






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-3-6 19:17| 查看数: 1137| 评论数: 3|

  Those who enjoyed an idyllic childhood could find that life has a nasty trick in store because, it seems, they are more likely to divorce.   那些享受过幸福童年的人们或许在将来会发现,儿时的快乐在不经意间却埋下了日后导致婚姻破裂的祸根。


  Researchers found that men and women with a stable upbringing could have more confidence and so be more ready to leave a failing relationship.   研究者们发现,那些成长过程一帆风顺的人群们对于个人也有更多的自信,对于一段发展不顺的感情关系也倾向于抽身离开。   For the long-term project at Cambridge University, thousands of Britons born in one week in 1946 were studied.   有一项英国剑桥大学的长期调查,研究了在1946年同一周所出生的英国人。   When they were in their teens, teachers rated them for happiness, friendliness and energy. Problems such as restlessness, disobedience and anxiety were noted.   他们在少年时期被认为是幸福、有爱并充满活力的孩子,不过也会出现按燥不安、忤逆不顺与焦躁心烦等情况。   Decades later, information about their lives was also collected and analysed. Professor Felicia Huppert, director of the university’s Well-being Institute, commented on the findings on marriage break-up.   数十载后,研究者们再度对这批人的生活信息进行了收集与分析。该项目的主要负责人指出了造成该批人群婚姻破裂的缘由。   ‘One factor might be that positive children have higher self-esteem than their peers and are more willing to leave a marriage if it is not meeting their needs,’ she said.   “其中的一个因素是这些积极的孩子通常都有更高的自尊,以至于当他们发现婚礼以无法满足他们的需求时便更加远离结束这段关系。”   Other findings were more predictable.



  For example, it was found that happy teenagers went on to be content in their work, have more hobbies and busier social lives.   例如,这些亲少年对于自身的工作更为满意,并且爱好众多,社交生活频繁。   They were also much less likely to suffer from psychiatric problems in later years, the Journal of Positive Psychology reported.   这些人在今后的生活中也很少受到来自谨慎方面问题的困扰。   The researchers concluded: ‘Even in this time of great financial hardship, policy-makers should prioritise the well-being of our children so they have the best possible start in life.’



mengruyuan 发表于 2011-4-1 20:21:10
Judyy 发表于 2011-4-3 10:43:50
it's hard to say...
Judyy 发表于 2011-4-3 10:44:05
it's hard to believe...
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