





From my point of view

发布者: tezukazyunko | 发布时间: 2009-6-7 15:30| 查看数: 1441| 评论数: 1|

Misunderstandings are common, so it's important to clearly express your point of view. If the other person won't listen to what you are saying, use these phrases to make yourself heard:

1. Look at it from my perspective: 请从我的角度想一想

Put yourself in my place / my shoes: 站在我的立场想一想,设身处地地为我想一想

Use these expressions to encourage the other person to see your case.

Andrew: I can't believe you broke up with Lisa. What were you thinking? (真不敢相信你居然和丽莎分手了。你心里怎么想的啊?)

Dave: You don't understand. Put yourself in my shoes. She was working all the time, and we were growing apart. (你不明白。你站在我的立场想一想,她总是在忙工作,我们之间越来越疏远。)

2. It's not like that: 不是那样的

It's a good sentence to clear up a rumour or misunderstanding.

John: George, I can't believe it ? you stole my car! (乔治,真不敢相信你居然偷了我的车!)

George: It's not like that. I borrowed it. I was just in too big of a hurry to tell you. (不是那样的。我是借了你的车,只不过没来得及告诉你。)

3. This is not how it looks: 事情不是表面看起来的那样

Use it to warn others not to make a hasty conclusion. What they've seen is not the truth.

Wife: You told me you had a meeting tonight. But I saw you eating dinner with a beautiful woman. (你跟我说你今晚要开会。可是我却看见你和一个漂亮女人在吃饭。)

Husband: It wasn't how it looked. She's an important client of my company. (事情不是看起来那样的。她是我公司一个重要客户。)

4. I don't have time for this: 我没时间瞎折腾了

You are misunderstood. You explain again and again but nobody listens to you. Use this sentence to express your frustration and impatience.

Manager: Sorry, I can't help you. You have to go to the Returns department. (很抱歉我无能为力。你得找商品退换部。)

Susie: But I've already been there! And I've talked to another manager. He told me to see you. Your store's service is terrible. I just don't have time for this. (但是我已经去过那儿了!我找到一个主管。他要我来找你。你们店的服务太差了。我没时间在这儿瞎折腾了。)


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