





土耳其客机在荷兰坠毁 多数乘客生还

发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2009-2-28 18:52| 查看数: 1458| 评论数: 1|

Cause Of Turkish Airlines Crash In Amsterdam Unclear


A Turkish Airlines Boeing 737 crashed on landing at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, killing at least nine of the 134 people onboard and injuring 50, according to local officials and the airline.

The accident's cause remained unclear, although the plane's impact short of its runway and survivors' comments in various media suggest something went wrong just as the jetliner was preparing to touch down.

It could be days or weeks before a clear picture emerges of what is the third significant fatal airliner crash this month.

On Feb. 7, an Embraer (ERJ) propeller plane crashed in Brazil, apparently due to engine failure, killing 24 of the 28 people on board. Five days later, a propeller plane operated by an affiliate of Continental Airlines (CAL) crashed near landing at Buffalo, NY, killing all 49 people onboard.

But the Amsterdam accident is also the fourth major crash-landing in 13 months in which all or most of the passengers escaped relatively unharmed. In addition to the remarkable ditching of a US Airways (LCC) Airbus A320 in the Hudson River on Jan. 15 after its engines ingested birds, a British Airways (BAY.LN) Boeing 777 on Jan. 17, 2008, crash-landed short of its runway at London's Heathrow Airport because of engine problems. A Ryanair (RYA.DB) Boeing 737 last Nov. 10 made a hard emergency landing at Rome's Ciampino Airport after flying through a large flock of starlings.

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1951 was landing from Istanbul when it slammed down in a muddy field short of the runway and broke into three pieces. Airport emergency services arrived quickly and 60 ambulances took the injured to 11 hospitals around the region, officials said.

Six of the injured were in very serious condition, and another 49 were either severely or lightly injured, officials from the region and the airport said. Several of the dead, including three crew members in the cockpit, remained in the crumpled plane almost 10 hours after the accident, the officials said. The officials said the death toll could rise.

Daniel Michaels


shunitang 发表于 2009-2-28 18:53:01
土耳其客机在荷兰坠毁 多数乘客生还

耳其航空公司(Turkish Airlines)的一架波音737型飞机在荷兰阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场(Schiphol Airport)降落时坠毁,机上134人中至少9人身亡,50人受伤。消息来自飞机迫降地的当地政府和航空公司。


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2月7日,巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)的一架螺旋桨飞机在巴西坠毁,机上28人中24人丧生,事故明显是发动机故障造成的。5天之后,美国大陆航空公司(Continental Airlines Inc.)一家关联公司经营的一架螺旋桨飞机,在纽约州布法罗市即将着陆的时候坠毁,机上49人全部遇难。

但阿姆斯特丹的这起坠机,也是最近13个月来第四起大部分或所有乘客相对安全逃生的重大坠机事故。除了1月15日全美航空(US Airways)的一架空中客车A320飞机因发动机受飞鸟撞击而在哈德逊河上轰动一时的迫降外,还有去年1月17日英国航空公司(British Airways PLC)的一架波音777飞机在即将降落伦敦希思罗机场(Heathrow Airport)时,因发动机故障实施迫降。去年11月10日,瑞安航空公司(Ryanair)的一架波音737飞机在罗马洽米皮诺机场(Ciampino Airport)撞上一大群欧椋鸟后紧急迫降。



Daniel Michaels
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