






发布者: 阑珊心语 | 发布时间: 2009-7-31 21:09| 查看数: 1590| 评论数: 1|

In 1939, Ralph Guldahl was a giant in the game of golf. A towering figure on the links, the taciturn Texan seemingly came from nowhere to win successive US Opens in 1937 and 1938, and then the Masters in 1939. But after writing Groove Your Golf, a step-by-step guide for beginners, Guldahl never won another championship. "He went from being the being temporarily the best player in the world, to one who couldn't play at all," said fellow PGA champion Paul Runyan. The question that has haunted golfers ever since is: did too much thinking derail one of the sport's greatest talents?

"HOW can you hit and think at the same time?" the gnomic American baseball player Yogi Berra once asked. It's a question that has hung for decades over a forgotten great of golfing: a tall, shy Texan called Ralph Guldahl.

Born in Dallas in 1911 to Norwegian immigrant parents, the young Guldahl began hanging around his local golf course hoping to earn a few cents caddying. He didn't get much work and instead spent his time watching the players. Then, late in the evening, he would sneak onto the links and imitate what he had seen. When he couldn't get onto the course, he practised on empty baseball diamonds by chipping balls onto the bases. The self-taught prodigy was soon winning local tournaments, and the course of his career was set.

By 1931 Guldahl had turned pro, joining the PGA tour for some frustrating near-miss finishes, and narrowly coming second at the 1933 US Open. Guldahl's strangely relaxed manner puzzled even the sedate crowds of golf: he paused to comb his hair before every hole, and he would forestall any suspense by announcing exactly where he intended to plant the ball. He was famously unflappable. "If Guldahl gave someone a blood transfusion," his rival Sam Snead cracked, "the patient would freeze to death."

Guldahl's first years on the tour never quite panned out. After quitting for an ill-fated attempt at selling cars - by some accounts, his one successful sale was to himself - Guldahl was reduced to selling his clubs to make ends meet. Then he drifted into casual jobs as a film-set carpenter at Warner Brothers and his luck changed. Some actors recognised him and raised enough money to get him back on the tour. This time Guldahl did not disappoint.

Sporting a powerful but eccentric downstroke, Guldahl won three major championships in as many years. After witnessing his win at the Masters in 1939, golfing legend Bobby Jones described Guldahl's playing as the finest he had ever seen. Guldahl was now the top golfer in the world and, one sportswriter declared, "the new synonym for consistency in American golf".

Along with the usual product endorsements and talk of film cameos, a more unusual offer came Guldahl's way: a book contract for a guide to golfing. He took two months out from his game to write the extensive accompanying text to Groove Your Golf, an innovative "Ciné-Sports" book that used high-speed photography of Guldahl in action on each page to create flip-book "movies". After explaining the use of each club, Guldahl left readers with the admission that even experts had to think carefully about their game; that nobody "is so good he never has to consciously be aware of a number of things to keep his swing in the groove". He then put down his pen and returned to the PGA Tour. He never won another championship.

After a few losing seasons, Guldahl left the circuit. What had happened to golf's greatest star? It was the book that did it, said some, and over the years that suggestion hardened into received wisdom. "When he sat down to write that book," Guldahl's wife Laverne asserted in 1972, "that's when he lost his game."

When he sat down to write that book - that's when he lost his game

"My mother warned him against doing it," said his son Ralph junior in an interview with Golf Digest in 1999. Groove Your Golf, he claimed, had caused his father to overanalyse his own technique and to misunderstand the swings he had learned through dogged trial and error. Ever since, Guldahl's unravelling has stood as a cautionary tale. But is that really what happened?

The danger that "overthinking" may cause an otherwise talented professional to choke - a notion popularised by Malcolm Gladwell's bestseller Blink - was memorably demonstrated in 2007 when Sian Beilock of the University of Chicago put a group of golfers to the test. Beilock found that distractions, such as recalling a list of random words, affected the performance of novices, but expert golfers were not so easily thrown off - with one critical exception. The way to make an expert golfer miss a shot, Beilock found, was to ask them to explain what they were doing. "Golf is a great game to study choking because it is a complex motor skill that people spend a lot of time practising to perfection," says Beilock. "Even the simplest well-practised shots can go awry."

Once choked, recovery is slow. Last year, psychologists Kristin Flegal of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and Michael Anderson of the University of St Andrews in the UK showed that thinking aloud had a lasting effect: after explaining a successful putt, skilled golfers took twice as many putts to sink their next ball. In fact, explaining at length had the effect of temporarily wiping out all their expertise.

The problem stems from the need to describe movements that have become instinctive, in effect switching the brain from autopilot to manual. To make matters worse, the focus shifts from motor skills to language, and the need to find words to explain something normally done without thinking.

But would this effect really last for years? An examination of the historical record reveals some cracks in the traditional explanation for Guldahl's downfall. Yellowing newspaper sports columns show he hit a slump in 1941, but they also show some strong play, including winning the Milwaukee Open in 1940. Losing a major tournament, after all, is not solely attributable to poor play: it also depends on the strength of the other players. A more objective indicator of performance is in the number of strokes per game.

In a study in 1999, Patrick Larkey of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Scott Berry of Texas A&M University in College Station, examined the stroke averages of the then top 100 golf champions, and came up with a measure of how fast players' performance deteriorated after they hit their career peak. Guldahl clocks in with an unremarkable score of 1.14, which is a little higher than average, but significantly lower than other PGA champions such as Cary Middlecoff (1.88) and Dow Finsterwald (1.97).

If Guldahl's decline was neither so dramatic as popularly believed, nor so clearly attributable to Groove Your Golf, then what was it that made him bow out of his professional career in 1942? For that, one must turn to Guldahl himself. Tucked away in an interview in The New York Times in 1979 is his own response to tales of him practising shots in front of a mirror while writing, and utterly destroying his talent in the process.

"Nonsense," Guldahl said flatly. "No such thing ever happened." The reason he retired was timing. By 1942 he was tired of life on the road and wanted a more stable home life for his wife and 7-year-old son. With the wartime slowdown in tournaments, the decision to quit was easy. His game soon grew rusty, and he didn't miss it enough to go back to training. "I never did have a tremendous desire to win," he confessed.

Instead, he settled into life as the pro at a plush country club in Tarzana, California, where he happily coached others on their swing, including eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes. Meanwhile, the curse of the Groove entered into legend. Guldahl's fate had little to do with overthinking his game, and much to do with the untutored Dallas boy who once loved to play abandoned courses and baseball diamonds alone. Far more than fame, what Ralph Guldahl wanted was a nice, quiet game of golf.


阑珊心语 发表于 2009-7-31 21:09:32
1939年,Ralph Guldahl是当时高尔夫球界的巨人。作为高尔夫球场上的杰出人物,这个寡言少语的德州人似乎是从天而降,连续摘取了1937年和1938年的美国公开赛以及1939年的美国大师赛的桂冠。但在他写完《尽情享受高尔夫》——一本为初学者编写的、循序渐进指导球技的书籍——之后,Guldahl再也没能赢得一场比赛。美国职业高尔夫球协会(PGA)成员、冠军保罗·鲁尼恩(Paul Runyan)说:“他以世界上昙花一现的最佳球手之身份横空出世,最后却成了一个几乎完全不会玩高尔夫的人。”自那时起,这个问题就困扰着许多的高尔夫球手:该项运动的这位不世之才渐行渐远,是因为他“想的太多”么?

“你怎么能在击球的同时思考呢?” 一语中的的美国棒球选手Yogi Berra曾提出了这样一个问题。这个问题,已经在一位被遗忘的伟大高尔夫手——一位高个子、害羞的、名为Ralph Guldahl的德州人——头上盘旋了几十年。


到1931年,Guldahl已经成为了职业选手,加入了PGA的巡回赛,取得过一些令人沮丧的、离成功只有一步之遥的成绩,在1933年美国公开赛中也只勉强位居第二。Guldahl奇特的、放松的球风甚至令素来沉着的高尔夫圈内人都大惑不解:他在每一洞之前都会有个停顿、梳理一下头发,而且他不留一点悬念:他总是提前宣布他打算把球送到哪儿。他的冷静闻达于世。他的对手萨姆·斯尼德(Sam Snead)开玩笑说:“如果Guldahl给哪个病号输点血,这个人都会冻死的。”


动作古怪地挥出了有力一杆后,Guldahl赢取了三大重要赛事,而且好几年都赢得了大满贯。在目睹他赢得1939年的美国大师赛之后,高尔夫界的传奇人物鲍比·琼斯(Bobby Jones)称,Guldahl是他所见过的最高水平的球手。一个体育记者宣称,Guldahl现在是世界顶级的高尔夫选手,是“美国高尔夫运动的稳定性的新代名词” 。

随之而来的除了平常的产品广告、电影客串的洽谈外,一个不寻常的合约出现在Guldahl的面前,其内容是关于写一本指导学习高尔夫的书。他从赛期中抽出了两个月时间,为《尽情享受高尔夫》一书写了大量的附注,一本具有创新性的“运动电影”书——Guldahl动作的高速摄影图片连续出现在每一页,快速翻书,就如同播放一部“电影” 。 解释了每一根球杆的作用之后,Guldahl让读者相信,即使专业人士也必须对这项运动进行仔细的思考; “足够优秀,以至于从来都不必斟酌清楚一系列事情,就能让自己在挥杆时处于最佳状态”的人,是不存在的。然后,他放下了笔,重返巡回赛的赛场。他再也没能赢得一次冠军。

几个赛季都未能夺冠,Guldahl离开了赛场。高尔夫球界最伟大的明星出什么问题了?一些人说,这个结果是由那本书导致的,而多年来这一说法已根深蒂固,普遍地为大众所接受。“当他坐下来写这本书,” 1972年,Guldahl的妻子拉弗(Laverne)称,“他就输掉了他的比赛。”



“想得太多”可能会导致其他专业人士栽跟头——马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)的畅销书《闪烁》普及了这一观点——在2007年,芝加哥大学的Sian Beilock测验一组高尔夫球选手时,这种风险的展现是令人印象深刻的。Beilock发现,例如回想一组随机单词,分心会影响新手的表现,但专业选手并没有那么容易掉链子——仅有一种例外情况。Beilock发现,想让专业高尔夫球手出现失误,办法就是要求他们解释他们正在做的事情。“高尔夫这项运动无疑是极好的研究对象,因为它需要复杂的运动技能,人们需要花费大量的时间来练习并完善动作,” Beilock说,“即使最简单的、经过长时间训练的击球动作都可能出错。”

一旦跌倒,恢复缓慢。去年,安阿伯(Ann Arbor)密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的心理学家克莉丝汀(Kristin Flegal)和英国圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews)的迈克尔·安德森的研究表明,“边说边做”会产生持续的影响:在解释了一个成功的推球入洞后,下一个球的入洞,这些熟练的球手们花了两倍的推杆。 事实上,解释最终造成了这样的影响:所有的专业知识都暂时被抛诸脑后了。


但是这种影响真的将持续多年么?在重新检阅历史资料时,对Guldahl之陨落的传统解释被发现存在一些漏洞。泛黄的报纸体育专栏显示,他在1941年节节败退,但是他也有过一些发挥不错的时刻,包括在1940年赢得了密尔沃基公开赛(Milwaukee Open)。毕竟,输掉一个重要的比赛并非仅仅由于自身表现不佳:它还取决于竞争对手的实力。一个更客观的成绩指标是每场比赛中的击球数。

宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)匹兹堡市(Pittsburgh)卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的帕特里克(Patrick Larkey),以及大学城内德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A&M University)的斯科特·贝瑞(Scott Berry),在1999年的研究中,调查了当时世界排名前100位的高尔夫球赛冠军的平均击球数,并想出了一个衡量球员在登上职业巅峰后成绩下降速度的方法。Guldahl的速度为1.14,这仅略高于平均水平,但大大低其他美职业高尔夫球冠军选手,如Cary Middlecoff(1.88)和Dow Finsterwald(1.97)。


“胡说八道” ,Guldahl矢口否认,“没有这种事。” 他退休是因为时间到了。到1942年时,他已经对四处奔波的生活感到疲倦,希望和妻子以及7岁的儿子享受更稳定的家庭生活。随着战争期间比赛脚步放缓,做出退出的决定就很容易了。他技术很快就退步了,而他也没有因为想念比赛而再受训。他承认:“对于胜利,我从来没有过极度的渴望。”

相反,他安于在加利福尼亚州塔扎纳(Tarzana)的一个豪华乡村俱乐部做一个专家教练,教别人玩球,包括性情古怪的亿万富翁霍华德·休斯(Howard Hughes)。与此同时,《尽情享受高尔夫》的诅咒成了他传奇故事的一部分。Guldahl的命运与“想得太多”并无甚关系,而是与一个无师自通的达拉斯男孩爱在废弃的高尔夫球场和棒球场里独自玩耍有着莫大联系。Ralph Guldahl想要的,远不是功成名就,而是美好、安静的高尔夫比赛。
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