






发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-4-24 17:29| 查看数: 4779| 评论数: 10|


满分(100分)I. 单项选择(15分)

( )1. — Do you know inventor?

— Yes, he’s friend of mine.

A. the; a

B. an; a

C. an; the

D. the; the

( )2. — Which is better, my painting or Jim’s?

is better than .

A. Your; his

B. Yours; his

C. Yours; he

D. Your; him

( )3. The story took place the morning of December 3rd, 2001.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

( )4. After the exams, we shall have holiday.

A. two weeks

B. two-week

C. a two-week

D. a two week

( )5. —Mom, it’s so hot and I’m so thirsty.

— Go and get some in the fridge.

A. biscuits

B. chips

C. cakes

D. milk

( )6. — My radio doesn’t work well. Can you help me ?

— Sure. Let me try.

A. fix it up

B. put up it

C. put it up

D. fix up it

( )7. You bought a new computer last week, you?

A. aren’t

B. don’t

C. didn’t

D. haven’t

( )8. — I can see the words in the newspaper.

— Here are your glasses.

A. hardly

B. nearly

C. already

D. almost

( )9. It’s cold outside. Put on your coat, you will catch a cold.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or

( )10. — do you see a film?

— Twice a month.

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How often

D. How much

( )11. — pleasant weather! Shall we take a walk?

— Good idea.

A. What a

B. How

C. What

D. How a

( )12. — has your uncle the village?

— Since 1999. He lives in Shanghai now.

A. How long; been away from

B. When; been away from

C. How long; left

D. When; left

( )13. — Look! Who is the man is taking photos in the garden?

— He is my uncle.

A. that

B. where

C. whose

D. /

( )14. — Could you tell me ?

— Last Sunday.

A. if he bought the new car

B. where did he buy the new car

C. that he bought the new car


dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:34:29
D. when he bought the new car

( )15. — May I use your English-English dictionary?

— . Here you are.

A. That’s all right B. That’s right

C. No problemD. You are welcome

Ⅱ. 完形填空 (10分)

The Shenzhou Ⅶ spaceship set off on the evening of September 25th and landed safely on the afternoon of 28th. Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming, and Jing Haipeng16back from a 68-hour flight, which included a 20-minute spacewalk and17completed a space journey. “It was perfect. I’m proud of my country,” said Zhai Zhigang when he walked outside the18.

During the spacewalk, Zhai wore a homemade Feitian spacesuit and1920 minutes outside the spacecraft. He said, “Shenzhou Ⅶ is now outside the spacecraft. I feel20. I am here greeting the Chinese people and people of the21world.” After the space walk ,zhangzhigang was congratulated22Chinese President Hu Jintao from the Beijing control center. President Hu23the astronauts for their devotion and excellent behaviors through a24.

China has sent six astronauts into space since 2003,25the country’s first spaceman Yang Liwei, and the first pair Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.

( )16. A. entered B. came

C. wentD. ran

( )17. A. successfullyB. helpfully

C. clearly D. hardly

( )18. A. centerB. airplane
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:39:54
C. spacecraftD. space

( )19. A. had B. took

C. paidD. spent

( )20. A. terrible B. peaceful

C. wellD. bad

( )21. A. allB. super

C. wholeD. public

( )22. A. forB. by

C. asD. from

( )23. A. thankedB. warned

C. orderedD. asked

( )24. A. book B. word

C. paper D. phone

( )25. A. withB. except

C. withoutD. including



A New Schedule of Cathy Pacific Airways

City A –City B

CX 301 Dep. City A 20:30

Tues., Thur., Sat., Sun., Arr. City B 21:45

City B –City A

CX 300 Dep. City B 16:15

Tues., Thur., Sat., Sun., Arr. City A 18:00

City C –City B

CX 331 Dep. City C 17:45
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:40:31
Tues., Thur., Fri., Arr. City B 19:45

City B –City C

CX 330 Dep. City B 12:50

Tues., Thur., Fri. Arr. City C 15:00

Notes: Dep.=Departure 离开, Arr.=Arrival 到达


( )26. You can find the schedule .

A. at the airportB. in the classroom

C. on the trainD. in the mall

( )27. If you take the CX301 flight from City A to City B on Sunday, you may get there at .

A. 19:45B. 19:15C. 20:30D. 21:45

( )28. There are  flights from City A to City B every week.

A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six

( )29. There are  flights between City B and City C each week.

A. fourB. fiveC. sixD. three

( )30. Which flight can you take if you want to fly from City C to City B?

A. CX 331. B. CX 330.

C. CX 301. D. CX300.


Lots of kids love video games. In fact, they like them so much that they might always hear something like this from Mom: Enough! Turn off that thing and find something else to do! It can be good advice. Too much of anything is just too much. It’s true that certain video games can be good for you, but too much playing can cause health problems. It’s hard to get enough physical exercise if you’re always playing video games. And without enough
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:41:16
exercise, kids can become overweight. Really too many video games could also affect other important things, like friendships and how well a kid does in school.

But here’s the good news: it is OK to play video games no more than 1 or 2 hours a day. Of course, you should choose proper games. A good game will be the right one for you. Your mom or dad can help find out which games you can play. You might challenge your mom, dad or even your grandma to play badminton in a game. Could your grandma be a good badminton player? Time to find out!


( )31. Who is this passage written for?

A. Parents who have many kids.

B. Teachers who like playing video games.

C. Students who don’t listen to their parents.

D. Children who play too much video games.

( )32. What does the underlined sentence mean in the first paragraph?

A. Mom complains her child spends too much time on video games.

B. Mom wants her child to do more housework.

C. It’s time for the child to do his or her homework.

D. Mom wants to play badminton with her child.

( )33. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Video games can develop one’s communication skills.

B. Video games can help learn about health.

C. Playing video games too much can cause health problems.

D. Video games help you keep active.

( )34. According to the passage, playing video games a day can be OK.

A. about 3 hoursB. more than 2 hours
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:41:54
C. less than 4 hours D. less than 2 hours

( )35.According to the passage, we can get some advice EXCEPT that .

A. parents should take notice of the games the children play

B. children shouldn’t play video games at all

C. you may learn something good from the video games

D. children should take enough exercise


The following Mini Course will give you lots of ideas on how you can turn your favorite hobby into a business. Just choose the hobby that interests you from the following, and enjoy reading through the articles and information on your favorite topics. Dog ownership, training and care.

Dog ownership can be both a hobby and a lifestyle decision. There are many different types of dogs in this series of articles.

Cat ownership and care. Owning a cat can also be both a hobby and a lifestyle choice. If you want to know more things about your furry friend before you buy a cat, please read this section of the website.

Blogging. Blogging is a big business these days and it is one of the fastest growing hobbies today. But what exactly is a blog? In this series of articles, we’ll look at blogs and much they will make you interested in blogs.

Chess. Chess is a very popular hobby. You can get tips and ideas about chess after you read this series of articles,which can help you win at chess.

Fishing. As a global pastime and hobby to millions, fishing is a big business. There are many fishing techniques and much information in this series of articles. Please try. Maybe you can catch a big fish next time.

dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:42:24
( )36. The Mini Course will offer you the following except .

A. information about dogs

B. websites about cat ownership

C. articles about hobbies

D. advice about reading

( )37. The articles about dogs may tell us .

A. how to make a decision

B. where to buy a dog

C. differences between dogs

D. how to develop a hobby

( )38. Which of the following is attracting more and more people?

A. Owning a cat.

B. Blogging.

C. Playing chess.

D. Training a dog.

( )39. The underlined word “pastime” means  in Chinese.

A. 过时 B. 消失 C. 消遣 D. 运动

( )40. The similarity(相似性) of blogging and fishing is that .

A. they are big businesses

B. they are growing fast

C. neither of them is popular

D. neither of them needs equipment



Millions of young people will lose their hearing in five years if they
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:42:58
listen to MP3 players at a too high voice every day, EU scientists warn recently.

41 Do you often listen to MP3 players at a too high voice while you are riding? Are you scared?

The sizes of MP3 players are very small, but small MP3 players make it easy to take hundreds of songs

with you. 42 MP3 players are very popular among them.

But the scientists say teenagers should be far from high volume, including mobile phones’ noise. 43    They think if young people listen at more than 89 decibels(分贝) every day, they will lose their

hearing in five years. But more and more young people are facing the risk(危险) of losing hearing. A scientist said, “So many young people often use personal music players and mobile phones at a high voice. 44  ”So let’s turn our MP3 players down!

A. I am afraid that they may be unknowingly losing their hearing.

B. What do you think after knowing the information?

C. So many youngsters carry them and listen to music every day.

D. A study said, “High volume and long listening time can cause hearing damage.”

( )45. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Turn off your MP3 players

B. Turn your MP3 players down

C. Don’t listen to music any more

D. You’d better not buy MP3 players

IV. 综合填空(10分)

dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:43:31
Last Friday was my birthday. About a week b (46) my birthday my father said he would give me a s (47) gift. Since then I had been looking f (48) to my father’s gift.

On the early morning of last Friday, Father w (49) me up and after breakfast we got to the bus station. About an hour later, we a (50) at Father’s home village.

Soon we came to a house made of tiles. In front of it, there was a small playground. I was w (51) what Father was going to do. I heard some loud voices of reading. I suddenly realized that was a v (52)


The school had just one house with one classroom. Allowed by the teacher, I followed Father into the c (53). There were 21 pupils. They had little stationery (文具) and few study materials, but all the students were listening to the teacher c (54). The teacher told us the farmers there were still poor and many families couldn’t even a (55) an education for their children. However, hard as their study conditions were, all the students studied hard.

V. 补全对话(10分)


A: You look sad today. What’s the matter with you?

B: 56 

A: What’s your stress?

B: I have difficulty with my study. 57 

A: I’ve read a book called The Teenager’s Guide to the

Real World recently. 58 
dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:44:23
B: Will it be helpful to me?

A: Of course. It can help teenagers see how the world

really works and gives advice on how they can prepare themselves for the future.

B: 59 

A: Yes. That book can also help parents and teachers understand teenagers better.

B: Remember to br ing me the book tomor row.


A: OK!

A. I can’t wait to read it.

B. Is that so?

C. I feel stressed from time to time.

D. It was written by an American writer.

E. But I don’t know how to deal with my problem.

VI. 书面表达(15分)





1. 内容包括以上要点,可适当增加细节,使其通顺、连贯。

2. 80词左右。信的开头与结尾已写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Bob,

I’m very excited! Today is my first day at a school in Shanghai!   






dongluonan 发表于 2009-4-24 17:45:01

I.1-5 ABBCD6-10 ACADC 11-15 CAADC

II.16-20 BACDC21-25 CBADD

III.26-30 ADBCA31-35 DACDB36-40 DCBCA 41-45 BCDAB

IV.46. before 47. special48. forward49. woke50. arrived

51. wondering 52. village 53. classroom 54. carefully 55. afford

V.56-60 CEDBA

VI.One possible version:

Dear Bob,

I’m very excited! Today is my first day at a school in Shanghai! The teacher asked me to introduce myself in class. I told them I came from Hong Kong, and I liked to play computer games, listen to music and do sports in my spare time. Shanghai is a big city. The shopping malls are big. There are many public libraries and museums in Shanghai. Just a few minutes’ walk from where I live, there is a big park. I often go there when I am free. I miss you very much, Bob. Please write to me.

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