





摄影师潜伏珠峰3年 拍摄"斗转星移"

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-3-8 19:02| 查看数: 1094| 评论数: 0|

  It looks like an Artex paint finish so beloved by suburban households in the 1970s.   这看起来很像是一副极具柒零年代风情的抽纱风格油画。   But this amazing images is actually a swirling star trail above Mount Everest in the Himalayas.   但其实这却是在喜马拉雅山珠穆朗玛峰上所拍摄到的“斗转星移”。


  Photographer Anton Jankovoy spent months camping at the foot of the world's highest peak patiently waiting for the right weather conditions.   摄影师安东·简科夫在珠峰山脚驻扎数月,只为等待最适宜拍摄的天气情况。   The 23-year-old was so determined not to leave until he had accomplished his mission that he even began meditating to overcome the freezing temperatures.   这位23岁的小伙子信心坚决,在完成拍摄任务之前绝不轻言离开,这这期间,他甚至通过打坐来抵御严寒的气候。   After three years dedicated to the project, Mr Jankovoy finally caught a series of stunning star trails.   经过了三年的简直不下,简科终于拍摄出了这组令人惊叹的星迹照片。   Landmark peaks including the Annapurna South and the Hiunchuli can be seen in the spectacular images which took hours to capture and expose.



  Mr Jankovov, from Zhytomyr in the Ukraine, said: 'I adore photography, especially landscapes because I can just sit there and observe the nature around me. It's so peaceful.   来自乌克兰的安东·简科夫说:“我很喜爱摄影,特别是风景主题的,因此我会身处大自然之中,并静静欣赏,整个过程让人心平气和。”   'But because star trail images need very long shutter speeds they take a lot of patience.   “拍摄星星移动的照片需要很长的快分时间,所以必须得有耐性。”   'I've learnt how to endure the freezing cold by meditating. It's surprising but it really helps.   “我学会了通过打坐冥想来抵御低温,令人惊讶的是,这的确有用。”   'Although I started taking photographs when I was nine years old I really learnt to cultivate my skills when taking photographs in the mountains.   “尽管我从九岁时起就开始学习摄影,但还是因为这次在山区的经历让我积累了不少经验技术。”   'All my childhood I dreamt about mountains and hoped to visit Nepal one day.   “有朝一日能亲自来尼泊尔摄影,这是我从小的梦想。”   'Then four years ago, after saving for a year-and-a-half, I made my first trip to the Himalayas.   “四年前,我用一边半所积攒下来的前来到了喜马拉雅山。”   'I visited Mount Everest and it was like a revelation to me, a different world, a different way of life, almost a different universe to what I had known in the Ukraine.   “来到珠穆朗玛峰对于我来说就是一个启示,一个完全不同的时间,另一种生活方式,甚至有别我在乌克兰时对于世界的认知。”   'It had a profound effect on me and seriously changed my life. I fell in love with Nepal, the people and the amazing scenery.   “这次旅程对我的影响深远,并改变了我的生活,我深深的爱上了尼泊尔,以及这里的人和风景。”   'When I came home I realised I couldn't go back to my old way of life and so for the last three years I've lived in Nepal for six months of the year.   “当我回返乌克兰时,我发现以及很难回归到之前的生活中了,所以在过去的三年中,有一半的时间我都是在尼泊尔所度过的。”   'It has taken a lot of dedication and patience but the result has been worth it.'



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