





Unit 2 loving our planet (仁爱版)

发布者: dongluonan | 发布时间: 2009-5-14 21:39| 查看数: 1774| 评论数: 1|

Unit 2 loving our planet (仁爱版)

课文重难点 Topic 1.

1. Pollution causes too many problems.

a. cause 引起, 导致

A. 两国之间的误会导致了一场战争.

The misunderstanding between the two countries ___________ a war.

2. It is a beautiful place with flowers and grass.

a. 这是一个绿树成荫的美丽城市.

It is a ____________________________________a lot of trees.

b. She is a beautiful girl __________ long hair.

A. for

B. with

C. and

3. All the flowers, grass and fish have gone.

4. It smells terrible.

a. smell + adj _______________

A. The gas smells __________( terribly)

5. There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the streams.

a. there be…doing… ___________________

A. 农场上有很多工人在砍树.

There are many workers _________________________ on the farm.

B. There are some boys ___________(play) basketball on the playground.

C. There is a woman __________ clothes in front of my school.

A. sell

B. selling

C. to sell

6. It causes breathing problems and even cancer.

a. breath (n)

breathe (v)

breathing (adj)



The air _______________ causes our _____________ problem.

7. In some cities there is too much noise pollution caused by many cars.

a. noise pollution caused by…_______________

A. 这是我父亲买的电脑.

It is the computer ____________________(buy) by my father.

B. They have found the tree _________ by their grandfather.

A. planting

B. plant

C. planted

D. to plant

8. The government has done something useful to stop it.

a. something useful _______________ something important ____________

A. 我们必须做一些有用的事情来减少污染.

We should do _______________________ to reduce the ____________.

B. There isn’t _________________ in today’s newspaper.

A. anything interesting

B. nothing interesting

C. interesting anything

9. Litter influences the look of our cities.

a. the look of ….________________

A. 我们城市的面貌越来越美丽了.

The __________ of our city is becoming _______________________________.

b. influence .._________________

B. 我的父亲对我的影响很大.

I am greatly ___________________by my father.

10. it’s difficult for me to breathe.

a. It is + adj + to do sth ________________________

A. 学习英语是困难而有有趣的.

It is _____________________________________to learn English.

B. 保护环境是很重要的.

It is ____________________________________________________.

11. How long have you been like this?

12. What’s more, the factory makes too much noise and I can’t sleep well at night.

A. 我经常在早上读英语. 而且 我也经常在晚上做练习题.

I often read English in the morning. __________________, I often do exercise in the evening.

13. I am always in a bad mood because I can’t stand the environment here.

a. in a bad mood ______________.

A. 我今天的心情很不好.

I am _______________________ today.

b. stand ______________

B. 他说他不能忍受这种噪音污染.

He said that he _________________________such noise pollution.

14. Anyway, I will manage to leave this place.

a. anyway __________________

b. manage to do sth __________

A. 他们设法完成了工作.

They _____________________________the work.

B. He managed ______________( go) back home at last.

15. you’d better go and see a doctor.

a. had better do sth ___________________ had better not do sth _____________

A. I think you’d better ____________( ask ) your teacher for leave.

B. you’d better _____________ video games any more.

A. not to play

B. not play

C. don’ play

16. In today’s world, almost everyone knows that air pollution is harmful to people’s


a. be harmful to…._______________

b. do harm to …..______________

A. 空气污染对我们的健康有害.

Air pollution is ______________________our health.

= Air pollution ___________________________our health.

B. Noise pollution does great _____________ to our hearing.

A. harmful

B. harm

C. harms

17. However, not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution.

a. not all….._______________.

both, all, everything , everybody 连用表示部分否定

A. 并非所有的学生英语都学得好.

_____________________________learn English well.

B. 并非每个人都喜欢他.

_____________________________ him.

C. Both of us like swimming. ________________________________

Both of us don’t like swimming. _____________________

Neither of us likes swimming. _______________________

D. All of them do well in playing the piano. ________________________

Not all of them do well in playing the piano. ______________________

None of them do well in playing the piano. _______________________

18. People who work and live in noisy conditions may become deaf.

a. 住在飞机场附近的人听力都不好.

People ____________________________________have poor hearing.

b. 只有队英语感兴趣的人才能学好英语.

Only those people ______________________________can learn it well.

c. 想加入英语俱乐部的学生请到操场上.

The students ______________________________please come to the playground.

d. 我前天买的上衣已经穿破了.

The coat _________________________________________is worn out.

e. The advice ________ my brother gave is very good.

A. that

B. who

f. I want to help the old woman _________ lives alone in the lonely house.

19. Many of the workers who print newspapers and books become deaf.

20. quite a few people living near airports also have hearing loss.

a. quite a few ..________________

A. 我弟弟有相当多的朋友.

My brother has ___________________________________.


dongluonan 发表于 2009-5-14 21:45:55
21. Recently it was reported that many teenagers in America can hear no better than

65-year-old people do.

a. It was reported that ….______________________

A.据报道说中国已成功的发射了人造卫星 “嫦娥一号”.

It was ________________ that Chain has successfully sent up a man-made satellite called “Change I”.

22. Making a loud noise in public is also a kind of pollution.

a. Doing sth is …._____________________

A. 多种树对人类来说是很重要的.

_____________more trees is very ______________________human being.

B. ___________ ( walk) after dinner is also good for our health.

23. It not only disturb others but also does great harm to hearing.

a. not only….but also….______________________

A. 我不但喜欢英语而且也喜欢其他的学科.

I like ______________________________________________other subjects.

B. 生日那天, 父母不但给我买礼物而且还带我去爬山.

On my birthday, my parent ______________________me some presents _____________________________me to climb the mountain.

C. Not only you but also I _________ interested in the film.

A. are B. amC. becomes

24. Such pollution makes people feel uncomfortable and unpleasant.

25. nowadays many countries are trying to solve all sorts of environmental problems, including noise pollution.

a. all sorts of …___________________

A. 政府必须要解决好各种各样的污染问题.

The government must ________________________________pollution problems.

a.including ....___________________


He sent me a lot of presents _________________ a bike.

Topic 2.

1.As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem.

a.as a result ________________

A. 他没有努力学习, 结果他没能上大学.

He didn’t study hard. __________________, he couldn’t go to university.

2.The government has done something useful to protect the environment.

b. 保护环境是我们的责任.

It is our duty ________________________________.

1. As we know, none of us likes pollution.

2. We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there.

3. Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.

a.care for ….______________________


We should ______________________________people.

4. We should do everything we can to protect the environment.

一. Can you give some advice to the government?

a.advice __________________

A.My teacher gave me some ____________ on learning English.

A. adviceB. advices C. informations

5. It will be hard for us to keep the rules in the beginning.

6. Our school will become better and better day by day.

7. The wind is blowing strongly with lots of sand.

i.blow strongly ___________________ heavily ______________

A.It snowed ______________last night.

B.It rained ________________just now.

C.The wind is blowing _________________now.

二. People have cut down too many trees.

i.cut down _____________________


________________________too many trees destroys our ________________.

8. A lot of rich land has changed into desert.

i.change into…._________________________


His brother ____________________________a handsome fellow.

B.最近几年, 揭阳已经变成了一个美丽的城市.

In the last few years, Jieyang _______________________a beautiful city.

9. How can these trees affect the weather?

i.affect _________________________________


His words ________________us ________________.


The climate __________________his health.

10.Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.

i.Stop/ prevent/ keep …..from doing sth . _____________________


My father ____________________me ________________in the river.

11.They can also prevent the water from washing the earth away.

12.Cutting down trees is harmful to human being, animals and plants.

13.Although we have built the Great Green Wall, we still need to work hard to protect the environment.

i.Although ___________________

A.虽然他想学好英语, 但是他却没有努力学习.

_____________he wants to learn English well, _________he doesn’t study hard.

B.Although he is young, _____________he knows a lot.

A. butB. yetC. /

14.It caused Harbin city to cut off its water supply for five days.

i.cut off …____________________


The enemy wants to __________________our _______________.

15.The leaders paid great attention to this event.

i.pay attention to …..______________________


You should ______________________________your pronunciation.


We are supposed to pay _________________________the environment.

16.Water is very important to human beings.

i.be important to… __________________


Water is ___________________________________us.

17.It is difficult to find new land to put the rubbish in.

18.At the same time, dealing with the waste costs too much money and takes up a lot of space.

i.cost ______________ spend …..on sth _____________

spend…in doing sht _______________ pay…..for…______________

A.I spent three hundred yuan ________ the dictionary.

B.I paid three hundred yuan __________ the dictionary.

C.The dictionary _________me three hundred yuan.

D.I spent three years ___________( build) the house.

= It ________me three years ______________ the house.

19.Of all the rubbish, about 35 percent can be recycled while the rest can’t.

20.How should we deal with it?

i.how….deal with…___________________


_________are you going to ___________________the matter?

Topic 3

1.A journalist from Ren’ai English Post is interviewing her about environment protection.

a. interview sb _____________

A. 很多记者正在采访那个著名的篮球运动员.

Quite ____________reporters are ________________the famous basketball player.

2.My main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment.

a.What you have to do is ____________( clean ) the classroom.

3.I think recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money.

4.We encourage them to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.

a. encourage sb to do sth ___________________

A. 我的老师经常鼓励我们要努力学习.

My teacher often _____________us ___________________hard.

B. He often encourages his daughter __________ decisions by herself.

A. making B. make C. to make

5.It’s a pleasure. Everyone is supposed to do that.

a.please _______________ pleased __________ pleasant _________pleasure ____

b. be supposed to do sth __________________

A. 作为学生你应该努力学习.

As a student, you _________________________study hard.

B. 我们都应该遵守学校的纪律.

We ___________________________ obey the principles of our school.

6.She was busy cooking.

a. be busy doing sth ________________________

A. They are busy _____________ (clean) their classroom.

7.You ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room.

a. ought to do sth ______________

A. 你今晚应该早点睡觉.

You _________________________to bed earlier tonight.

b. turn off ..______________ turn on ..___________ turn down.._______ turn up __

B. He turned _________ the TV set and went to bed.

A. offB. downC. onD. up

8.You’d better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you are traveling a short distance.

a.instead of doing sth _________________

A. 你最好自己做作业, 不要抄你的同学的.

You had better do your homework ______________________your classmates’.

9.Easier said than done.

10.Actions speak louder than words.

11.May I have your attention, please?

12.I have something important to tell you.

13.Look up these words in a dictionary.

a.look up ….__________________

A. If you don’t know the meaning of a new word, you’d better _____in a dictionary.

A. look up itB. look it upC. look it over

14.Then understand the meanings further by reading the passage.

a. by doing sth ___________________

A. 他卖衣服赚了很多钱.

He makes a lot of money ______________________clothes.

B. He improves his English by ______________( read) a lot.

15.Wind is used for producing electricity in many places.

a. be used for doing sth ____________________

A. 邮票是用来送信的.

A. Stamps _____________________________________letters.

= Stamps are used to send letters.

B. Pens are used ____________ .

A. to writingB. for write C. for writing

16.Please be on time.

17.It is a pity that it is too expensive to use in most of China.

a. too ….to do sht . ________________________

A. 他太小不能上学.

He is ______________________________to school.

= He is so young that he can’t go to school.

B. The boy is _________ weak _________ carry the heavy box.

A. too…to…B. so…that ..C. so….to ….

18.Would you mind my opening the window?

a. mind one’s doing sth _________________

A. 你介意我坐这里吗?   Would you ________________________here?

B. Would you mind __________________to the party?

A. his come B. he comingC. his coming

19.He set his mind to learn English well.

a. set one’s mind to do sth . ________________________

A. 我决心帮助他学好英语. 

I ________________________________him learn English well.

B. She set her mind ______________( be) a good mother.

20.What do you mean by saying that?

21.I have been ill since last Monday night.

a. 他病倒多久了? 

How long has he _____________?A. fallen illB. been ill

22.I am sorry for what I have done.

23.Neither the students nor the teacher likes swimming.

a.neither …nor.. ___________________


Neither you nor he____________( come) from England.

= Both you and he don’t come from England.

Neither you nor we _____________( come) from England.

= Both you and we don’t come from England.

B. Neither of them ____________( come ) from England.

24.She never has any job except taking care of her mother.

a.except ….____________________

A.They all went to see the film except ______________.

A. Tom and meB. Tom and IC. Tom and mine

B. She is weak in her subjects except __________( do) well in English.

25.She put on a lot of weight.



1.The teacher allowed us ______________(play) basketball after class.

2.You should set your mind ______________(study) your subjects well.

3.The factory did well in ___________( save) energy.

4.The doctor advised him ____________( not go) to school.

5.As a player, I am looking forward to _________________( take) part in the 2008 Olympic Games.

6.If everyone can care for the earth, our world ______________( be) more beautiful

7.There was a child ________________(run) around the lake.

8.He went in a hurry ___________(leave) his coat.

9.While we _______________( walk) yesterday, I happened to meet my uncle.

10.I am sorry for ________________( hear) that.

11.Nowadays, not everybody knows how __________( save ) money.

12.He went quietly without _______________( say) a word.

13.Maths is difficult, but it is an _____________( importance) subject.

14.I gave ten yuan to the ________________( poorly) child.

15._________________( noisy) pollution can make people’s ears deaf.

16.I am always ______________ in the _______________ (interest) games.

17.Some animals have disappeared _________________( complete)

18.Trees can stop wind from ____________( blow) the soil away.

19.________________( pollute) on the earth is very serious.

20.His job is ______________( sell) CDs.

21.What can we do ____________(protect ) the environment?

22.Either you or he _____________( help ) the teacher with the cleaning.

23.Recycling is an excellent way not only to protect the environment but also __________(save) money.

24.Plastic bags can be ________________( recycle).

25.Rubbish _______________ ( take) up a lot of space.

26.In many __________( country), people produce power from nuclear energy

27.Be careful! It is very ______________( danger) to swim in the sea.

28.Computer will be _____________( wide) used in the future.

29.People use the ______________( move) of water to produce electricity.

30.He has some ____________ ( advantage), such as getting to school late and doing homework carelessly.

31.By ____________( change) the DNA, scientists can make many new things.

32.The radio is too ______________(noise). Please turn it down.

33.It is hard ______________( solve) the pollution problem.

34.This is the _________________( punish) for his being late.

35.The ________________(increase) population may be the greatest challengeof the world today.


1.How long have you been like this? -------I have been like this _______.

A. from yesterdayB. since yesterdayC. for yesterday

2. Has Tom ______ been to China? ---- Yes, he has.

A. oftenB. sometimesC. ever

3. Our school has done ________ to keep the students away from computer games.

A. something usefulB. useful somethingC. anything useful

4. Too _______ litter made me feel terrible.

A. manyB. much C. more

5. ________ is difficult to finish the work in two days.

A. ThisB. ThatC. It

6. The old woman _____________ for 3 days.

A has died B. has been deadC. died

7. His brother ___________ the army for two years.

A. joined B. has joinedC. has been in

8. His secretary ____________ this book for three weeks.

A. has borrowedB. has keptC. borrowed

9. Relations between the two countries ___________ better since two years ago.

A. has been B. has becomeC. became

10. He _____________ the house since ten years ago.

A. has boughtB. boughtC. has had

11. I will believe that he can run 100 meters in 15 seconds ________ I see it with my own eyes.

A. untilB. beforeC. when

12. ________ do you visit your parents? ----- once a week.

A. How longB. How often C. How many

13. My English is not good. Kangkang isn’t good at English, either. His English is ___________ mine.

A. better than B. more thanC. no better than

14. The plane _________ here for ten minutes already.

A. has arrivedB. has comeC. has been

15. Cindy and I are sisters. I like singing _______she likes dancing.

A. when B. while C. or

16. ________ everybody likes watching TV. My parents like playing table tennis.

A. NoB. Not C. None

17. It is our duty ________ our school clean and tidy.

A. to keep B. keepingC. to keeping

18. Kitty __________ The film Cold Mountain twice.

A. saw B. has seenC. will see

19. Don’t smoke any more. Smoking is harmful _____your health.

A. byB. forC. to

20. English is very important. You are supposed _________ it well.

A. to learn B. learnC. learning

21. Although it is very cold this morning, _______ he came to school very early.

A. butB. so C. /

22. Great changes __________ in my hometown in the past ten years.

A. have taken placeB. have been taken place C. took place

23. ________ of your answers are right.

A. Two thirdB. Second- thirdC. Two thirds

24. The old man managed _______ healthy.

A. keeping B. keep C. to keep

25. What do you mean ________ that?

A. to sayB. of sayingC. by saying

(3) 翻译

1. 并非所有人都喜欢古典音乐.

___________________people like classic music.

2.噪音对人的健康有害. Noise ________________________human’s health.


It was _____________ that Project Hope raised a lot of money for poor students.

4.我想阻止他追那个球, 但是他没有听到. 

I wanted to ___________him _______________catching the ball, but he didn’t hear me.

5. 上课时你应该注意听讲. 

You should ____________________________________to the teacher in class.

6. 我无法忍受等你这么长时间. 

  I can’t __________________________so long for you.

7. 众多人口导致了很多问题. 

The large population ______________ too many problems.

8. 砍伐树木对环境有害. 

_______________________trees is harmful to environment.

9. 我们如何解决污染的问题? 

 How do we ___________________________________ the pollution problem?

10. 在线聊天占据了他太多的时间. 

Chatting on line ________________________her too much time.
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