





Standing in for a precious movie star

发布者: tezukazyunko | 发布时间: 2009-6-5 10:37| 查看数: 1615| 评论数: 1|

AT times, people may ask others to take on their jobs in order to avoid danger, escape responsibility or have a rest.

Here, we look at words we can use to describe this kind of situation.

1. stand-in 替身演员

A stand-in is someone who performs in place of an actor/actress while lights and cameras are being adjusted, or during dangerous action.

Now that she's famous, she sometimes recalls her old days as a stand-in. (虽然现在出名了,她还是时常想起曾经做替身演员的日子。)

2. scapegoat, fall guy 替罪羊

A scapegoat refers to a person who is made to bear the blame of others.

He can smile in the face of disaster because he always finds a scapegoat. (出了这么大的事故,他之所以还能笑的出来是因为他总是能找个替罪羊。)

3. benchwarmer, bench player, backup 替补球员

These three words all refer to a reserve or substitute. The terms are widely used in sports and refer to players who replace the starters (首发队员) at various points during a game or match.

Even though he's just a benchwarmer on the basketball team, he has learned a lot. (即便在篮球队还只是一名替补队员,他已经学到了很多。)

4. faitour / imposter 冒名顶替者

These two words refer to someone who pretends to be another person in order to benefit himself.

Last month, thanks to poor security in our office, an imposter collected the salaries of three different employees. (去年,由于办公室安全方面的漏洞,一名冒名顶替者领走了三个员工的工资。)

5. ghostwriter 代笔,捉刀

A ghostwriter usually writes, say, a letter or an essay under the name of someone else.

Over the last five years, he has made big money by working as a ghostwriter. (5年来,他作为一名代笔人赚了一大笔钱。)


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