





贝克汉姆半裸出镜 首秀胸部纹身私照

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-2-28 14:02| 查看数: 1257| 评论数: 0|

  David Beckham posted the first pictures of his latest tattoo on Facebook today. It’s no secret that David is a big fan of body art and Victoria has even joined him with a number of decorative pieces of her own in recent years. But the 35-year-old latest addition is would look more at home on the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel than on a person’s chest.   酷爱纹身的“万人迷”贝克汉姆近日又在自己的微博中晒出了自己最新的纹身图案,小贝的“纹身控”情结也感染到了最近刚当上以自己名字命名的“设计师老婆”维多利亚,因为近年来狗仔也在维多利亚身上发现很多美丽的纹身图案。就这样,意大利西斯廷教堂的三个小天使(贝克汉姆的三个儿子:布鲁克林、罗密欧以及克鲁兹)的图案就“印”在了小贝性感的胸部上。



  The tattoo is of Jesus being lifted by three cherubs, of whom David says symbolise himself and his three sons Brooklyn, 11, Romeo, 8, and Cruz, 6. David also posted a video on Facebook explaining why he had the tattoo and what it represents.‘It’s Jesus being carried by three cherubs and obviously the cherubs are my boys and so my thought of it is that at some point my boys are going to need to look after me and that’s what they’re doing in the picture. It means a lot.’




  The tattoo is the handy work of one of LA’s biggest tattoo artists, Mark Mahoney, who has worked on a long list of famous names who include Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. David is just another in a long line of celebrities who have only good words to say about Mark. He added: ‘He’s not a tattooist who goes on and does TV programmes. He’s low key and stays out of things and is very talented.

  据悉,小贝秀在胸部上的新纹身并不是普通凡人的作品,而是出自洛杉矶最出名的纹身大师Mark Mahoney的手,这位享誉全球的纹身大师不仅仅为小贝“亲手操刀”,还为强尼·德普、布莱特·皮特以及安吉丽娜·朱丽等好莱坞绝对的明星大腕服务。小贝对大师是着迷得不得了,他丝毫不吝啬自己对大师的赞美,他在微博中说道:“Mark Mahoney绝对不是一个随便上媒体走秀的纹身大师,他很低调,而且绝对有天赋,是个天才!”


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