





impressions of watching"the legend of the condor heros"

发布者: cyrill | 发布时间: 2009-5-15 21:24| 查看数: 2125| 评论数: 3|

i should state that i seldom watch television dramas in fact,

but every time when i watch a drama, i would learn from some of the sensations it shows,

and i enjoy the course of watching, and after that, i'd like to write something to record the sensations i feel:-

1 it doesn't matter if you are not very wise

everyone will surely get succeed in a certain field as long as you work hard

2 you should satisfy with yourself, it's hard to define what is called success

and what is called failure. if you have tried your best, that is okey

or even you are as prosperous as yangkang,or zhang guorong, you won't be happy

3 it's important to love one person sincerely. flirting with others doesn't make sense

one person is enough if this person suits you,or you suit each other perfectly

if you can't love a person sincerely,then you won't get a true love either

no matter who he may be, a person with no love will not be happy

one of my female friends once said a very reasonable saying

"i don't know what is love in my life, i don't like the persons who love me

and the person whom i love doesn't like me, so i finally got no love"

i once thought of true love as impossible.if there are two persons that i can choose come to me

one is a person whom i like, the other is a person who likes me, i will choose the latter one

i ever thought,the person whom i liked best had disappeared,

but maybe she hasn't ever appeared at my side.it was very unhappy to pass the v-day alone

4there is always a higher mountain than this one

no matter how long it will last, no matter who are you

one hundred years later, we will become the dust, and will be buried by the time

nothing is more important than us, we are the same, the only thing that we should do is to be happy

i dream of a simple life,simple love,simple endeavor,and simple happiness

and i just want to be here, to chat with you, and make friends with you


shunitang 发表于 2009-5-19 08:58:59
a really good writing,

though I dont see the film you mentioned,I can catch sth in your impressions of it..

something you are saying is very true,tks for sharing..
cyrill 发表于 2009-5-19 18:59:07
sister, it is 射雕英雄传, 胡歌版滴

it is a very splendid version, very nice, very funny

you can take a look
shunitang 发表于 2009-5-19 21:38:40
ok,seems I saw just some episodes of it,kinda romantic..

anyway,I am kinda out of day,so the new version,I seldom catch up with the tide..
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