






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-3-17 14:53| 查看数: 1512| 评论数: 0|

The Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency took the stage to address the worries surrounding the white cloud that appeared at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Wednesday morning, stoking fresh concerns over a spike in radioactive levels.

The tension at the somber seven-minute news conference could have been cut with a knife -- or a ringtone.

The damage to the No. 3 reactor allowed some radioactive steam to seep out, causing an increase in radiation levels at the plant's gate. Save for the clicks of cameras and laptop-typing, the bespectacled agency official's monotone voice was the only sound in the room and over the three Japanese TV channels broadcasting the event live to the country.

Seated behind a low table and a row of microphones, the official read off the once-obscure radiation levels: They peaked at 10:45 a.m., 6,400 microsieverts, then fell at 10:54 a.m. to 2,900 microsieverts.

'We are investigating the case,' he said.

Pensive silence. Then...rrrrring! The official blushed, fumbled to turn the ring off and apologized. But if the report in the drop in radiation to what is deemed safer levels didn't ease anxious listeners, the usually unwelcome interruption in movie theaters and dinner conversations was greeted with nervous laughter.

And no, he did not pick up the phone.

出问题的福岛第一核电站周三早晨冒出白烟,导致人们对辐射水平升高产生新的担忧。日本原子力安全保安院(Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency)出面消除这些白烟引起的不安。

Kyodo News/Associated Press图片:超强地震袭击日本沉闷的新闻发布会持续了7分钟,气氛紧张的可怕,彷佛得用刀──或是手机铃声──才能割裂一般。







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