





Only When I Sleep

发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2009-5-4 08:53| 查看数: 1793| 评论数: 0|

Only when I sleep—The Corrs



来自爱尔兰的The Corrs可儿家族,是由大哥Jim(吉他/键盘)、大姐Sharon(小提琴)、二姐Caroline(鼓)及小妹Andrea(主唱/锡笛)所组成。 1995年可儿家族发行首张专辑Forgiven Not Forgotten,在祖国爱尔兰拥有九白金销售量并打败U2、小红莓、男孩特区合唱团名列爱尔兰销售量最佳的首张专辑;97年由Glen Ballard所制作的Talk On Corners,除了在全球15个国家获得白金及其它9个国家获得金唱片的纪录外,还创造出Dreams、So Young、What Can I Do等畅销曲,史无前例在英国专辑榜待了2年之久,更因此获得全英音乐奖“最佳国际团体”,世界音乐奖“爱尔兰最佳销售乐团”的殊荣,Q杂志更将此张专辑选为“史上最快乐的专辑”之一。


这是已故韩国女星李恩珠在生前最后一部影片《红字》中对 The Corrs 这首歌的绝唱。

而这首“ Only When I Sleep ”也因李恩珠的自杀,太多人下载曾一度导致网络瘫痪。


You're only just a dream boat

Sailing in my head

You swim my secret oceans

Of coral blue and red

Your smell is incense burning

Your touch is silken yet

It reaches through my skin

Moving from within

And clutches at my breast


But it's only when I sleep

See you in my dreams

Got me spinning round and round

Turning upside down

But I only hear you breathe

Somewhere in my sleep

Got me spinning round and round

Turning upside down

But it's only when I sleep

And when I wake from slumber

Your shadow's disappeared

Your breath is just a sea mist

Surrounding my body

I'm working through the daytime

But when it's time to rest

I'm lying in my bed

Listening to my breath

Falling from the edge

But it's only when I sleep...

(Up to the sky)

(Where angels fly)

(I'll never die)

(Hawaiian high)

It's reaching through my skin

Moving from within

And clutches at my breast

(In bed I lie)

(No need to cry)

(My sleeping cry)

(Hawaiian high)


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