






发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-4-5 22:19| 查看数: 1671| 评论数: 8|


Listening Test Part25分)I、听句子,选出能够回答所听内容的一项。(5分)


)1.A.They like sports.

B. They eat a lot of bread.

C. They are English.


)2.A. Yes, I did.


It doesn’t matter.

C. I’m sorry about that. I’ll play softly.


)3.A. Here, this way, please.

B. Thank you all the same.

C. You are welcome.


)4.A. My book is old.

B. I like watching TV.

C. My watch doesn’t work..



B. sportsman



What are they doing?

Mrs. Smith

Mr. Smith



Doing his homework



W: Christmas is coming, Peter. What are you going to do?

M: My friend Bruce asked me to (11) ___________ with him.

W: That’s great! You’ll have a good time there.

M: Yeah. It’s good. I’d like to take something to him. But I’m not sure what to buy. (12)___________ you can help me.

W: Does your friend have any (13) __________?

M: Mm, two, I think. One is six and the other is four.

W: How about a box of Christmas sweets?

M: Good idea! I’ll go to buy it

(14)__________ work.

W: Well, I must go now, Peter. Merry


M: The same to you, Joan! Thank you very much!



) 16. What is Mike doing?


He is reading English. B. He is playing games. C. He is looking at the pictures.


) 17. What does Mike want to borrow?


A Chinese dictionary. B. An English book.

C. An English dictionary.


) 18. How old is Mike?

A. Eight.

B. Five.

C. Nine.


) 19. Can Mike use the dictionary?


dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-5 22:20:40
A. Yes, he can.         B. Yes, she can.        C. No, he can’t.

( ) 20. Who will teach him?

A. Jane.        B. Jim.         C. Tom.


( ) 21. _________is coming.

A. Spring         B. Summer holiday        C. Winter holiday

( ) 22. ________is 13 years old.

A. Helen        B. Harry        C. Nancy

( ) 23. Harry will go to Hainan with _________ other people.

A. three        B. two         C. four

( ) 24. Harry will stay in Hainan for _________.

A. two days        B. seven days        C. fifteen days

( ) 25. Nancy loves ___________.

A. Chinese         B. animals        C. English

Written Test Part(95分)


A) 请根据句子意思在每题A.B.C.D四个选项中选出与划线部分意思相近并且能替代的一项。

( )1.—Michael, could you please do me a favor?-- Sure. What is it?

A. helping me B. give me a hand C. helps me D. give me a help

( )2.—Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?--I prefer rowing.

A. like B. favoriteC. like betterD. like best

( )3. I started playing basketball at the age of seven years old.

A. after seven years old. B. when I am seven years old.

C. when I was seven D. before seven years old

( )4. I’m not sure if robots will make humans lose their jobs.

A. whether B. weatherC. what D. when

( )5.—OK, when shall we meet? -- Let’s make it half past six.

A. meet half past sixB. meet for half past six

C. meet at thirty past sixD meet at six thirty

B) 请从下列各题A..B.C.D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

( ) 6. Yao Ming will play in the basketball game between China and Japan in Shanghai. Let’s ______ him ______.

                A. cheer, withB. to cheer, on C. cheer, onD. cheer, up

( ) 7. Your friends arrived______ Chongqing yesterday evening.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-5 22:21:58
A. inB. atC. toD. /

( ) 8. Present Hu______ Canada the day after tomorrow.

                A. is leaving forB. leave for C. left forD. leaves for

( ) 9. Please do me ______ favor ______ the heavy box.

                A. /, carry B. a, to carryC. a, carry        D. /, to carry

( ) 10. Mr. Zhang is ______ to Chongqing, he will arrive soon.

                A. on the wayB. the wayC. on wayD. in the way

( ) 11. Ms Jones plans _______ her vacation in China.

A. spending B. spend C. to spend D. spent

( ) 12. I’m sorry ______ what I ______.

                A. that, say B. for, said C. that, say D. of , said

( ) 13. Do you skate______?

                A. a lot quiteB. a quite lotC. quite a lot D. quite a lot of

( ) 14. ---Would you mind______ here?---Sorry. I’ll go somewhere else.

                A. my smokingB. not smokingC. not to smokeD. me smoking

( ) 15. Ann grows______.

A.        taller and tallerB. the tallest C. tallest D. the taller and the taller

( ) 16. Michael felt very __________ this morning.

A. excited B. exciteC. excitingD. excites

( ) 17. The interesting book kept her __________ for an hour.

A. readB. readingC. to readD. reads

( ) 18. There is going to __________ a school sports meet next month.

A. haveB. has C. beD. is

( ) 19. I enjoy __________ English with my friends.

A. practice B. practicing C. to practice D. practiced

( ) 20. We will have a football game __________ Class Three this Sunday.

A. with B. andC. againstD. between

II. 选择填空,在方框内选择正确词汇或者短语,补全下列句子。(10分)

A. relax yourselfB. inventedC. Would you mindD. excitingE. repair

F. instead ofG. lostH. the day after tomorrowI. rightJ. contact

( ) 1. Try to_____ before you begin to run.

( ) 2. James Naismith was a P.E teacher . He________ basketball in 1891.

( ) 3. China gained the______ to host the 2008 Olympics.

( ) 4. —How can we______ you?--My cell phone number is 13913450026.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-5 22:22:36
( ) 5. Lighting the Olympic Torch is the most______ moment of the Olympic Games.

( ) 6. —My bike is broken.–You should ask someone to______ it.

( ) 7. Are you going to visit the sportswoman______?

( ) 8. Yesterday I went home on foot______ by car.

( ) 9. --______answering us another question?--Not at all.

( ) 10. Dave, you’re always so careless, you ______ your pen once again.

III. 交际运用。(10分)

A) 选择正确的问话或者答语。

( ) 1. --Can you give me a hand?--______

                A. OK. Thank you.B. I’d be glad to. What is it?C. I’m fine.

( ) 2. --______ Can you tell me how to get to the ball gym?-- You can take a bus.

                A. Excuse me. B May I ask a question? C. Nice to meet you!

( ) 3. --I am very sorry I’m late.--______

                A. It doesn’t matter.B. Shame on you!C. OK. Thanks for your advice.

( ) 4. --How long do you stay in the park?--______

                A. Around an hour.B. About two miles twice a month.C. Not very often.

( ) 5. --______--Yes. He swims well.

                A. Are you good at swimming?B. I swim well.C. Is he good at swimming?

B) 句子排序,完整对话。

( ) 6. A: Could you do me a favor?

( ) 7. B: Of course, let’s go quickly!

( ) 8. C: OK. Thanks for your help.

( ) 9. D: Sure. What is it?

( ) 10. E: One of my friends suddenly broke his leg justnow. Will you help me to send him to a nearest hospital at once?


Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor 1 James Naismith, who 2in 1861. When he was 3, his class was once asked 4a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters. Dr. Naismith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor, so the safety of the players was important. Knocking into players and falling down would be 5.

Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class 6two teams and taught them 7his new game. The aim of basketball is for players to get a ball into the “basket”: a net hanging from a metal hoop. Players shoot from below the basket and may use the “backboard” for guiding the ball into the basket. Players move towards one end of the court while 8 the ball to each other.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-5 22:23:15
It’s believed that on December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played. Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became an Olympic event. Since then, the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide, and 9foreign players in America’s NBA has increased. Basketball has also become a more popular sports for people to watch, and many young people dream of 10famous basketball players.

( )1. A. is namedB. namedC. was named D. naming

( )2. A. born B. boredC. was bornD. was borne

( )3. A. at college B. at a college C. on collegeD. on a college

( )4. A. inventedB. inventingC. to inventD. invention

( )5. A. dangerous B. dangerouser C. more dangerous D. most dangerous

( )6. A. in B. into C. onD. onto

( )7. A. what to play B. where to play C. why to play D. how to play

( )8. A. throw B. to throwC. throwing D. threw

( )9. A. a number of B. numbers ofC. the number ofD. the numbers of

( )10. A. becomingB. became C. becomesD. to become

V. 阅读理解。(20分)


One day a great general(将军) asks his soldiers, “What is the strongest power(力量) in the world? ” Four of his soldiers put up their hands. They want to answer the question. The general asks the first man to speak. The man is younger than the other three, and he’s not strong. He says, “My gun(枪) is the strongest. It can kill anyone.”“Thank you. Next, please.” The second man is very strong. He says, “I don’t think so. Soldiers use guns. So the soldier is the strongest.” The third man says, “Soldiers use guns, but our general gives orders. So I think our general is the strongest.” The fourth man is the oldest. He says, “Love is the strongest. For love, people don’t use guns.” The general says nothing. He takes out a medal and gives it to him.

( ) 1. ______ soldiers answer the general’s question.

.A. All the B. Many of theC. One of theD. Four of the

( ) 2. The youngest man thinks _______ is the strongest power in the world.

A. the general B. a soldierC. a gunD. love

( ) 3. The second man is _____ than the _______.

A. stronger, other threeB. older, fourth man

C. younger, third manD. taller, general

( ) 4. The fourth man _____.

A. doesn’t want to use his gun B. wants the general to give him a medal
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-5 22:23:41
C. wants all the people to loveD. wants to be a general

( ) 5. The general thinks ______ answer is the best.

A. the first man’s         B. the second man’s

C. the third man’s         D. the fourth man’s


  Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American families have one or two parents and one or two children each.

  Children in the US will leave their parents’ home when they grow up. They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often write to their parents or telephone them. And they often go to visit their parents on holiday.

  Parents usually let their children choose their own jobs. Americans think it important for young people to decide on their lives by themselves.

  Children are asked to do some work around their house. And in many families, children are paid for doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for their own use.

( ) 6.The size of most American families is ________ that of other countries.

A. larger than   B. smaller than   C. as big as  D. as small

( ) 7.When children grow up, they leave their parents’ home to _________.

A. get married   B. be free   C. find good jobs   D. study

( ) 8.They visit their parents ________.

A. on weekdays   B. on weekends   C. at any time   D. on holiday

( ) 9.Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A. Children have the freedom to choose their own job.

B. Parents don’t ask their children to do the housework.

C. Parents think it important for children to make their own decision.

D. When children grow up, they usually live far away from their home.

( )10.Some parents pay their children for doing housework because ___________.

A. children can learn how to make money for themselves

B. their children required them to do so

C. they are richD. it is required by law

VI. 按要求完成下列句子。(10分)

1、Jane is very fond of swimming.(改写为一般疑问句)

______ ______very fond of swimming?

2、I will have classes tomorrow morning.(改写为否定句 )

I ______ ______ classes tomorrow morning.

3、Liu Xiang is your favorite sportsman. (对划线部分提问
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-5 22:24:32
______ ______ your favorite sportsman?

4、You can take this seat. (对划线部分提问)

______ seat ______ you take?

5、We play table tennis twice a week..(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ do you play table tennis?

VII. 书面表达。(15分)


Kangkang:         Hi, Michael.

Michael: Hi, Kangkang! __1__are you going to do?

Kangkang:         I’m going to __2__with my classmates.

Would you like to go with us?

Michael:         It sounds great. But I __3__playing basketball. I’m not good at soccer.

Kangkang:It doesn’t matter. You often watch soccergames, and you know the rules. That’s __4__. Come on. I’ll help you.

Michael:         Well, __5__ if I can, but I’ll try.

Kangkang:         OK. Let’s go.

1、____________2、____________3、____________4、____________ 5、____________

B). 写作 (10分)

中学时期是个多梦的季节,你一定做过好多梦。 王伟做了个梦,梦见自己为北京奥运会做了一名志愿者:他努力帮助来自世界各地的外国朋友……在交谈中,王伟让外国朋友更多地了解了北京。外国朋友感谢他,并认为他的英语非常好。王伟很高兴地笑了……


参考词汇:try one’s best, find, talk with, on the way

Wang Wei had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve in the Beijing Olympic Game ________________________________________________________________


He smiled and smiled happily, then he woke up.
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-5 22:26:25
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-5 22:27:26
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