





世界最大众脸揭晓 系28岁中国男性

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-3-8 18:59| 查看数: 1317| 评论数: 1|

  Lots of people call themselves the 'average person on the street', but this guy really is. The most typical human face on earth has been revealed as a 28-year-old Han Chinese man, after researchers found there are nine million of them in the world. The ‘Face of Seven Billion’ image was created as a composite of 190,000 Chinese photos, but experts believe the average person will come from India by 2030.   有太多太多的人都说自己长着一张“大众脸”,什么叫大众脸呢?就是一张平凡得再平凡不过的脸、普通得再也不能再普通的脸,但是大众脸究竟长啥样呢?以前呢,谁也不知道,但是,当今的“好事”专家们竟然“拼凑出”了所谓的中国28岁男子的电子脸谱,也就是能代表中国28岁的男子脸部特征的“大众脸”,这可不是胡编乱造的哦,据称,这是根据世界上900万同龄男子的面部特征基础上创造出来的,绝对是“有迹可循”,十分靠谱。



  Typical face: The composite image of a 28-year-old Han Chinese male was made for National Geographic by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, which had collected the photos over the course of ten years from several national technology research programmes. Digital artist Joe Lertola of Bryan Christie Design re-created the photo for the poster using 7,000 human figures   据悉,这张中国28岁男子的标准脸谱是由中国科学院的《国家地理》杂志上刊登出来的,而且标准男子脸谱特征的收集工作耗时长达10年,收集的材料(诸多男子照片)都是经过国家科学技术研究项目机构证实过的,可以信服。布赖恩·克里斯蒂设计的数码艺术家Joe Lertola 从7000张男子面部照片中筛选,并重新拼凑、创造出来的结果。   It was developed for National Geographic’s ‘Population 7 Billion’ series on the human race, which also showed that males just about outnumber females in the world. The series also revealed how the world’s most typical person is right-handed, makes less than $12,000 per year and has a mobile phone but no bank account.   在《国家地理》杂志统计出的数据中,我们可以得知,在世界范围内,男性比女性要多得多,杂志还特别“计算”出“世界最典型的人”的形象:年薪少于1万2000美金、右撇子、有手机,但是没有银行存款。   Japan’s typical woman lives to nearly 86-years-old, but the average female in Afghanistan dies aged 45. National Geographic: The magazine's latest issue in March includes the feature on earth's most typical human face and a poster supplement The typical American uses 100 gallons of water at home per day - compared to 2.5 gallons in parts of Ethiopia, where some spend eight hours per day collecting it.



美狐朵朵 发表于 2011-6-9 16:00:15
{:soso_e113:} so interesting
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