





World War Ⅱ

发布者: cloud | 发布时间: 2006-3-4 19:33| 查看数: 9517| 评论数: 1|

<FONT face=宋体 size=5>I just want to talk about England's battle for survival under the waves of German bombers.It is well konwn that Nazi brutal killings to countries people enormous persecution .The heavy raids to English began in the middle of August ,but at the begining ,Hitler and Air Marshal Goering didn't expect English couldn't surrender.So on September 7,1940,nearly four hundred German bombers were ordered to hammer the city with bombs in broad daylight.But they did not expect another is that the city endured.Trains brought commuters in from the suburbs.Buses bumped along the streets . The fires were brought under control.Bottles of dairy milk arrived in doorways,and women took them in,as though the war were a thouand miles away.Newspapers appeared and people bought them,hurrying to work and reading reports of the battle raging over London.War is the greatest suffering of the people, but the nature of the war changed, and the dignity of our nation to defend the country, people are the key to the war, as long as people are full of confidence in their own countries, pledging his life to defend, then this nation is invincible!  London is the British people do this, they are great! </FONT>


kevin 发表于 2006-3-6 10:00:28
Every nation is equal in nature...
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