





[原创] Are music and sports not important?

发布者: lazybones | 发布时间: 2005-10-29 13:26| 查看数: 7794| 评论数: 2|

<FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT color=#1111ee>(题目) Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future career.Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?</FONT> </STRONG></FONT>
<FONT color=#f73809 size=2><STRONG>Composition 1 :</STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>There is no denying the fact that Children’s perspective vocations are associated closely with their academic subjects learned from school. In fact, people’s academic achievements, to some extent, will decide their success in careers. However, the academic accomplishment is not the sole part in one’s life or the exclusive factor to one’s attainments.</STRONG></FONT>
<o:p><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></o:p>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>It is usually the case that most of us need toil and moil to earn bread and butter and feed up families. Nevertheless, we are not necessary to regard enterprise as the whole of life. We could meanwhile enjoy a rich and colorful life, of which music and sports are definitely indispensable parts. Without knowing the rules of football, could you take in the pleasure that football programs bring to you? </STRONG></FONT>
<o:p><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></o:p>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>In addition, in terms of making a living, we are endowed choices among a variety of professions. Decent as they are, musicians and sportsmen, as examples, are all admirable wakes of life which require less academic knowledge than others. On the contrary, special skills, music and sports in particular, have to be learned somewhere.</STRONG></FONT>
<o:p><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></o:p>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>Furthermore, even if you are reluctant to take these special vocations, you need a little knowledge on these aspects sometimes. A good instance in favor of the opinion is that many architects are simultaneously adept in music. Moreover, without good health, we could hardly undertake the stress from tough work in the cutthroat society.</STRONG></FONT>
<o:p><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></o:p>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>To conclude, we are likely to employ a various kinds of skills in our life, of which both academic knowledge and music and sports are crucial. Therefore, the schools might as well provide children all these subjects to select due to their own interests and intelligence. </STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Composition 2:</FONT> <br></STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>Some conclude that many subjects, music and sports in particular, are dispensable on such a promise that compulsory courses will be favorable to children’s perspective vocations. Certainly, we cannot deny that academic subjects are crucial to children’s future. Still ground on such a unilateral fact, the conclusion remains questionable when more aspects are weighed in mind.</STRONG></FONT>
<o:p><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></o:p>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>The whole issue in question lies on the assumption that it is always the case that obligatory subjects will perform a more important role, contributing more to people’s careers than other subjects. But in some cases, music or sports are superior in effect on children’s future careers. The obvious examples in favor of this point are of course musician and sportsman. As a common sense, some other relevant professions such as coaches, referees and music teachers all need more knowledge from elective subjects than from required curricula. </STRONG></FONT>
<o:p><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></o:p>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>As another point, in more fields, knowledge from academic subjects indeed is impacting on children more than that from other subjects. Even in these fields, however, music and sports are somewhat helpful, particularly some architects would like to compare their masterpieces to pieces of music which is believed to bring them inspiration.</STRONG></FONT>
<o:p><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></o:p>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>Considering the effect of knowledge and skills, we find that it is even more problematic. We work hard in the competitive society struggling for better standards of living. Parts of life as they are, entertainment and hobbies, where music and sports are usually indispensable, always gift us more pleasure and taste.<o:p></o:p></STRONG></FONT>
<o:p><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></o:p>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>From above, we conclude that academic subjects as well as other knowledge are both vital, not only to career, but also to the various aspects of life. Schools thereby should not lose sight of the importance of either of them. </STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Composition 3:</FONT> </STRONG></FONT>
<STRONG>A widely accepted awareness as it is that the success of children’s perspective professions will to most extent depend on the their educational achievements in compulsory subjects, it is still a grey area whether other courses, music and sports in particular, are not essential to them and in many cases it will rest with what careers the children tend to choose.</STRONG><o:p></o:p>
<STRONG>There is no doubt that knowledge associated with those major subjects such as mathematics and arts could contribute to people’s careers in many a field and many aspects of a field. Engineers for example would require the ability of circuit most which is certainly acquired from physics. Another instance in favor of the point of view would be that some secretaries intend to manage their companies’ data in database complain that it is too hard for them to make programs which usually connects closely with advanced mathematics. Important as they are, academic subjects are always chiefly employed to assess students’ accomplishments in schools.</STRONG><o:p></o:p>
<STRONG>However, when we emphasis the importance of obligatory curricula, let us not lose sight of the benefits music or sports bring to us. Many careers demand the employees more knowledge or skills from music and sports. Particularly the most necessary knowledge for referees in football fields is the rules of the game. Architects, as a trade related to creativity, sometimes require music to waken their inspiration. These examples show that the subjects despised by some people are to some extent parts of many vocations.</STRONG><o:p></o:p>
<STRONG>To conclude, it is so clear that both academic subjects and others are vital to people’s careers. It would be hard to judge which one is superior without considering it in specific professions. Schools, therefore, had better manage to fulfill all children’s choices in terms of their talents and interests.</STRONG><o:p></o:p>


Tzxuan 发表于 2005-10-29 16:14:33
They, are both important.
Music helps us to regather our souls.
Sports keep us healthy.
lazybones 发表于 2005-11-5 08:30:29
<FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT color=#f73809>Composition 1 :</FONT>  <FONT color=#0909f7>Mark 7</FONT></STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>There is no denying the fact that Children’s perspective vocations are associated closely with their academic subjects learned from school. In fact, people’s academic achievements, to some extent, will decide their success in careers. However, the academic accomplishment is not the sole part in one’s life or the exclusive factor to one’s attainments.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<O><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></O>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>It is usually the case that most of us need toil and moil to earn bread and butter and feed up families. Nevertheless, we are not necessary to regard enterprise as the whole of life. We could meanwhile enjoy a rich and colorful life, of which music and sports are definitely indispensable parts. Without knowing the rules of football, could you take in the pleasure that football programs bring to you? </STRONG></FONT>
<O><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></O:P>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>In addition, in terms of making a living, we are endowed <FONT color=#ee1169>(with)</FONT> choices among a variety of professions. Decent as they are, musicians and sportsmen, as examples, are all admirable wakes of life which require less academic knowledge than others. On the contrary, special skills, music and sports in particular, have to be learned somewhere.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<O:P><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></O:P>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>Furthermore, even if you are reluctant to take these special vocations, you need a little knowledge on these aspects sometimes. A good instance in favor of the opinion is that many architects are simultaneously adept in music. Moreover, without good health, we could hardly undertake the stress from tough work in the cutthroat society.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<O:P><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></O:P>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>To conclude, we are likely to employ a various kinds of skills in our life, of which both academic knowledge and music and sports are crucial. Therefore, the schools might as well provide children <FONT color=#ff0066>(with)</FONT> all these subjects to select due to their own interests and intelligence. </STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Composition 2</FONT><FONT color=#ff0099>: </FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>Mark 7.5<br></FONT></STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>Some conclude that many subjects, music and sports in particular, are dispensable on such a promise that compulsory courses will be favorable to children’s perspective vocations. Certainly, we cannot deny that academic subjects are crucial to children’s future. Still ground on such a unilateral fact, the conclusion remains questionable when more aspects are weighed in mind.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<O:P><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></O:P>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>The whole issue in question lies on the assumption that it is always the case that obligatory subjects will perform a more important role, contributing more to people’s careers than other subjects. But in some cases, music or sports are superior in effect on children’s future careers. The obvious examples in favor of this point are of course musician and sportsman. As a common sense, some other relevant professions such as coaches, referees and music teachers all need more knowledge from elective subjects than from required curricula. </STRONG></FONT>
<O:P><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></O:P>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>As another point, in more fields, knowledge from academic subjects indeed is impacting on children more than that from other subjects. Even in these fields, however, music and sports are somewhat helpful, particularly some architects would like to compare their masterpieces to pieces of music which is believed to bring them inspiration.</STRONG></FONT> <br>
<O:P><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></O:P>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>Considering the effect of knowledge and skills, we find that it is even more problematic. We work hard in the competitive society struggling for better standards of living. Parts of life as they are, entertainment and hobbies, where music and sports are usually indispensable, always gift us more pleasure and taste.<O:P></O:P></STRONG></FONT> <br>
<O:P><FONT size=2><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></O:P>
<FONT size=2><STRONG>From above, we conclude that academic subjects as well as other knowledge are both vital, not only to career, but also to the various aspects of life. Schools thereby should not lose sight of the importance of either of them. </STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Composition 3:</FONT> <FONT color=#0000ff>Mark 7.5</FONT></STRONG></FONT>
<FONT size=2><STRONG><br>
<STRONG>A widely accepted awareness as it is that the success of children’s perspective professions will to most extent depend on the their educational achievements in compulsory subjects, it is still a grey area whether other courses, music and sports in particular, are not essential to them <FONT color=#ff0066>(their further career)</FONT> and in many cases it will rest with what careers the children <FONT color=#f70968>(will)</FONT> tend to choose.</STRONG><O:P></O:P> <br>
<STRONG>There is no doubt that knowledge associated with those major subjects such as mathematics and arts could contribute to people’s careers in many a field and many aspects of a field. Engineers for example would require the ability of circuit most which is certainly acquired from physics. Another instance in favor of the point of view would be that some secretaries intend to manage their companies’ data in database complain that it is too hard for them to make programs which usually connects closely with advanced mathematics. Important as they are, academic subjects are always chiefly employed to assess students’ accomplishments in schools.</STRONG><O:P></O:P> <br>
<STRONG>However, when we emphasis <FONT color=#f70968>(emphasize)</FONT> the importance of obligatory curricula, let us not lose sight of the benefits music or sports bring to us. Many careers demand the employees more knowledge or skills from music and sports. Particularly the most necessary knowledge for referees in football fields is the rules of the game. Architects, as a trade related to creativity, sometimes require music to waken their inspiration. These examples show that the subjects despised by some people are to some extent parts of many vocations.</STRONG><O:P></O:P> <br>
<STRONG>To conclude, it is so clear that both academic subjects and others are vital to people’s careers. It would be hard to judge which one is superior without considering it in specific professions. Schools, therefore, had better manage to fulfill all children’s choices in terms of their talents and interests.</STRONG><O:P></O:P> <br>
</STRONG></FONT><FONT color=#ff0066><STRONG>Recommend: Make examinaers to feel like being at home.</STRONG></FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-5 21:22:09编辑过]

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