





时尚:给阳光买保险 度假遇雨不再愁

发布者: 阑珊心语 | 发布时间: 2009-7-31 22:15| 查看数: 1204| 评论数: 1|

Sun-seekers whose holidays are spoiled by bad weather could be reimbursed after French travel agencies launched

insurance cover for unwanted interruptions to the sunshine.

The insurance policy, launched by holiday groups Pierre et Vacances and FranceLoc, will allow holiday-makers to

claim back part of the cost of their trip if they suffer at least four days of rain in any one week.

"Aon France allows Pierre & Vacances to propose its clients with automatic reimbursement for part of their stay

... if weather conditions don't meet expectations," the holiday group said in a statement.

Aon France will use satellite photos obtained by the French weather bureau to calculate how much money

subscribers should receive.

Rain-spoilt holidays can now be worth up to 400 euros ($556) and holiday-makers would be informed by telephone

text message or email if they are liable for compensation. They would receive a check a few days after

returning home.

The man behind the idea, Herv Kayser, told French daily Le Figaro that in a trial run last year, 10 percent of

those interested in the insurance policy witnessed sufficient rain to receive money back on their holiday.


阑珊心语 发表于 2009-7-31 22:16:25

这项保险是由假期集团Pierre et Vacances(皮埃尔假期集团)和FranceLoc(弗兰赛洛克集团)联合推出,如果度假者在一周里遭遇四天以上的雨水天气,那么他们可以要求退回部分旅费。

“如果天气状况不如预期,Aon France(法国怡安保险)允许Pierre & Vacances向客户自动退还部分旅费。” 假期集团在一份声明中如是说。(Aon是法国一家保险公司,2007年经济收益排名第1的全球保险经纪公司。)

Aon France将会使用从法国气象局传来的卫星图片来计算旅客可以收到多少退额。

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