





总统现身脱口秀 奥巴马再创第一

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2009-3-23 10:15| 查看数: 1181| 评论数: 1|

President Obama Makes History by Appearing on 'Tonight Show'

President Barack Obama took to Jay Leno's stage and compared life in Washington to 'American Idol,' where ''everybody's got an opinion.'

'Everybody is Simon Cowell,' he said, referencing the sometimes acerbic judge on the hit Fox TV show. 'Everybody's got an opinion. But that's part of what makes for a democracy. You know, it's contentious, people are hitting back.'

But he said that he thinks the American people understand that it 'took us a while to get into this mess' and it will take a while to get out. 'They are going to give us some time,' he said. The studio audience replied with huge cheers.

The appearance on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' was itself a sign of just much the culture has changed in America, where comedy and politics often mix. While late-night TV appearances are now standard operating procedure for presidential candidates, Mr. Obama was the first sitting president to appear on a late-night comedy show, NBC said.

'I hope my old social studies teacher is watching,' Mr. Leno said, marking the moment. 'The president of the United States is here. That's pretty cool.'

For the president, it was an opportunity to pitch his priorities to an audience that may not closely follow the news, and to show his anger at the failings of Wall Street at a time when American fury peaked over bonuses paid to workers at American International Group Inc. He made a few jokes but mostly used his time to explain how the nation must move past the financial mess.

Asked whether someone should go to jail, the president said: 'Here's the dirty little secret though. Most of the stuff that got us into trouble was perfectly legal. And that is a sign of how much we gotta change our laws.'

He also took time to explain the financial mess to Mr. Leno, and in turn, to confused Americans wondering how one company can do so much damage to the economy.

The president explained how AIG transformed itself from 'a regular old insurance company' into a risk-taking enterprise caught up in mortgage-backed securities to a company whose failure threatened the entire economic system.

And, as he did in a pair of town hall meetings in the Los Angeles area this week, the president urged people to move past their anger about AIG to fix the underlying failings of Wall Street.

Mr. Leno noted that AIG executives could sue if they didn't get their promised bonuses. The president replied that this was surely part of their calculation.

'We are going to do everything we can to see if we can get these bonuses back, but I think the most important thing we can do is to make sure that we put in a bunch of financial regulatory mechanisms to prevent companies like an AIG holding the rest of us hostage.'

The president declined to give people financial advice about what to do with their own money, stepping back from a recent suggestion that now might be the time to buy stocks. But he did say that people should have 'complete confidence in the banks. Their deposits are protected.'

'They shouldn't be putting it in their mattresses,' he said.


chrislau2001 发表于 2009-3-23 10:16:18

巴马昨晚参加了雷诺(Jay Leno)主持的晚间脱口秀节目,并将自己在华盛顿的生活比作上了“美国偶像”选秀节目,“每个人都会指指点点发表评论”。

“每个人都是考威尔(Simon Cowell) ,”奥巴马说。他指的是福克斯(Fox)热门电视选秀节目中那位有时有点尖刻的评委。他说:“每个人(对你的表现)都有自己的意见。不过,这就是民主之所以为民主。你知道,到处都是争论,然后是还击。”


美国总统奥巴马于美东时间19日晚参加了由雷诺主持的《今夜脱口秀》(Tonight Show)节目。奥巴马在节目中将在华盛顿的生活比作电视节目《美国偶像》(American Idol),因为在那里“每个人都有自己的想法”。《今夜脱口秀》是一个政治和娱乐不时掺杂的节目,总统的光临本身也体现了美国文化的变迁。以下是节目片段。




对总统来说,这也是一个机会,一来对那些或许不太关注新闻的观众宣传他的工作重点,同时,也表明他对华尔街严重过失的不满──眼下,美国人对美国国际集团(American International Group)的奖金事件可谓怒气冲天。他在节目中讲了几个笑话,不过大多是为了解释美国为何必须摆脱这场金融乱局。


Associated Press









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