





【今日话题】Tomb prices rising, why not come in as soon as possible?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-4-7 23:43| 查看数: 3818| 评论数: 19|

With houses marked up, tombs have been kept rising in price in recent years. Someone makes a joke by saying:" why not come in as soon as possible?'', imitating a dead person urging people alive to meet him earlier under the ground to prevent tomb prices from being too high to afford in the future.

Do you think today's title funny ?What are your sentiments on this issue?

近年来随着房价的上涨,坟地价格也一路飙升。有人模仿死人调侃道:” 为什么不尽早进来?“ ,催促活着的人早点与其在地下相聚,以防将来因坟地价格太高而只能望”坟“兴叹。







jmdai88 发表于 2011-4-8 08:52:16
本帖最后由 jmdai88 于 2011-4-8 08:59 编辑

In this case, I don't worry, wait and see ,keep living till afall in prices !
Lana1983 发表于 2011-4-8 09:37:36
It is said most of themwho said to buy the cemetery ahead of people just waiting for prices and profit from it.It is simply mercenary.

I don't care about where to bury my dead body. Scattered the ashes into the sea is not bad either.
chloe99 发表于 2011-4-8 10:50:30
With the rising cost of funerals, land scarcity, and dense population today in China, we should consider other options for the deceased, such as: burying the dead under trees or scattering the ashes into the sea. In the meantime, the goverment should regulate funeral-related industry, curb the climbing tomb price, enjoin funeral service companies from making huge profits and ban oversized and luxious cemetries.
凯旋城 发表于 2011-4-8 10:55:56
本帖最后由 凯旋城 于 2011-4-8 19:29 编辑

回复 9# Lana1983

It is said that most of THOSE who encourage people to buy CEMETERIES ahead of OTHERS ARE just waiting for THE DAY WHEN TOMB prices INCREASE, FROM WHICH THEY WILL BENEFIT THEN. It is simply mercenary.

I don't care about where to have my dead body("remains" sounds better to me)buried. SCATTERING the ashes into the sea is not bad .(I don't think "either" is necessary to be used here)

chloe99 发表于 2011-4-8 11:22:55
回复 11# 凯旋城

Nice correction, I hope you can help to correct my mistakes, too
幻野 发表于 2011-4-8 12:17:51
I think it's so funny,but we all have no choice.
凯旋城 发表于 2011-4-8 12:39:41
回复 6# chloe99

your english is overall wonderful , but i 'm ready to help those who i think are better than me,because in my opinion,sometimes it's difficult for an english learner to find out his own mistakes no matter how good his english is. i hope we can help each other.
凯旋城 发表于 2011-4-8 13:16:51
回复 4# chloe99

IN VIEW OF the rising cost of funerals, land scarcity, and dense population today in China, we should consider other options for the deceased, such as burying the dead under trees or scattering the ashes into the sea. In the meantime, the goverment should STEP UP MANAGEMENT OF funeral-related industrieS, curb the climbing tomb priceS, enjoin funeral service companies from making huge profits and ban oversized and LUXURIOUS cemetries.
chloe99 发表于 2011-4-8 13:45:32
回复 9# 凯旋城

learning a lot from you, I really appreciate your help!
蓝叶倾城 发表于 2011-4-8 17:42:38
it's amusing title anyway,it's also sth for common people out of control.if i die someday(the later,the better{:soso_e112:})i would like to be fallen into the sea.indeed.why not?it's too crowd on the earth,isn't it?i don't want to be one of them.in fact,no matter to be in a grave or in the sea,one finally will become a part of nature,am i right???
seven70 发表于 2011-4-8 19:03:25
thanks and best regards
Lana1983 发表于 2011-4-8 20:41:14
回复 5# 凯旋城

{:soso_e106:}. That is what I want to express.Thank you .
baby0819 发表于 2011-4-8 23:04:06
306087443 发表于 2011-4-8 23:34:54
the house price is rising.and i believe it will go down one day
chenqing0610 发表于 2011-4-9 01:39:33
Maybe,someone can apply a green funeral,just as the paper said.
wqhzkfzj 发表于 2011-4-10 11:00:44
i never worry about it,sea burial sounds good,from both ecological and economical perspective,mmm.thats it
林觅知 发表于 2011-4-13 13:32:40
sorry .This topic seems alittle diffcult for me.{:soso_e136:}
海望天 发表于 2011-5-5 12:07:09
it is my first time coming here ,i fell very excited
xumeng929 发表于 2011-5-11 15:00:31
the house price is rising. and i believe it will go down one day.
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