





玛丽亚凯莉肚大惊人 画蝴蝶迎龙凤胎

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-4-2 10:50| 查看数: 1192| 评论数: 0|

  Pregnant pop diva Mariah Carey has painted a butterfly on her huge bump and posted the picture on Twitter. The expecting singer, who is due to give birth to twins any day, has also daubed the words 'dem babies' on her stomach. The large drawing has one pink wing and one blue, to symbolise the girl and boy that are due in the next two weeks. Butterfly Belly: Mariah Carey posted a picture of her large baby bump on Twitter today adorned with a pink and blue butterfly


  She says the body art is also to celebrate her 41st birthday and her anniversary with husband Nick Cannon which is next month. Carey tweeted: ' My attempt @ festiveness on 327! For ATLITL thank u + I LOVE U! Comin soon #dembabies! LYMA+thanx 4 making me happy: )'. The Rock My Body star also tweeted that she had started to feel contractions on her birthday yesterday but later said it turned out to be a false alarm. Taking to twitter, the singer posted: 'So #dembabies really wanted 2 celebrate w/us/share the anniversary! False alarm: Mariah Carey was rushed to hospital last night with contractions but is now back at home The singer with husband Nick Cannon 'I started having contractions last night..went 2 the hospital. 'Finally they said I could come home after they got it under control. 'But they almost came on 3/27- happy anniversary in deed!!! We have a few more weeks 2 go but- wow!!!: ).' The eccentric singer has a long affiliation with butterflies and it is a symbol she identifies with。

  玛丽亚凯莉在微博上称,这次的“人体画”不仅仅是为了迎接自己的龙凤胎宝贝,而且还是庆祝自己的41岁生日,还有与老公Nick Cannon的结婚纪念日,可谓是三喜临门,好事自然要和大家分享。据悉,玛丽亚凯莉自己在微博上透露,在自己生日当天,胎内动静颇大,本来以为生日会迎来小宝宝们降临世界,然而去了医院后才知道时辰尚早,是虚假的信号,小宝宝们只是踢了踢肚子而已,希望在结婚纪念日当天能迎来他们的降临。

  She has lots of butterfly-inspired jewellery and even called her 1997 by the name. She said that the album marked the point where she got full creative control over her music and her life following her divorce from her first husband, music mogul Tommy Mottola. Carey has been married to actor and TV host Nick Cannon and the pair will celebrate their third wedding anniversary on April 30. They married at her private estate on Windermere Island in The Bahamas after a short time of dating. The couple met while shooting Carey's music video for her single Bye Bye on a private island off the coast of Antigua. Mariah has spoken about how she conceived the twins naturally and also opened up about how she miscarried when she became pregnant, shortly after marrying Canon

  此外,拥有“花蝴蝶”美誉的海豚音歌后玛丽亚凯莉前夫正式离婚之后,很快开始独立生活并投身于第六张录音室专辑《Butterfly》的制作过程中,这张专辑打造了她的整体音乐风格,花蝴蝶的美誉也享誉世界。然而她的婚姻生活并不如歌唱生涯那么顺利,感情生活可谓是跌宕起伏,最终与电视台主播,也就是如今的老公Nick Cannon 喜结连理,准备在4月30日的时候度过属于他们的第3个结婚纪念日。


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