





【今日话题】Osama bin Laden dies, what do you think about it?

发布者: 凯旋城 | 发布时间: 2011-5-4 20:58| 查看数: 4217| 评论数: 12|

本帖最后由 凯旋城 于 2011-5-6 08:34 编辑

The world's most-wanted man Osama bin Laden who masterminded(策划) the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks(九一一事件) ten years ago was killed by an American assault team(突击队) in his Bakistani compound(带有围墙的居住区) early Monday local time .

While people in most parts of the world are hailing(欢呼) the good news, we hear different voices. Supporters of bin Laden vowed(发誓) that they 'd revenge(报复) the death of their holy leader.In a chinese web site, someone jokingly said we had lost a world-class master of terrorism(恐怖主义) who had played an important role in the battle with Yankee Imperialism.(美帝国主义)and that we had also lost a counterweight(平衡物) to our biggest rival(对手)----the United States.

Have you any comments to make on bin Laten's death?






海望天 发表于 2011-5-5 12:19:01
i think it must be a good news for the white house
runnerh 发表于 2011-5-5 12:56:38
yes,we lost an important person in the battle with Yankee Imperialism.and we had also lost a counterweight to our biggest rival.this event will have a significant impact on world history.
lizn346 发表于 2011-5-5 13:02:09
Also the good news forAmerican people.
chloe99 发表于 2011-5-5 14:36:24
The good part of the death of Bin Laden is that an evil person is wiped off the world and the families of victims have found their justice for the disastrous terrorist attack of 9/11. The bad part of the matter is that there could be more Taliban terrorists waiting to take over his position to launch more attacks to seek vengeance, since the most wanted terrorist was killed by the US military. The world seems more dangerous for people to travel around.
jmdai88 发表于 2011-5-5 15:47:28
本帖最后由 jmdai88 于 2011-5-5 15:54 编辑

It's hard for me, a common people,to say ,the death of Laden is good news or bad news , because I really don't know him, don't know his idea , his dream, and even the real fact of 9/11. We can only get news from papers ,TV or radios, but they often fail to tell us the FACT. What I can sure is that his death is good news for the families of victims of 9/11, and is good news to USA.
Lana1983 发表于 2011-5-5 21:01:45
I don't know .
crystal@2011 发表于 2011-5-6 10:55:33
凯旋城 发表于 2011-5-6 14:07:57
本帖最后由 凯旋城 于 2011-5-6 14:15 编辑

in no case are we supposed to regard a person like bin laden as a hero, who sets civilians as his attack target in the name of "jihad", as what he did in the 11/9 terro attacks a decade ago.

nor should we manifest our indifference to terrorism just because what they have killed are americans, not chinese. not being selected as a major attack target by bin laden should not become the reason why we turn a blind eye to the menace of terrorism emanating from al-Qaeda group。

in one word, bin laden , the notorious militant stained with the blood of civilians, deserves more than death.
fighterlihao 发表于 2011-5-7 10:06:58
I totally agree with凯旋城.His views and opinions are completely deep-going.
huowa222 发表于 2011-5-7 21:38:29
its a shame to US that a soly super powerful nation vs a handsome,weak man over 55ys.

US persues hegamonisam, actually, US intend to occupy pakistan and interfere its inter affairs with the excuse of countering terrorism. US bully anyone who wouldn't like to suck his ass.

honestly, laden is a damn cool man.
huowa222 发表于 2011-5-7 21:39:12
its a shame to US that a soly super powerful nation vs a handsome,weak man over 55ys.

US persues hegamonisam, actually, US intend to occupy pakistan and interfere its inter affairs with the excuse of countering terrorism. US bully anyone who wouldn't like to suck his ass.

honestly, laden is a damn cool man.
凯旋城 发表于 2011-5-8 14:50:31
回复 20# huowa222

China who used to blame America for launching the Iraqi War in an effort to profit from its vast oil reserve, becomes the biggest beneficiary of the war several years after it was over.

Now questions trust themselves into people's consciousness: is it true that the U.S.A. launched the war just for oil? Is it true that America combats terrorism in Pakistan and Afghanistan just to occupy the territories?

When discussing a complex issue, we may as well pay close attetion to its positive side , rather than its possible negtive side only, as those so called experts have done on CCTV, who are gradually losing people's trust in them.
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