





花心不分性别 职场女强人更易出轨

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-4-29 11:13| 查看数: 1060| 评论数: 0|

One of the oldest accepted notions is that men are more likely to stray than women. But scientists now believe that it is a person's power, rather than gender, that plays the greatest role in infidelity. A team of researchers conducted an anonymous Internet survey of 1,561 adults - the bonus of an online study being that respondents are far more likely to answer truthfully. They found that there is a higher risk of unfaithfulness in people of positions of power, no matter the sex.   虽然传统的观念认为男人相对女人来说更容易变心,但是科学家经过研究发现,“变心”“出轨”是不分性别的,是存在于“权利”的基础上“跨性别”存在的,研究发现:在事业上或者生活上的强人、能力比另一半稍强的人更容易变心和出轨。有研究团队根据网上针对1561名成年人的在线调查发现这一结论,他们认为网调的“可信度”更高(因为在网上的匿名调查,人们可能会相对更愿意透露自己的真实情况),网调指出:对于在职场中职位、地位更高的人来说,他们出轨、变心的机率会更高。而这一切,与性别无关。


  Lead researcher Joris Lammers said: 'There has been a lot of research in the past that indicates that gender is the strongest predictor of infidelity, but none of these studies have been done on powerful women.' The survey was geared toward professionals. The respondents varied greatly in levels of power - 58 per cent had a non-management function; 22 per cent had a management function; 14 per cent were in middle-management and 6 per cent were in a top management position.   首席研究员Joris Lammers说:“虽然一直以来,有很多数据显示“性别”在出轨机率上占据很大的位置,都认为男人更容易变心,然而没有一项研究关于‘女强人’在感情问题上的‘变心指数’。我们的这项研究中的调查对象囊括职场各形各色的人群,当然也包括职场中的成功人士,不分性别。在接受调查的人中,58%的人没有管理经验、22%的人有一定的管理经验、14%的人属于职场管理中层管理人员,而有6%的人有高层管理经验。”   The study revealed two key discoveries to why powerful people cheat. First, there is a strong association between power and confidence, and the amount of confidence a person has is the strongest link between power and unfaithfulness. Second, the researchers found that among powerful people, gender made no difference in past digressions or the participants’ desires to cheat. And, the study said, we as a society do not hear about more women cheating because there simply aren’t as many women in positions of power as their male counterparts.



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