





A survey for going exercise at a GYM

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2009-3-30 16:43| 查看数: 2546| 评论数: 6|

My friend is planning to open a GYM in a community. I would like to do a survey for him. Please help answer the following questions:

1. What activities (swimming, yoga, running, weight lifting, cycling, etc...) you expect from the GYM? Why?

2. How much will you pay for exercise one year? Why?

3. The GYM may provide annual card choices for you. Which one you want to choose? Why?

a. 500 - 1000 RMB for one year

b. 1000-1500 RMB for one year

c. 1500 - 2000 RMB for one year

d. 2000 - 2500 RMB for one year

c. 2500 - higher

4. Will you buy time-counting cards, with wich you can go 10 times or 30 times or 100 times per year? Why?

5. What kind of GYM don't you like? Why?

6. How far from you home or office to the GYM is acceptable to you? Why?

Thanks in advance!!!


shunitang 发表于 2009-3-30 17:02:47
good topic,let's focus on our health.

1. What activities (swimming, yoga, running, weight lifting, cycling, etc...) you expect from the GYM? Why?

I like Yoga,in my eyes,Yoga is kinda relaxing,keeping our mind placid,the soft yoga music is very enjoyable and nice,you can relax yourself in it.Yoga can make guys elegant..

2. How much will you pay for exercise one year? Why?

yah,it depends.if it does good to my body and fit,I think it is not a question,but the expense can be afforded within my reach.

sorry,I will finish the survey tomorrow...gotta do sth first,only half an hour left..
leec1120 发表于 2009-3-30 17:18:00
1. what activities would be set up in a GYM all depends on how much money your friend have~~lol, just be kidding~i have never been any GYM before, but in personal idea, running, weight lifting, cycling are basic activities. in terms of swimming,you mean swim in a swimming pool or just do something to imitate what you do whenyou swin so as to fix your body? this might be a stupid question, buti really have no idea what you mean.

in a way, the more actitvities you offer, the more popular your GYM will be
shunitang 发表于 2009-3-31 17:29:57
it seems that I have the intention to take part in a GYM,but take no action.

the environment of the gym is very important,good facilities,good places.lighting,ventilation...

it would be better if the gym is around our company,it is so convenient to go there.time-saving
tezukazyunko 发表于 2009-4-1 17:44:00
buti would rather go exercise outside ,not in GYM!haha...
芥末膏 发表于 2009-4-13 10:50:29
To reply Leec's quesiton. The GYM has a swimming pool, so people can go real swimming in the pool.

As I know, more women go exercising than men. They want to lose weight, keep good shapes and make themselves more attractive.

But it's not easy keep going to GYMs every day or very often for many people. Human's nature keeps them in more comfortable environment instead of sweating so hard in a GYM. Haha...
leec1120 发表于 2009-4-13 15:05:36
jiemogao, referring to what you said, i think a swimming pool is necessary for your friend's GYM. because few people are sweating whilst swimming.lol
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