter what, because I think it's about the music."


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